March Album Listening Month

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  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    As we get set to launch into the crazy, intense musical month that is FAWM, I'd like to propose early the concept of March Album Listening Month and, I hope, get people to sign on.

    Over in another thread (, we've been discussing that it can be very difficult to find time to fully participate in the listening to and commenting on other peoples' music that is half the fun of FAWM while simultaneously working on one's own 14 (or more) tracks.

    One way to try to address this conflict (and the limited number of hours in each day) is to focus on writing one's own music in February (while still listening and commenting where one can), with the understanding that you'll stick around in March (when posting is closed but listening and commenting are not) to check out all the wonderful work other people have created.

    People have suggested this before, but it seems like the March listening always peters out very quickly(and understandably so -- getting through February can be exhausting!). I'm hoping that maybe, if we start mentally integrating right now that FAWM/MALM is really a *two* month process, people will have the notion ingrained by the time March rolls around and actually stick around. (And hey, MALM does *not*have to be, and in fact should not be, the intense all-consuming project that FAWM is!)

    So I'm posting this now, to see if anyone else is willing to sign on and commit to really try to stick around and listen to and comment on tracks in March, to help make any lapses in listening and commenting in February perhaps a little more guilt-free. Anyone interested? :D

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    And this may be selfish and somewhat contrary to FAWM egalitarianism (and I apologize if I’m being a jerk), but I would even suggest up front that in March, priority should be given to listening to tracks from people who join this thread and who are themselves participating, both because that guarantees they'll be around to receive your comments and, selfishly, because the concept of reciprocal commenting does seem fair and equitable (although of course everyone is free to listen to whoever they want). Maybe such an understanding will help motivate people to stick around in March this year. Or maybe everyone is going to be burnt out after the 28 days of FAWM and the whole concept is destined to go down in flames regardless!

  • @johnstaples  Jan 2022

    Thanks @odilongreen ! I am all in for MALM! I promise to put down the pen (and banjo) in March and listen to FAWM songs every day!

  • @speed0doyle Jan 2022

    I am so down for this. Or up for it. At any rate, I am directionally in favour of it!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    I'm in! This is the first year that I can commit to this (I retired at the end of March last year).

  • @franniezest  Jan 2022

    Love this!

  • @aflinner  Jan 2022

    I’ll try harder to stick around this year. I always want to, but by the end of the month I usually haven’t been as present as I intended, I think. Maybe it’s the surety that many folks have left the party. This feels like a good remedy for that. :-)

  • @driftwood1  Jan 2022

    I'm a big fan of MALM. But we haven't even started yet and we're talking about the end. Let's slow down and enjoy the ride :)

  • @seanbrennan  Jan 2022

    I don't think that you're being a jerk or subverting anything. It's natural to want feedback on something you pour a piece of your soul into, however small or casually. I think this site always ends up somewhat reciprocal in nature anyway - folks who are feedback machines tend to hear a lot from others. Then, the feedback is contagious.

    Rock however the FAWMspirit moves you. FAWM on. :-)

  • @whispermouse  Jan 2022

    I can't guarantee I'll succeed, but I'm willing to try to commit to MALM.

    Someone remind me somewhere near the end of February.

  • @quork  Jan 2022

    I love sticking around in February - er, March - because I'm not ready to let the community and good feelings go, and because there is so much good music to listen to. There is always a "Who's still here" thread, so you can see who is still active.

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    I'm completely up for MALM! +1!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    I'm moving mid-March but will do what I can to do more than usual.

  • @bootlegger Jan 2022

    I always try to spend March giving as much feedback as I can! Always down for a good MALM.

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    I always have to taper off, can never go cold turkey, but usually by the end of the second week or into the third it’s starting to get pretty quiet. This year I’m going to try to get to everyone on my ever growing watch list. That should easily keep me around through March, so I’m in!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    I try for March, quite seriously, given the inevitable things dropping off in the last FAWM-week scramble to finish, but can't commit to the whole month. And as @sheilerk says, tumbleweeds start to appear mid March. Reciprocity becomes much more important from the second week on, which is a big reason why this thread is important.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    I am lucky to have time to listen in Feb but I will do some listening on what I've missed in march. But yes I have been in the ghost town a few times not that far into March!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    I'm definitely going to be around for it.

  • @thecarpenter Jan 2022

    I would benefit from malm. I'm usually burning the midnight oil already just to be engaged with the song writing in Feb. But I want to listen too...

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Count me in. I loved that party. This time I'll I'll the active thread to avoid commenting people who don't read it.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    I reckon first couple of weeks, then I am less likely. Bring on all the new songs both Feb and March!

