Tuesday Start to FAWM - Boo!

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  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    The calendar is what it is, but at least for me with my work schedule (more or less M-F), it stinks that FAWM is starting on a Tuesday. Friday or Saturday is of course ideal, Thursday is OK too. But a Tuesday just doesn't seem very festive. Plus, a mid-week start means that it'll be hard to get that oh-so-important first track done right away, given my limited free time at night.

    But I guess I just have to stop whining, push through the mid-week blahs and do what needs to be done!

  • @ayehahmur  Jan 2022

    Every FAWM has its own rhythm, doesn't it? Some of them allow you to get out of the blocks quickly, others allow you to finish strong. This one will be slim pickings for some of us for the first few days, but so it goes. We'll find a way to make it work.

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    Not complaining too much as it gave me a good excuse to take a couple of days off work! But it's true that Tuesday does feel like an odd day to start. Who has ever felt creative on a Tuesday?

  • @sbs2018  Jan 2022

    Tuesday is my least favorite day for anything - lol!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    I'm taking the whole week off from work, so I'm planning to use Monday for last minute errands: planning out the challenges I want to do, charging battery packs and buying batteries, last touches on my DAW template.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    I'm retired, so every day seems like the same day to me.

  • @spikedirection  Jan 2022

    My band are coming round Tuesday night, so we'll have *something* by end of play on day 1. I actually work most weekends so this start day is kind of a result for me.

  • @gomjabbar Jan 2022

    Tuesday is the best possible day for me to start bc that's my first day off of the week .

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    I’m working, then taking my eldest to his first ever band practice in the evening, so out of action from 9am til 9pm on Tues 1st - D’oh!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    I think it's clear there is only one reasonable solution: the first two days of FAWM should be declared an official holiday in every nation on Earth, so everyone can devote a chunk of time to making music at the launch.

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    @odilongreen - Here, here!

  • @mardeycranbleson  Jan 2022

    I kind of like it I can take a day off and get some music in with no one around (too much)

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Tuesday start is nice insofar as you can SuperSkirmish the first weekend without too many people being angry ;)

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    @odilongreen but if Feb 1st was a holiday, we'd have to deal with the rest of the house being home...

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    @metalfoot that was my first thought when I saw this thread as well!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    @cblack Maybe we can invent a new category of “restricted use” holidays, where only self-sufficient adults (or older children) who agree to use the day for music-making, and to stay out of the way of other music-makers in their household, get the day off.

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    I'm taking the day off! And Wednesday is my regular day off so I'll have a nice little start

  • @kawautv Jan 2022

    As a self employed medieval minstrel in pandemic times there is no medieval fair or feast on a Tuesday, so a nice start for me.

  • @kawautv Jan 2022

    As a self employed medieval minstrel in pandemic times there is no medieval fair or feast on a Tuesday, so a nice start for me.

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    A full day at work for me tomorrow as well. So best hope is very early or later. I will be taking intermittent time off as workload allows throughout February.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    @metalfoot ahhhh the first mention of skirmish/superskirmish I’ve seen this year :)…. I’m up for it

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Like @andygetch, I too will be working a full day upon the morrow… Will have to do what I can as is possible.

    I really hate the fact that my mundane job gets in the way of my creative endeavours… oh well, c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    It is 7.00 am in Germany and I stsrt in a usually working day. My FAWM is gonna start in the evening.
    Any day is a good day to start FAWM - the important thing is, that it starts!
    Have fun, folks!

  • @b3nut  Jan 2022

    And mine won't start until 1/2...1/1 is full of the soul-sucking day gig and then a rehearsal. I'll try to sketch something when the boss isn't working...and while I'm home letting dogs out before heading to rehearsal...uff. Los geht's... ;)

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    The Boomtown Rats..wrote a song 'I don't like Mondays'...this could be the chance to write a song about why Tuesday is a crappy day to start FAWM...but
    It will a different day next year.

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