Community Radio FAWMcast!

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  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    Hi all, as you will no doubt be aware by now, i've got a community radio show called Offbeat. It's on at midday (GMT) every Saturday, and repeated at 8pm (GMT) on Sunday and 9pm (GMT) on Monday.

    During February i'll be mainly featuring freshly written songs from FAWM, so if you are reading this and you have an objection to me playing your music on the show, then please let me know on my profile soundboard page.

    The show can be heard on

    or you can use the Spanish Rock Shot app on your phone, and back episodes of the show can be found at although it hasn't been updated for a few episodes, i'll make the effort to upload the podcasts relatively soon during FAWM. And i'll keep going with the freshly written songs a few weeks into March as well.

    Another thing you can do on the site is search, so why not put "fawm" into the search box and see what previous FAWM stuff has been played on the show? Here's what you get if you do such a search:

    Remember that if you use the search function, or if you use the podcasts link, then you will only get six results per page, and you will need to use the tiny page number links at the bottom of the page to see the other results. I have actually played FAWM tracks on quite a few episodes outwith FAWM, it looks like.

    I'll probably be posting in this thread each week telling you what FAWMers i'm planning to play on the upcoming episode, other than that, i am always keen to hear your feedback on the shows etc etc, so there it is, and have a good FAWM!

  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    The offbeat repeat is actually on right now if you fancy tuning in.

    Also, i forgot to mention i have got an exclusive session from @caterwauler lined up for the first show in February (not this coming Saturday, but the next) and hopefully a few sessions from other distinguished FAWMers coming up in the weeks after that too.

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    This sounds great! Feel free to use my tunes, I'd love to listen in!

  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    Well, this Saturday it'll be a FAWM preview, featuring a few choice songs from previous FAWMs.

    The show is on at midday on Saturday 29 Jan (GMT) and i'll be playing tunes by @plushbaby, @debs, @expendablefriend, @szleppard, @tinam, @dragondreams, @helen, @stephenwordsmith, @crisp1 and @moonraccoon. Tune in and give your ears a treat!

  • @ayehahmur  Jan 2022

    @calumcarlyle Brilliant! That's my listening sorted for the Tesco run tomorrow.

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    @calumcarlyle Thank you for including me in such a great line-up! I'll be tuning in for sure. :-)

  • @the3queens Jan 2022


  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Excellent show, @calumcarlyle! :-)

  • @whispermouse  Jan 2022

    I love that you're featuring FAWMers in a broader context!

    "if you are reading this and you have an objection to me playing your music on the show, then please let me know on my profile soundboard page"

    By this, do you mean that you think you're allowed to replay songs from FAWM without permission unless the writer specifically opts OUT?

  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    If they want to opt out, i would love to know about it. So far this is the third or fourth year and i haven't had a single person unhappy with me playing a song of theirs on the show.

    I think you are also correct that it would be legal for me to play the songs on the show, though obviously you can see i'm making some effort to collaborate with the community here.

    I hope that answers your question.

  • @looprication  Jan 2022

    Always a privilege to have something featured on Offbeat! Great to hear you're still doing it!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Appreciate what you do for us via your radio show, my man. Thank you so much. Big props 'n pounds to you!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    always enjoy your show! will give it a plug on the next episode of Songwriters @original songs. I still remember on one of your shows when a song of mine followed smokey robinspon ha ha! what company

  • @calumcarlyle Jan 2022

    Well, i am glad it is seen as a positive effort for the most part. @whispermouse, you didn't say explicitly, but i think i'll consider your comment above as an indication that you don't want me to play any of your songs on the show. There are plenty other songwriters i can fill the show up with after all.

    By the way, the repeat of the pre-FAWM show is on right now, if you want to tune in (at

  • @moonraccoon  Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle My ears are indeed getting a treat. Very nice playlist; I haven't listened to Blur or POTUSOA in forever, it feels like. Thank you for including @crisp1's and my song.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    Enjoyed the latest show, @calumcarlyle .

    You actually just missed me doing a dramatic spoken-word rendition of The Worst Fairytale Ever by about 15 minutes at that Edinburgh pub.

    When I was finished, the audience all whipped out their phones, took 5 seconds to look up what a Manticore was, and then applauded.

    Likely the quintessential moment of my songwriting career.

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    What a bunch of Philistines!