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    I always try to MALM - at least for all those who commented on my songs that I didn't get around to reciprocating (which last year was a lot of people, as I went overboard and wrote 50+ songs in the month- most in response to super skirmishes ).

    I hope to rein in my enthusiasm this year and I'm sure my partner would like to see more of me than she did last year )

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    I’m always up for MALM :-)

  • @sync  Jan 2022

    I'm in - kinda always do this, but yeah, it's tumbleweeds pretty quick. Hope this helps. But cuz of burn out and needing to simmer for a bit, I used to like to listen throughout the year, after taking a month or two off. But starting last year, I think, that option went away? Can't remember how long it stays up nowadays...

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

    I’m in:)

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    I’ll be here!

  • @kawautv Jan 2022

    I try my best to listen and comment in March

  • @apolez3  Feb 2022

    Sounds pretty good...In :)

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    I will be doing this at least for the first two weeks of March. It gets disheartening though when it seems like so many people disappear a few days after Feb. Will definitely be checking out the people in this thread.

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    I didn't even know that people would still be around in March. It's only my second year on FAWM. count me in!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    So, everyone who feels like they can't listen to everyone's songs, remember that March is the month to catch up on all your listening!

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022


  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    I'm in! I have so much content to catch up on

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Great idea. Sustaining the positive vibe and impact of the generous comments that people offer is definitely worth continuing. I'm in.

  • @erikleppen Feb 2022

    My song-listening skills need more practice than my songwriting skills, so I plan to linger around in March, when I'm released from the pressure of having to write stuff, so I hope that I cna listen more "freely" then. Now to hope I succeed and don't forget...

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    I'll hang around and listen as long as other folks are here doing the same. I had a slow listening month this FAWM and would really like to make that up in March.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    I'll be here all through march, listening like a fiend, and all are welcome as well to come play #tit4tat reciprocal visiting!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    I always stay for March and listen to a ton of music! :)

  • @spikedirection  Feb 2022

    I've been a terrible commenter this month, so I have to make it up somehow!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    I'll be around!

  • @edwardsmusic Feb 2022

    Yes. I hope to reach 100 comments by March (currently I am at 52).

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    I'll be here in March, doing the listening I didn't have the energy for in February.

  • @howthenightcame Feb 2022

    this is a great idea - i've tried to "break even" by giving as many comments as i've received, but work has been a pain this month. i'd like to play catch up in march!!

  • @chipwithrow  Feb 2022

    This thread will be a good reference for who's still around, so I'll listen to you all (and continue reciprocating). And about a week or so from now, the "who's still around" threads will start.
    Also, I hope some interesting back-and-forth Forum threads will pop up and/or continue - the last week or so (and it makes sense for the last week) most of the threads seemed to be skirmishes and challenges.

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    I'm in. March is always listening month for me!
    Glad to see so many other folk committed to the cause :D

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    I shall be fully committed in March. Always love march listening and despite nearly reaching 300 comments i feel i've got so much to listen to yet so bring it on

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    I usually do some more foruming, listening, and commenting in March. How much depends on life and work.

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    I’m in (well, I’ll try).

    @dragondreams Congratulations on your retirement, Paul!

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    I'm planning to stick around and listen.

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    @downburst - many thanks, Rod. I'm loving it! :-)

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    T'was my plan to do more listening in March, so I'm in, too.

  • @williamjames Feb 2022

    Definitely in. February is very busy time with writing so one month for listens is great!

  • @odilongreen  Feb 2022

    I have one last song to finish today, and then very much intend to stick around for at least a while to do some listening and commenting. It's very useful to see who is in this thread -- I'll listen where my interests take me, but definitely focus my commenting on those I know to be present (as there's little point in leaving feedback for someone who will never see it or appreciate how insightful I am!).

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    I think it's also helpful in March for me to think about what more I want to do with the songs I wrote in February. Do I want to rewrite? Adding to the mix? Get help from some of the other talented people here? Those are helpful things for me to talk through with people after the pressure to create it off.

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    All in for MALM! Most of my listens in February are from a watchlist built over the past few years, so really looking forward to going down a few new rabbit holes and finding some fresh music (as well as catching up on watchlist songs I couldn't listen to in real time).

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    I’m in. Health issues have slowed me down this year, so I haven’t listened and commented as much as I’d have liked. Look forward to catching up!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I am so far behind in my listening I am really looking forward to March listening. I'll be here at the site daily until they shut it down.

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    I am TOTALLY in for MALM. Got my FAWM Faves 2022 folder ready for anything downloadable. It's the best music appreciation playlist you can have to listen to during the year! The output and talent in this group is phenomenal. Congrats to one and all.

  • @gindark  Feb 2022

    I usually don't get finished in Feb, so I have no time to listen until March anyway! It's less of an album and more of an EP...

