Saying "thank you for listening"? How? Where?

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  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    The etiquette seems to be getting increasingly muddled. My usage: someone listens and comments on a song of mine, I will try to listen to one or more of theirs and comment in return, rather than issue a soundboard "thank you" message. Why? This isn't facebook, and to me, if I've listened and commented on someone's (as I do), if they then feel obliged to respond I'd rather they either return the compliment and listen and comment on one of mine, or pay it forward to someone else, rather than start a pure politeness interchange on the soundboard.

    But recently, many have taken to saying "thank you" on soundboards as well as listening and commenting. To me, it's not necessary nor needful, folks. I listen and comment on hundreds, most FAWMs, and there just isn't time for such additional niceties, listening/commenting, AND getting new music out!

    [EDIT...should have added...I comment a lot and it doesn't trouble me at all if I hear nothing more from whomever I commented on...I listen, i comment for what the comment's worth, I continue on...No vampire fruit bat or other diabolical sending will descend upon non-responders]

  • @axl  Jan 2022

    Nothing says "thank you for listening" better than listening back.

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    That's a thing that I have felt awkward about during the last FAWM. If I comment on a song, I want to say something genuine (and sometimes that is as simple as a rock hands smiley). Sometimes I can't come up with anything meaningful to say, even though I enjoyed the song. That goes doubly if I'm not in the best headspace and my focus for the day is used up.

    I certainly don't want people to listen to my music just out of politeness, and when I'm getting a lot of comments, I just can't keep up with writing thank-you notes. To me, a comment is a gift, and a gift does not require something in return.

    On the other hand, I still try and write uplifting comments and bust some zongs when I have the time and energy, but it's not a numbers game. It's about showing appreciation, because getting that feedback can totally make someone's day.

  • @sbs2018  Jan 2022

    I agree, although it took a few FAWMs before I realized it.

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    @timfatchen I completely agree with you and I appreciate that you have raised the topic for clarity. I am like you--I try to reciprocate with listening. That can get tough and I get kind of stressed out when I know that I have a ton of listening to do, but also have my own FAWM to worry about. But, it is worth it and I really enjoy checking out all of the music that comes out in such a short amount of time. Besides, I do think that the culture of passing it on is at the core of what is great about FAWM. I may or may not say "thank you" and reply to points that they made in their comment, but at the very least I try to listen and comment in return.

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    +1 @ryuu. It is about showing appreciation and that's something that didn't actualize until a few FAWMs in. Now, I treat the comments I give as a token of appreciation for them having the courage and willingness to share their creation with the community and receiving comments is definitely nice, but it's more about at least one person appreciating what I've done. This is a good topic.

  • @aflinner  Jan 2022

    Good thing to bring up at the outset, especially for those new to the party. I confess I was confused by the etiquette here when I first started here years ago, and would give my thank-yous under the comments on my own songs! That’s the worst way, I think.

    Best to do as you suggest, @timfatchen. Nowadays, if someone comments on one of my songs, I tend to listen to one of theirs, then leave a comment along the lines of this:

    “Thanks for your comments on (my song title)….(insert constructive comments on the person’s song here).”

    Best way. :-)

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    I find that listening is its own reward, and certainly don't expect anything in return: I find that listening fuels my own creative process.

    I'd rather have listens (to my songs or somebody else's) than thanks.

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    For my part, I like to leave a thank you to someone who took the time to listen, not least because it may be a while before I can reciprocate the listen. That doesn’t mean I judge those who don’t do that for me - each to their own. Whilst I appreciate what you’ve written here, I don’t think it needs to be a rule either way? If you’re inclined to leave a thank you, by all means do so, and yes, it’s always lovely to reciprocate a listen. If you’re not inclined to leave a thank you, by all means don’t. No one will think the worse of you, nor I hope the worse of me for whichever methods we choose.

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    I agree @emkaydeebee! Although reciprocated listens are wonderful, they’re not expected are they, so wouldn’t want to put someone off from writing something as polite as ‘thank you for listening’ on my wall! maybe that’s all they have time to do. I like to think the only etiquette around here is be nice to each other :)

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    I've always said thank you by returning the favour, but this can actually become a bit stressful, especially with a backlog! So sometimes it's a bit of both :) Alas, as long as you're responding in *some way* that's just basic politeness. I caveat all this to say I may have accidentally missed people along the way...!

  • @jimdgreen  Jan 2022

    +1 here as well.

  • @spazsquatch Jan 2022

    Only have last year to go by, but I was giving a listen to anyone that commented on my songs, and usually left a comment. Part of it was just the real-world-algorithm of "if they like what I did, I might like what they do" and that worked more often than it didn't. I found some great music that way.

  • @dock  Jan 2022

    I agree with @spazsquatch , I have found some great songs in styles I can relate to by listening to those who commented on my songs. I usually find myself doing what @aflinner does, thanking the for the listen and providing my own constructive comment.

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    I only really leave a soundboard message when the person's comment was so thoughtful that I want to continue the conversation. I try to comment on at least one song of those who have commented on some of mine, but sometimes it's impossible to match comment for comment. I also want to spend my FAWM time listening and commenting on music I like, not just dutifully matching comment for comment.

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