    Well, title notwithstanding, i have heard many worse fairy tales than that! :)

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Okay, that's this week's tracklist finalised, and i am pleased to say the show will feature newly written songs from @kenficara, @xjs, @jwhanberry, @metalfoot, @shortdan, @owl, @dasbinky, @kellyk, @sirius, @jeffokay, @apdonn1982, @elainedimasi, @sapient, @kanttila, as well as a special exclusive session from @caterwauler!

    So do tune in at midday GMT on saturday (or one of the repeats or the podcast) and i hope you enjoy listening!

  • @apdonn1982 Feb 2022

    sweet! feel honored to be part of the bunch ;)

  • @shortdan  Feb 2022

    Ooh! Appreciate the inclusion :)

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Ook, nice! Thanks @calumcarlyle :D

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Show just starting now...

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    And now the podcast is up, hope you enjoy. :)

    Thanks to all the FAWM songwriters by the way, it really is great to see this unleashing of creative energy from so many people all at once.

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Thanks for including me @calumcarlyle! I’ll check out the podcast later!

  • @xjs Feb 2022

    Wow, thank you so much for featuring me, @calumcarlyle, this being my very first FAWM and all!

  • @jwhanberry  Feb 2022

    Thank you very much for including my track. I'm gonna go make some more!

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Okay, it's about an hour and a half till this week's show starts, and i'll be including songs from @paulotteson, @torniojaws, @ustaknow, @gubna, @caterwauler, @kaminokai, @n24, @mattwdunn, @andrewrusse, @circle, @crumbleboy, @dvdshnsmth, @juoppis, @fiddlerblick80, and @jerrypettit as well as an exclusive session from @richaaaay! Don't miss it (and tell all your friends!)

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle woohoo looking forward to it Calum :)

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Woo! Thanks for including me!

  • @serene123  Feb 2022


  • @dvdshnsmth Feb 2022

    thanks for having me

  • @kaminokai  Feb 2022

    Awesome. Do you have a setlist of songs and artists? Thanks!

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    @kaminokai yes, the show will be up on the podcasts section of the SRS website in a day or two (link is in the OP) along with a full tracklist.

  • @kaminokai  Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle Groovy.

  • @gubna Feb 2022


  • @torniojaws Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle Noice!

  • @circle  Feb 2022

    thanks so much for putting me on the show! I was at work when it was airing, but looking forward to tuning in to the full show when it's online

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Okay, well the podcast for last week's episode and this week should be online later today, and this week's episode is on in a couple of hours from now, featuring songs from @roddy, @floparis, @abidingduder, @johncrossman, @dragondreams, @johnnyopus, @gordon, @tinear, @skylermf, @katoninetails, @apauls and of ºcourse the second half of the session from @richaaaay!

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    just starting the show now!

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Great show Calum...Thanks for playing my music and for picking out so many other great songs to listen to as well. Thoroughly enjoy it from start to finish!

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thoroughly enjoyed all the new music by @Richaaaay! A great one from @jerrypettit as well. Nice work, all!

  • @johncrossman  Feb 2022

    What a pleasant surprise, I'm checking out the available shows now.

  • @izaakalexander Feb 2022

    Thanks for posting the shows, @calumcarlyle !!!
    Without the old 'jukebox', this is the ideal way to get a fresh fawm song fix.

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    Thanks for the play. I was surprised that you played all 12 minutes of it, but hey, enough time for a cup of tea! Cheers!

  • @edwardsmusic Feb 2022

    Awesome! Would be nice to hear my tracks on the platform (a couple of mine have been played in the past).

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    I'd love to hear any of my collaborators on the platform. They each did such a great job.

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Thanks all! Well, thatś both the Richaaaay episodes online now, so we are up to date! Not sure what will be in next weekś yet but i htink it will be wall to wall FAWM stuff (or 90% anyway).

    Also, do catch my first ever Dandelion Radio episode (currently on rotation at*) too, I recorded it in advance, so no current FAWM tracks there, but i did include some past 5090 tracks from @thelowestbitter and @expendablefriend.

    * find out when it is on here -

  • @juoppis  Feb 2022

    Thanks @calumcarlyle for featuring me in the show. Super awesome!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    If you want to include my stuff, that would be great. Just let me know and I'll make sure it's downloadable for you.

