I've been doing FAWM for HOW long?!?

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  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    It just hit me that this is going to be my 10th FAWM. (Although I've only won a handful of times, and indeed on several occasions only had a couple of songs). I know many of you have been doing it for longer, but still, ten years! That's a significant percentage of my life! I just feel very old.

    Also, shouldn't I be *better* at songwriting / performing ten years in?!? :P

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Same... I think this is my 11th?? I've done FAWM most of my adult life, and I'd like to think the feedback has helped me improve a lot.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    This is gonna be number twelve for me. It certainly doesn't feel like it's been that long.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    It will be my eighth. I've grown and changed so much in that time.

  • @postcardhelicopters  Jan 2022

    @odilongreen - to me, it seems, part of the thing about getting *better* at songwriting, is that your perception of the work you do deepens and becomes more nuanced. If you're anything like me, you can listen to old songs you didn't know how to "fix" way back when and will now understand better how to solve those problems. And then getting better unlocks problems you didn't even knew existed back then.

    In other words, Congrats on your tenth FAWM! May you have many more years of success ahead of you!

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    @fuzzy !!! twelve-brother!!!

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Agreed, @postcardhelicopters.
    I've spent the past few days reviewing some of my FAWM tunes from over the years, and I can definitely say that my understanding of how to record and *make* music has definitely deepened.
    My songwriting? Not so much. My ability to make the most of what I have? Certainly.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    This is gonna be my 15th. How is that even possible.

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    I also actually agree with @postcardhelicopters! I was just kind of joking around in my initial post about "why am I not better yet;" I absolutely believe I'm a better technical producer by far than I used to be, and even a better songwriter and performer too. It's just I'm not perfect yet! (And yes, I know I never will be!)

    I am *not* joking, however, about feeling old when I realized I've been doing this for ten years!

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    This will be my 8th year. My songwriting has definitely gotten better over time - FAWM encouraged me to try things outside of my immediate comfort zone. I am grateful. <3

  • @ajna1960  Jan 2022

    Hey @odilongreen it's my 10th FAWM also !!

  • @frozenlonesome  Jan 2022

    This will be my 9th FAWM. A true highlight of the year. I have had nothing but positive interactions thanks to the awesome community.

  • @max  Jan 2022

    This will be my 17th FAWM.
    90% of my songs were born in February, right here!

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    15 years for me. I'm hoping I can address some less-than-ideal trends this year (listening back to songs from a few years ago, I definitely think I used to put more effort in on my solo efforts) while sustaining the good trends (I've gotten a lot better at collaborating). I'm sure I'll have a good time either way though, aside from the few days where I'll feel like nothing is working at all - speaking from past experience, there's always a hill to climb at some point!

  • @rayboneor  Jan 2022

    Dang...this will be my 11th FAWM. I remember that first year. I had the impression that FAWM made me into a different species, almost as if I'd learned how to fly. I haven't learned much since then--either about recording or playing music--but I still love the feeling of pulling "art" out of the void.

  • @shortdan  Jan 2022

    This is my 10th FAWM too (first one 2013). I think 7 or 8 of those were wins.

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    also turns it up to 11 (every year since 2012). I feel like I have improved and I also feel like I have a long way to go. I'll leave it up to others as to whether I actually have. More importantly, I do this because I am having fun. When it stops being fun, then I will stop.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    You know what I've learned the most here at FAWM over the last 12 years?
    To not second guess my musical instincts, partly due to all the awesome feedback I've received from all of you wonderful folks.
    The whole "record it, post it, and move on" attitude has also taught me that sometimes "good" is "good enough". When to let go. A non-FAWMing friend of mine has been working on the same one song for two years now. I keep telling him to finish it up, but he needs it to be "perfect".
    Sorry, a bit off topic here.

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    @fuzzy For FAWM, yea it's a good idea to go with good enough. But (and this is me) I feel a bit saddened that I rarely have the energy to take a good song, make it great, and then release it. Tho, I feel like writing a song is like 15% of the process. Maybe that's why it feels a bit overwhelming going the distance.

