Need lyrics or music?

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  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    I've seen a few posts from people looking for collaborators, and did a quick search and didn't find a topic such as this. There are general tags used here at fawm - needs-music and needs-lyrics. Tag your songs with them to alert potential collaborators to your lyrics/backing track.

    If something takes your fancy, be sure to contact the person in question before you continue, in case they have other plans for it, or otherwise want to communicate first.

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    There's a topic here:
    Its quite hard to find so I bookmarked it.

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    I’m primarily a lyricist, so always looking for musical collaborations. I often can’t even start fawmng until later in the month, so I’m excited to start right out of the gate this year! Happy FAWMing!!

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    Yeah there's some songs of mine or if you want to have something I'll try. Also poems on my youtube. Or on twitter. Random things I say or snippets of poetry I put on there might be useful

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