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Plenty of freshly written songs on the show this week (Saturday at midday GMT), from @hamiltonpoolhall, @billwhite51, @danvaillancourt, @amelea, @ggallagher, @lowhum, @iwilleatyou, @leka, @thenucleus, @intoyourlight, @headfirstonly, @silvermachine, @bobbyjovalentine, @abudabard12514, @miga, @emkeev, @droberts, @burrsettles, @keithcuts, @spingo, @djtjb, @dzdandcunfsd, @scruffyblues, @elainedimasi, and @musicbymichelle, and also some blasts from the past courtesy of @debs, @errol, @expendablefriend and @katoninetails!

    Previous episodes should all be available now on the app and site for SRS radio too. :)

  • @emkeev Feb 2022

    RAD!! Thanks!

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Wooow thank you <3

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle Thanks! and congrats on the dandelionradio spot! I read far enough to see inspired by John Peel... you can't go wrong with that.
    I'll be at work when your show airs there tomorrow. I'll have to tune in.

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Amazing!!! Thank you!!

  • @ggallagher  Feb 2022

    @calumcarlyle yay thank you for including me I’m so excited! This is my 5th year doing FAWM and I’ve never been pulled for something!

  • @musicbymichelle  Feb 2022

    So cool. Thanks for including me on your roster!

  • @elainedimasi  Feb 2022

    Awesome! Thank you!

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    I'd like to say a big thanks to all of you for writing such a lot of great interesting songs and music, but also kind of an apology to the many many songwriters i haven't played or even got round to listening to. I try not to make the show a selection of just my favourites but i always feel like there is so much in FAWM i just haven't heard!

    Anyway, show is starting in twenty minutes!

  • @seppo Feb 2022

    Feel free to use some of mine if they are playable :D

  • @amelea Feb 2022


  • @spingo  Feb 2022

    Whaaaaat? Thx!

  • @momentegalerie Feb 2022

    Great idea! Next time I want to be part of it <3

  • @calumcarlyle Feb 2022

    Well, i do have another thread for you to drop your actual releases (preferably on bandcamp or maybe soundcloud or the other thing you could do is send me them by email (links to relatively HQ audio if so, please!) - I am hoping there is a way to put the email address here without it being harvested by any bots, let's try it:

    offbeatmusicshow .A.T. g mail .d0t com

    The other thread is also asking you to recommend any bands you are listening to (current, not from the past) (or future!), and put their links too, so feel free to do that, most musicians will have some favourites i'm sure.

    Here's the link:

    Also, as i say, it'll be almost wall to wall FAWM on the weekly show for at least another couple of weeks, and i do sometimes play FAWM tracks the rest of the year too (and the same process during 50/90 as well).

    Thanks all!

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    OKAY today's show starts in less than an hour and this week i'll be playing songs from @bamsekarhu, @ggallager, @seppo, @hbusse, @dasbinky, @sheslin, @antlion, @mikeskliar, @opossum, @cts, @cleanshoes, @jeustan, @altum, @johncrossman, @nancyrost, @octaviankelp, @siebass, @bethkille, @tizzdizz, @brothersdizz, @vomvorton, @rollasoc, @fourzeroes, @fonte, @pcob1993, @amelea, @tfish77, @robynmackenzie and @sapient! Phew! So tune in and give your ears a treat, on* at midday (UTC/GMT) on Saturday (today), repeated at 8pm on Sunday and 9pm on Monday (UTC/GMT) and then available in the podcast section of the SRS website.
    * or through the Spanish Rock Shot app.

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle awesome, thank you! Listening now.

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    Oh, and for future ref, if need ever arises, my handle is C like the letter and bass like the fish; not an easy way to spell it to ensure that pronunciation. Sorry for the trouble.

  • @hbusse  Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle Super cool, thanks!

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    I didn't have a tune to listen it all, had to go shopping with kids.
    When it comes in podcast?
    Must say I really enjoyed @opossum song of falling in love to hairy beaver :)

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    @seppo it should be up right now as a podcast. I have been trying to put them up quickly during FAWM as i know many people can listen live.

    Here is the link to the Offbeat podcast section again:

    Also, i have now finalised the list for the show of this Saturday coming, (12 March) but i already have at least as many more songs i want to play which will need to carry over to the following week! So do keep tuning in each week for more FAWM hits. This Saturday, you can hear songs from: @JohnStaples, @zarmo, @outinpublicdrummer, @mikeb, @roy, @juhol, @dreamscuba, @guatecoop, @cblack, @darcistrutt, @forrestwolf, @jessicagraae, @mikehex, @MelaniePegge, @kahlo2013, @circle, @karlsburg25, @spazsquatch, @hmorg, @nahlej381, @greengrassgirl, @fearlessflight2014, @paulharrison, @zecoop, @OdilonGreen, @loveonamixtape, @danvaillancourt, @berni1954, @aflinner, @gregthehero, and @billwhite51!