  • @regis  Jan 2022

    This is lucky number 13 for me. My first FAWM was 2008. I completely missed ‘10 and ‘11, but have gotten at least one song written every FAWM since (8 years have been “wins”).

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    I've joined in 2010. I honestly don't know if my songwriting became better. I had some music back then which are treasure, it was connected with my collaborations and I find it very heart-warming to listen back to these co-written compositions. All I know is that it is amazing to take part and to feel the creative atmosphere here. Each year it is different and each time it is special.

  • @jonmeta  Jan 2022

    Class of 2014 (number 9). Started out with the pedal to the metal but without a clue how to cross the finish line. Learned by doing and finally got a win in 2017 and every year since then. Just having fun now and making FAWM friends.

  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    Number 7 - Class of 2016 - Here's to the alumni - and the Fawmlings! Let's go!

  • @majordanby  Jan 2022

    I started in 2010 but think I may have missed a year or two, so I’ll say 11? Maybe? Doesn’t seem possible!?!

  • @mosley  Jan 2022

    My first FAWM was 2014, so this is number 9 for me! The past few years I’ve only been able to do a handful of songs, but this year I’m really gonna try to hit 14 again!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Jan 2022

    11 years since I started though I think I've only done 9 or 10 FAWMs. Seems like I've gotten a lot better at slacking- I can't even remember the last time I won. Hopefully I can turn over a new leaf. Having significantly improved my guitar playing I kinda hope I can make use of it finally. I sure as hell haven't been able to play out anywhere :(

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I was off by one in my counting. My first FAWM was also 2014, so this is number 9 for me as well. (I had originally said 8.)

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    2007. No I'm not going to count how many. That's now like calculating the rapidly decreasing life expectancy. Also proves never too late to start (almost but not quite) as I was 57 when I came in then, had been trying to write for about 6 years, despite being a pianist from, ohhhh, 1957? 1958? Memory fails me. One thing that sticks (seeing other Ancien Regime members above) are the number of people I know and know well through FAWM etc whose FAWMname immediately turns on memories, songs, discussions, but whose actual names, even after 15 years, I have to think about! So when all else goes, it'll be FAWM names last to fade!

  • @mandolinda  Jan 2022

    @timfatchen this is number 2 for me, and I started at age 69. Learning is a lifetime of experiences. Agree 100% about the FAWMers, and the friendships formed.

  • @bootlegger Jan 2022

    14 years. Wow. Way to make me feel old haha. Jk. It's flown by for sure. I don't believe I've missed any. There's been some years I didn't "win". But I don't focus on that really. Especially now. My personal goal is to get about 10 this year. Just like a really solid album and I'm good.

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    This will be my 17th FAWM--- class of 2006 rocks! :)

  • @frozenlonesome  Jan 2022

    Miscounted..2022 is my 8th not 9th FAWM.

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    Joined in (I think) 2010. Did 2 or 3 years, then dropped off. Rejoined with a new name in 2017, done every year since then. So that's 8 or 9 years, including this year. Only hit 14 twice, if memory serves.

  • @burrsettles  Jan 2022

    for me, depends on how you count...

    19th FAWM in one sense (along with @ericdistad and @fireball)

    15th FAWM if you only count ones where i posted something

    8th "win" if i manage to pull it off this year...

  • @seanbrennan  Jan 2022

    I'm surprised that my number is getting up there - somehow I always feel like a newb to the community, and I mean that as a compliment - I'm treated as a welcome guest by all!

    My first was in 2013. That means this is my 10th on the site! However, I took '18 and '20 off from writing, so this is my 8th by that metric.

  • @donna  Jan 2022

    Thirteen years for me. FAWM and the 50-90 have both played pivotal roles in my creative (i.e. lyric-writing) (and even emotional) life. Some years I hit the '14' and the '5O' (and more) mark, while in some years I didn't. But I always felt I won just by taking part. :)

  • @mishykatz  Jan 2022

    Pretty sure this is sixth year....wow

  • @davidbreslin101  Jan 2022

    Started 11 years ago, but I skipped at least 4.

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