Any of you nerdy FAWMers going to Gen Con?

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  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    Just curious! Despite being a huge TTRPG fan I've never gone and am sort of thinking about it. They're requiring masks and proof of vaccination this year. #offtopic

  • @whispermouse  Jan 2022

    I've been, it's super fun, and very overwhelming. I'll probably be back in a couple of years.

    If you're on the east coast, PAX Unplugged is great. A bit smaller.

  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    West coast! SoCal, to be exact. Recently came back to my home state after years of living abroad and in Chicago.

  • @jinxcat Jan 2022

    @popmythology Me too! (I'd left for 8 years in both WA and MA.) After a year+ of lockdown with my mom, I decided to just stay in my homeland. Still trying to get my sh#% together, though.

    As for cons, I'll be at Gallifrey One in mid-Feb, with some fun outings both before and after. Still not sure how I'm going to make up those 12 days!

  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    @jinxcat I think we're all just trying to get our s**t together, especially these last two years, LOL. Just looked up Gallifrey One and I see it's a Doctor Who con, neato! I am embarrassed to say that despite being a big nerd I have never seen a single episode of Doctor Who! Way too many season and episodes. It's all so overwhelming that I wouldn't know where to even start!

  • @jendistad  Jan 2022

    @popmythology, I totally get that sense of overwhelm.

    If you want to start watching Doctor Who, I would recommend starting with Eccleston. He was the first Doctor of the "new era." It's not a reboot, just a continuation, but they knew when putting it together that there would be a lot of new people watching. So, the episodes don't require you to know the show's history.

    We've been to GenCon, and loved it, but won't be making the trip this year. It's a lot of fun, though! :)

  • @popmythology  Feb 2022

    @jendistad Thanks so much for the Dr Who recommendation! And here's hoping we can game together someday!!

  • @jendistad  Feb 2022

    @popmythology I would love that!

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