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  • @dasbinky  Jan 2022

    Hadn't seen any mention of it on the forums, but I thought I'd throw out a little plug for SoundGym.

    So much of mixing advice comes down to comments like "you really need to trust your ears", to which I generally say "what the hell does that mean, my ears suck!" SoundGym is basically gamified ear training.

    There are loads of mini-games built around identifying EQ curves, matching mixes, learning to distinguish compression attributes, understanding delay and reverb impacts, etc. They're fun, and as you play you really do start to understand things like "Oh, that boost at 700 Hz is what's making my snare sound crappy." or "Oh, THAT'S the impact of messing with the release on your compressor." You can find some of that in in articles or charts, but here, you actually start to hear it and understand it.

    Some of that you can get by playing around in the studio, but this is a fun little set of tools I can play with on my headphones when I'm bored elsewhere. And they have a great set of learning programs too. It's not everyone's thing, but I've really gotten a kick out of it. Seems like other folks in this community might too.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    On a similar note, Syntorial ( is a great app that teaches how to do sound design on a synth. It has a number of challenges where you need to reproduce a sound you're hearing, and they get progressively harder.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    I think I used SoundGym when it first launched, it was cool! Going to give it another try! (Edit: yep, just recovered my account! Will give it another go, I remember it being super fun and useful!)

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Ahhh this sounds amazing! It’s going on two decades of lay engineering and I still can’t hear some of that stuff. Gonna check it out, thanks @dasbinky !!

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Wow, this does sound great! I doubt that I will have time before Feb 1, but will definitely check both out. Thanks!

  • @seemanski  Jan 2022

    Don't forget the music theory site, same makers of soundgym, if you want to get better at theory.

  • @seemanski  Jan 2022

    Oh and this is brill too for ear training.

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Oooh. I've definitely learned a lot by playing around in the old DAW but this sounds useful

  • @stuarthu Jan 2022

    Love soundgym - I should use it more (and upgrade to the paid version!) You really feel like your ears are learning as you progress...

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