BC pals.

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  • @rgarv100 Feb 2022

    Would love to hear from folks living in the west! I'm in Victoria :)

  • @deadhead  Feb 2022

    Hey @rgarv100. Good to hear from someone else out west. I've just moved back to the island after about a decade away. Do you have any plans for this FAWM?

  • @rgarv100 Feb 2022

    @deadhead oooh nice! just hoping to write a bunch and practicing making videos as I go! Super fun! Not sure what else you would mean by plans for it?

  • @deadhead  Feb 2022

    @rgarv100 yeah pretty much. It's always neat to see what goals other FAWMers have. I guess I find it a bit inspiring for my own work haha

  • @sunnysays  Feb 2022

    Hey lower mainlander here. Yea just love to feed off the inspiration of others working away. Hopefully listen to some of the freshest music on the planet! Happy FAWMin

  • @vaseyr Feb 2022

    Lower mainlander here too! I’d love to find some local FAWMers to make music with sometime

  • @butlertron Feb 2022

    Late to the game!

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