Put your NAME in the filename of downloads

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  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    if you allow a download, please: put your name or FAWM handle in the filename, not just the name of the song. Five years time, I'll be listening to a download and wondering: "downloaded this because it was/is brilliant but who the hell WAS it?"

    (Yes I know a lot of you tag your songs, but tags don't show in some players, and don't leap out in directories (at least not Windows directories).

  • @jwhanberry  Feb 2022

    @timfatchen Thanks for the reminder. I used to do that then forgot about it just last year. I labelled them: <my name><song title><version>

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    BandName_SongTitle_ChallengeEtc (optional) .mp3


  • @auditasum  Feb 2022


  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I do metalfoot-collaborator-title or metalfoot-xx-title for my solo stuff. Helps me find it later, to be honest.

  • @darcistrutt  Feb 2022

    I added my name at the end and the date at the beginning. Mostly for my own organization. Good reminder though!

  • @aflinner  Feb 2022

    Once I start uploading this year, I’ll try to remember to do this. Good idea, thanks.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Yep - gotta keep that in mind!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I'll try to remember, but honestly I have enough trouble remembering to enter tags.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Good idea ! I keep a file for each of the downloads with the persons name! Yup ive got caught and not been able to play loads of songs!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    +1 Thanks for the reminder. I usually keep filenames short and use ID3 tags.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    @tuneslayer I didn't even KNOW about tags for years, and still forget...but a filename's gotta exist so if it's in the filename....

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    Also, I just save as and rename the file most of the time. When I import into some mp3 players the filename gets rewritten to the ID3 tags and that can be confusing as well, depending on what's in there.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Bump bump BUMPITTY BLOODY BUMP bump bump bump.!!!!!

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