  • @thomasfred Feb 2022

    As a first time FAWMer I have definitely had challenges checking out other folk’s stuff. And even when I do, it’s one or two songs and then back into the writer’s headspace. I’m in for this totally. Great idea.

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    Last year I had to return pretty quickly to my duties. I hope I'll be able to stick around longer. I don't feel as burnt out as last year, which is good. Looking forward to listening to more music!

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Great to see a good long list of people up for MALM. I'll be here again for sure. :)

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    I will be here! I plan to record demos for lyrics I've written and catch up on listening and commenting!

  • @cblack Mar 2022

    As far as pages go for the songs, I'm currently on page 167 of 427. So I've done 260 pages already. Egads!

    Aiming to go through the entire list. But I only comment if I feel moved. I don't force my comments.

    167 pages to go!

  • @tcelliott  Mar 2022

    I have a long list of folks that I owe comments to. I'll be hitting them by this weekend. I'll stick around and check out more music after that, but I'm hoping to get a bunch done in the first week when people might still be checking in regularly.

  • @mikepalmu Mar 2022

    Mike Palmu was here

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    My hat's off to you, @cblack! That's a herculean task.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Mar 2022

    Starting to catch up this morning!

  • @bethdesombre  Mar 2022

    I'm already diving in. Since my preference in (both giving and receiving) comments is always quality over quantity, I'm hoping that commenting without also being in the frantic scramble to finish writing can deepen the comments we give each other.

  • @unkept  Mar 2022

    Honestly I enjoy March more, because the pressure is off for writing the songs, and it's more about that feeling of community. I'll be a part of it for sure.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Mar 2022

    Yep, I'm supposed to finally be crashing today but am too jazzed from the mad rush to the end. I also have a deluge of comments to keep up on which get first priority and then I'm on to some of my old faves which I sadly neglected this year and zong busting too. Last I saw this am it was up near 800. And of course there's the possibility for finding some new favorites for the 2023 watchlist too!

  • @br0th3rh00d Mar 2022

    I might well be

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    I am in for MALM. Let the games begin!

  • @opossum  Mar 2022

    I wanna MALM too!

  • @tamsnumber4  Mar 2022

    I will be listening in March!

  • @liz561  Mar 2022

    I am so looking forward to this! The people of FAWM are amazing!!!

  • @musicbymichelle  Mar 2022

    A fabulous idea. Count me in. I especially like going back through to the zong songs to make sure everyone gets at least 1 comment on their song.

  • @cicpisces  Mar 2022

    I'm listening.

  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    I'm at work today and might run late, but I'll start tonight if possible or, if not, certainly tomorrow!

  • @gilhari  Mar 2022

    I had just discussed this with a fellow FAWMer. I am in for sure, in fact, was really looking forward to doing this independently, and am glad it isn'y my lone sentiment.

  • @whispermouse  Mar 2022

    I'm going to take a couple of days off to reset my mind (and prep for a gig), but I'll be back and listening at the end of the week.

  • @spicyhondog Mar 2022

    That sounds like a cool idea

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    So much to discover and to catch up.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Well, you can come to the first MALM Skirmish to start this off!

  • @splittybooms  Mar 2022

    *yawn* I'll be around and...comm...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    I am participating though I’m just taking a couple of days to finish demos and then by March the 3rd of 4th I will be entirely on board!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Like @fearlessflight2014 I'll be off the commenting for a couple of days then back on. But that's because I'm temporarily being held as slave labor in our lilypond by @frogspawn.

  • @richardmasters  Mar 2022

    Hello, I'm going to be around to listen to what people have been making!

  • @lyricslinger  Mar 2022

    I'm hoping to stay and listen/read more songs and lyrics

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Whew. February (as it sometimes does) got exhausting. I'm back and ready to catch up on my Watchlist all March! I hope I remember to make more liberal use of the "download" button for all you generous artists who make your FAWM demos available. I have a phone with actual storage space now, and this will become my summer road trip listening.

  • @infilktion Mar 2022

    Listening in March for sure! I have a watchlist to catch up with and more musicians to discover!

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Yes, the hassle is over and definitely spending this month just for listening.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Mar 2022

    Yes! I always mean to do this but fade out pretty quickly once the intensity of February is over. Knowing a bunch of other folks are sticking around to listen makes me want to do so too!

  • @jonmeta  Mar 2022

    I'll be here. Feb was tough this year (didn't even hit a century of comments) but I'm here for March.

  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    I spent the first 2 weeks of March catching up with work and recovering from burnout, but I'm back! Will be here every day as before to catch up on my watchlist and other people's songs :)

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