Unplugged challenge

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  • @woodhornhank  Jan 2022

    I got an idea that i will make one acoustic metal song this february.I did it once before,fawm 2020 i think...It was fun.

    Only real acoustic instruments (or enviroments etc.) are allowed.
    No sound processing : Only eq,compressor and looping in DAW are allowed

    If you make some acoustic rock/metal/or...i don`t know,ambient? song. tag it #Unplugged-challenge

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    This is interesting... I'm trying to think of a place around me where I can get a lot of natural reverb, like a tunnel or warehouse.

    There is a huge old barn where I live, but I'm worried it might fall down if I play music inside it!

  • @siebass  Jan 2022

    Metal is really just classical music with extreme distortion; I think this would work great.

  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    My comment is a bit of an aside, and is also shameless self promotion, but way back in my first FAWM (2009) @sapient and i did a co-write. He recorded his awesome metal backing track and i wrote and recorded the singing and an additional guitar solo.

    When i did my CD, it was all acoustic stuff, so rather than stick one heavy electric track on there, i just learned it on acoustic guitar and used that recording instead. The result is here: https://calumsmusic.com/track/no-use-looking-back

    It would be good to see if i can do something this year though that meets this challenge.

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    Is clipping allowed? I reckon you could get some recent distortion with that

  • @woodhornhank  Jan 2022


    ANY kind of gain staging during recording is processing,right ?
    I have to ask jury...

    Alright, i...we decided that clipping or not,it is irrelevant.
    Go red ! Let it burn!

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    Gain staging sounds a bit more controlled than what I had in mind

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Hahaha @helenseviltwin , I guess you could! A fun challenge that I will listen to the results…. I guess you could technically drop a guitar track down to 8 bit and see what happens!

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