Are you human?

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  • @janeg  Jan 2022

    Please let us know your home planet and star system if you were not born on Earth and are willing to share. No pressure. If you are a native of this planet, but use human place names to identify your location, please tell us about your swamp, forest, river or other natural area.

  • @janeg  Jan 2022

    If you are a member of an endangered species, I suggest you be really vague about your location.

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    I like to think of myself as half man, half biscuit

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    @tinear One of my favourite bands...

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    I was assigned human at birth but identify as aspecies, if you must know

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    How can anyone know if they're human? I don't remember my birth. I was told I was born on this planet and that I am in fact a human. But maybe it was all lies!!!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    I was a Qorlakian from Beta Marzal V in a former life, but during this ressurection I'm just another ape-descendant Homo Sapien :D

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    I'm a cat/mouse hybrid. I'm my own worst enemy.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I tell my many and varied offspring that I am an enchanted skeleton surrounded by slime mold to appear human. My bones are hungry, and I must eat.

    However, when they balked -- yet again -- about eating giant spider legs given to them directly by the spider and not harming the spider's life -- I reminded them that spiders eat other spiders. And when the spell is broken and the slime covering my enchanted bones slips away, the bones will unfold and I'll be a spider again.

    I'm around. You can't successfully hunt humans while avoiding their nests.

  • @splittybooms  Jan 2022

    I am a cheesecake.

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    Giant eyeball. Sort of like a friendly beholder if you will. Hailing from the planet ERF.

  • @persaab Jan 2022

    What is human?

  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    or are we dancer?

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Of course not, I'm Werswerzian!

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    @dzdandcunfsd and I actually collabed a tune about this very subject during 50/90;
    "Nothing To See Here" -

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    "your body is a ghost factory that takes one lifetime to produce a ghost" ("kimmy" on twitter, long ago)

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    I mean technically we are all just skeletons piloting meat robots.

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    Another Werswerzian here.

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    We are stardust. We are golden.

  • @whispermouse  Jan 2022

    Pretty sure I'm half muppet.

  • @johnstaples  Jan 2022

    By weight, I am 99.7% human but by cell count I am 56% bacteria. So, I am a spaceship constructed from human meat & bone and piloted by bacteria.

  • @sbs2018  Jan 2022

    I was never interested in other planets until Covid hit. Then Planet Earth felt too claustrophobic! lol!

  • @jcameron Jan 2022

    "Negative. I am a meat popsicle."

  • @pifie Jan 2022

    @aeye The body I am associated with is indeed starstuff, and it is ex-excrement too. I'm a consciousness that has access to memory, imagination, senses and actions via a body. The body is human, that's for sure! Can I be human without a body?

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Werswerzia in the houuuuuuuse

    Although @pearlmanhattan gets a +1 because that's what I thought too

  • @phenola Jan 2022


  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    I'm with @mahtowin and @pearlmanhattan ! We are golden singers and dancers. And drummers and strummers too!

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon <3 :-))

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    @pifie what is being human but a "state". As a floating eyeball I exhibit human emotions without the form. So it would seem that we can all be "human" but also not be human.

  • @cheslain  Jan 2022

    I'm mostly made of Soylent Green.

  • @slusk Jan 2022

    @mahtowin You bring back old memories.

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    Yes, thats what I wannted :-)
    Its a reminder bout where we come from and where we go to in the end.

  • @kable Jan 2022

    @splittybooms lol, that reference sent me back.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    @burrsettles this is the weirdest captcha I've ever used. Can we go back to the traffic light thing?

  • @bithprod  Jan 2022

    Dancer, definitely dancer. Don't want to be associated with humans.

  • @vivalarayna Jan 2022

    I am a powerful immortal sent to this mortal realm to endure an earthly trial, after which I will ascend to High Goddess status and my powers will increase exponentially. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I will not be taking any questions.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    I am actually an algorithm.

  • @tuneslayer  Jan 2022

    Meep zort?

  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    @bithprod yes.

  • @psyt Jan 2022

    I am delicious, according to the evidence.

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    Void beast who's never been to the Void... Long story.

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    I was told I was an accident. I'm not sure what species that is.

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    I'm a ghost.

  • @standup  Jan 2022

    The internet says I’m not a robot. So there.

  • @jamkar Jan 2022

    I was born under a wandering star.

  • @bachelorb  Jan 2022

    I am with @stephenwordsmith ..... I long for the days of this..... :-)
    <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='0-D36-D360-0786-4576-8959-944594-F2661-D'/></a>

  • @monty  Jan 2022

    I am a figment.

  • @dock  Jan 2022

    I think I'm a related species that split off eons ago, before the current devolution.

  • @toms  Jan 2022

    Brain in a vat, here. The cause of sooo many bad discussions in philosophy class, and I'm not a bit ashamed. :)

  • @driftwood1  Jan 2022

    Negative, I am a meat popsicle

  • @davidbreslin101  Feb 2022

    My history varies as I slipstream between parallel universes. Currently I was grown in a secret military clone tank, but I distinctly remember being a quantum space brain, a meat puppet of the Elder Gods, an inaccurate computer simulation of myself, and like some kind of superintelligent lemur.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    I've yet to be tested with the Gom Jabbar, so I can't really say.

  • @christmascard  Feb 2022

    I’m 73% indecision,
    14% procrastination,
    9% confidence,
    3% magic,
    and 0.5% precise

  • @sirius Feb 2022


  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    This time around

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    I am in @montys imagination

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    Research has shown that typically 2-3% of human DNA is either Neanderthal or Denisovan. Personally I thought Denisovan was the name of a chippy in west Cork but apparently not.

    So, excluding those who are alien, maybe the question isn't 'Are you human?' but 'What human are you?'

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    I literally have children who call me Faerie Mom. Wherever I was born, I seek out the magical places now that I'm on this big blue ball. ;)

    I definitely think of FAWM as one of the Magical Places!!

  • @chickenjail Feb 2022

    we come from planet chicken

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    I’m actually a robot (who lies to captcha !!!)

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    I have cats...therefore I am staff and not hooman!

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    How have you found out...? I did my best to appear as humanoid as possible...

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