Jazz melody searching for song

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  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey FAWMers,

    I wrote a catchy melody but I'm completely stuck. I figured out it's a lydian b7 scale, but I have absolutely NO idea about jazz theory, harmonisation and how to create a song around this. Everything I try sounds weird! This theme seems to works well with a shuffle beat, so I can imagine it being part of a quick jazz, bebop, big band, jazz blues or boogie.

    *files removed*

    Feel free to use my files and ideas, but please credit me (inside FAWM as mention - Outside FAWM with real name and backlink), post your song here and send me a link to your ideas. We should talk if you want to release the song on a label or streaming service. I'm eager to listen.

    Bookmarking this thread may be a good idea, if you wanna join later. Maybe a vocalist or bassist likes your idea?!

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    Can I piggyback on this? I'm looking for a jazz pianist myself. Just want to run something past you.

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    Jazz pianist here willing to give it a try.

  • @jwhanberry  Feb 2022

    I believe Lydian b7 is the 4th mode of the Melodic minor.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @downburst Thank you, I've mailed the draft to you.

    I'll write into this topic and contact you if we're stuck or need another person to drop in :) I'm psyched to listen!

  • @sherrylynnlee Feb 2022

    I topline jazz a lot, would be happy to help.

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    @nadine No, I'm not a jazz pianist! I'm looking for one, just like you.

  • @deadhead  Feb 2022

    I play and write a fair amount of jazz as well. Mostly piano / standard piano trio, but sometimes add guitar and work with other instruments as well. More than happy to help out!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @downburst Will you try with another instrument or should I give the draft to the next one?

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    I am no jazzer! I’m barely a musician. Let Someone better take a look.

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    @nadine Maybe it can be a challenge - share it with many people and see what they make of it? I don't want to be your only hope of being something, but I'll happily give it a try if others more competent are giving your idea a chance of a good home.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @fourzeroes That's a great idea, thanks! I haven't thought about that before. Lemme check where I can temporarily upload my file.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @downburst, @nancyrost, @jwhanberry, @sherrylynnlee, @deadhead, @fourzeroes
    I've uploaded my draft of the jazzy hookline into the initial post of the thread. Please check!

  • @deadhead  Feb 2022

    @nadine Here's what I got so far. Probably will tweak a couple of things, but will give it a whirl when I get back home in a couple of days. A lot of influence from Charlie Parker (eg, Yardbird Suite, Au Privave).


    I'm interested in seeing what everyone else comes up with!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @deadhead Cool, thanks! I'm from pop music I never used a 7b5 chord, I'm super curious how this sounds! No hurries :-)

  • @dock  Feb 2022

    I've been playing jazz for a few years now, was the piano in a big band for 4 years, did some arranging. Glad to help if you like.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    @dock Just pick the sheet and try. It's open. I don't know if I drop in later, cause I have absolutely no experience in these genres. It's also fine for me if you finish a song.

  • @ohljazz  Feb 2022

    Here's another try- interesting melody to play with! https://bit.ly/3swSnEn

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    That’s much more readable. I’ve played a lot of jazz but not necessarily much cop at piano jazz or indeed harmonising. Leaving it to the experts!!

  • @deadhead  Feb 2022

    Here's a version put together from the sheet I posted above: https://fawm.org/songs/129878/

    Its neat how distinct each of the three versions are. Let's keep them coming!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Wow its so interesting to listen and see all these ideas. So many different approaches! We have to think about a title but I'm so uninspired!

    @dock Nice upbeat blues version. I'm working on it this weekend, let's see how far I come.

    @deadhead Your version has some swing and elegance. Nice!

    @ohljazz Interesting phrasing and choice of chords. What is a 7 alt chord? I've seen it for the first time.

    I'm psyched to listen to your ideas. Sketches, full songs, I don't care. I can only work on / produce 1-2 versions, but if there are more, I think about a playlist on YouTube or Soundcloud later. What do you think?

  • @ohljazz  Feb 2022

    Thanks @nadine! 7 alt chord is at least #9 + b13, can include a b9 as well. For this arrangement B7#9 would work as well and is probably more accurate from a music theory perspective.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Update on @deadhead version of the song. I added some instruments and mixed it. Final song is online here:

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Did anybody continue on their drafts? I'm curious to listen :)

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