Vocal FRI (Fawmers Recovering from Illness)

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  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Anyone else sick and want to complain about it? I'm too congested to sing on key. Gonna be mad if I don't get my voice back by February 1st :'(

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    I've lost the ability to sing over the last several months, but I've adapted and I'm now doing spoken word stuff (sometimes collaborations, sometimes my own speaking).

  • @wrenarcher  Jan 2022

    I’ve never really been one to complain when sick or injured but I’m kinda hurting in my abdomen and just in general all over.

    My wife and I think it could be the mysterious fibromialga or equally mysterious long-covid coupled with a hiatal hernia or chronic appendicitis.

    I haven’t tried singing to see how it feels. I am almost a little nervous to try, worried that I might cause more pain in my abdomen.

    I don't know but this sucks. I go in for more testing on the first day of FAWM. :(

  • @plumptunes Jan 2022

    Have to be really careful with your voice in the midst of and in the wake of an illness. The combination of a cold and foolishly recording a challenging Beatles cover wiped out my voice for the entirety of FAWM 2019. It took several weeks before I had my full range back.

  • @roadreg Jan 2022

    It's not my voice, but I fell into a guitar trance over the weekend and ended up practicing a very slide-oriented riff for hours and hours on end (without warming up or taking breaks). My index finger is completely pebbled with large blisters that are gonna take at least a week to heal. But that's my own fault, so...

    Plumptunes is right - you gotta be careful with your voice till you're feeling better.

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Oh no, @wrenarcher, hope your abdominal pain is solved soon.

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    @plumptunes a cautionary tale! I'm definitely not pushing my voice right now. Probably going to put off recording vocals if I need to.

  • @wrenarcher  Jan 2022

    Thanks @auditasum I appreciate the well-wishes. I hoping it's solved soon, too.

    I consider myself VERY fortunate to be able to go to a doctor or two in an attempt to figure this out. I know what it's like not to have the resources so I know I'm lucky in that regard.

  • @jimdgreen  Jan 2022

    Well, I had an operation last Saturday, which has turned out to be a little more major then I had really been realised.

    No lifting, bending or stretching for 4 to 6 weeks. I have a travel guitar that I think by the weekend I might be able to play, but all other guitars out out, inc the bass.

    So not sure what I’ll be able to do but still hoping to get some tracks done. But be more productive at the end of the month. Anyone know of any good (free) bass vst’s?

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Hope you have a swift recovery, @jimdgreen! Maybe it's time to learn the ukulele, lol.

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    Oh yeah I'm hopping on the Complain Train. Pretty flowers, shiny balloons, and hot soup to everyone here.
    My voice has been struggling for a couple years now from chronic something or other. Supposed to be resting it in hopes it will come back but dang it I'm chatty. Good thing about forums and emails, can let my fingers do the talking.

    @wrenarcher I hope you get some answers! Not feeling well is bad enough but not knowing why is just... ugh.
    It really is a blessing to be able to see a doctor. I *get* to go to the dentist next week and I'm so lucky that I don't have to worry about cost in addition to the actual visit. I hope I'll still get cool stickers and a free toothbrush like when I was a kid.

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    My voice has not been in good shape (for my standards) since late December... low-key colds, lack of motivation, migraine and general bleh-ness. Not having my choir and concerts to practice for has not been good for my singing mojo!
    I'm slowly digging myself out of this hole and trying to make it a point to get back into better shape. The ambition of composing something for voices does help a fair bit, so I'm making it a point to do something related to singing exercises for 10 minutes every day, and if it's just breathing exercises and humming.

    @wrenarcher fingers crossed you get effective treatment soon.

  • @sbs2018  Jan 2022

    It took all 50/90 to get my voice in tune, but now I fear it's out-of-tune again since I haven't been doing much singing. I'm working on it now. Here's hoping I've got time before FAWM begins - or ends - lol!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    Use it to make some Barry White-esque vocals. If you use Tracktion Waveform free DAW, it includes elastique pitch shifting to get it even lower if you need it!!!

  • @postcardhelicopters  Jan 2022

    @jimdgreen - TAL-Elek7ro and TAL-BassLine might do in a pinch for free bass VSTs, down at the bottom of this page:


    They're 'synth' bass VSTs and not sampled/modeled acoustic. For an acoustic bass VST, you can grab the Spitfire Audio LABS version here:


    You might also want to browse the sample packs on the Pianobook website, and search under "Guitars & Bass":


    I haven't tried any of the bass sample packs from there, but Pianobook is a good resource for free sample libraries, as well. If you don't have a paid version of Kontakt, there is the alternate "Decent Sampler" that runs a lot of the Pianobook packs:


    Here's hoping you mend soon!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    I got covid just before new year's and spent 4 weeks coughing. I've been sorta ok for the past week and a half, but I still get winded really easily. Haven't tried singing (or growling, as is my forte) yet, and I fear in my current condition I'm not up to snuff in that department.

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    Been absolutely shite health wise but hoping to at least drag one song out before the end

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