Posting song titles long before the song?

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  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Suggestion: don't post a song title until you actually have something to post, else it'll never get seen/heard as it should. "Something to post" can be anything, as long as its something: lyrics or some sort of recording, or a visual (eg a photo of the lyrics or sheet music!).

    Especially at the beginning of FAWM, songs move off the front page VERY rapidly. Songs marked ZONG are also on the Zonglist, which is often looked at, but as soon as one comment is made (like, "where's the song?", it reverts to who knows how many pages down on the main list.

    So when you do finally edit to add your lyrics or recording, it will be buried hundreds or thousands deep, and unlikely to be found. Whereas on the front two or three pages, people WILL find it.

    Exceptions? right at the tail end of February, where you have a multiple sorted but not written/recorded, put the title in as placeholders so you can still put the song up. Or just for your own records.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Great advice, Tim. I always wondered why people did it. As you say if you're feeling like a Zongbuster that day, it's frustrating to have to wade through basically empty spaces.

  • @kawautv Feb 2022

    Thank you!

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