  • @darcistrutt  Mar 2022

    Aw... Thanks @calumcarlyle - fun to be included in your podcast.

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle thanks.
    I listened it on Sunday re run already.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Thanks man!

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022


  • @miga  Mar 2022

    Hey @calumcarlyle - thanks for playing 'chin in hand'! Somehow I missed that you were doing that but I'm honored.

  • @robynmackenzie  Mar 2022

    Thanks for playing Children of the Damned! @amelea killed it on the vox!

  • @amelea Mar 2022

    So I listened to ep 134 and heard you say "you might recognize amelie's voice from last episode" and I was like WHAT so went and listened to that one-- skipped towards the end and then hear you introduce that one with "here's amelie again" and I'm like WHAT --- how many are there!!? Hahaha thank you so much, Spanish Rock Shot radio is so cool :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    ^___^ THIS is what I like about that show. Made me find cool people.

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    :) Awesome! Just a small bumpity bump as a reminder the show is on shortly (well, 14 hours or so from when i am typing this).

    I'm also just sorting out my March tracklist for the Dandelion Radio show and think there are at least half a dozen FAWM tracks going on there too (sticking to soundcloud and bandcamp hosted tunes though for that show, so i know they are all public facing ones).

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle All of my tracks I would consider 'public facing', in case you need to know. My collabs, maybe-maybe not depending on the collaborator but all my solo tracks are definitely out there.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle All my songs are good to go...Gm7 and the collabs with @darbyam only. I haven't spoken to my other collabs .


  • @gregthehero Mar 2022

    thank you @calumcarlyle , i look forward to listening! what time does it go live?

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle ...thank you... I only just saw the as I was flat out with work. Much appreciated.

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for including me, when it is going to be posted?

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Still not posted on the linked page?

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Hello, yes the podcast goes up sometime in the week following the broadcast and the two repeats. Also, at the moment the process takes quite a while and for technical reasons this usually means the podcasts are available in the Spanish rock Shot app before they are on the actual website (sometimes by just a few hours, but still).

    So episode 135 should be up i would hope by tomorrow.

    For episode 136 which is THIS saturday (19 March), Edward Roussac (@edwardsmusic) has done an exclusive acoustic session for the show, so tune in for that as well as a STACK of FAWM tracks from: @ezo, @carleybaer, @chrismyth02, @juhol, @cheslain, @owl, @sailingmagpie, @w1n, @lyricslinger, @nancycunning, @nancyrost, @standup, @scubed, @andygetch, @eargoggle, @CTS, @metalfoot, @andygriff, @adamdale78, @kellyk, @halfwayhome, @adforperu, @mikeskliar, @Gm7 and @hanley.

    So yes, midday GMT on Saturday, repeated 8pm on Sunday/9pm on Monday and then it will go up as a podcast during the following week. I will try to do that ASAP though, but it takes a wee while and i have also been preoccupied by other responsibilities this week more than some other times. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible! :)

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Regarding My philosophy for inclusion by the way, i do consider it to be "opt out", since i am legally allowed to play the tracks if they're available to the public, and honestly the FAWM songs are, even though the downloadable flag only applies to logged in fawmers, it is also free and quick to set up an account to get that download access.

    However as above, if somebody does opt out, i will not include them, and this includes after the fact, i will quite happily edit out somebody's song and reupload if they complain, but so far nobody has. I do try to be as sensitive as possible but playing twenty tracks a week doesn't let me get an explicit agreement from everybody beforehand honestly.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the heads up! This is a really cool podcast :)

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    Great choices every week. As you keep saying, there are so many great songs, its difficult to select just 20 or so for a show.

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Okeydoke, well there will be a slew of FAWM songs again on tomorrow's show (midday on Saturday, repeated at 8pm on sunday and then 9pm on Monday) (it get's complicated this weekend, because Britain changes from GMT to BST in the early hours of Sunday morning this weekend).

    But anyway, you can catch up on the podcast shortly thereafter, and all the previous weeks are now up as well. THIS week, though, i'll be playing songs by:

    @standup, @slusk, @pipewrench67, @sailingmagpie, @zecoop, @loveonamixtape, @cheslain, @roddy, @silvermachine, @rayboneor, @cindyrella, @emplate, @crisp1, @fearlessflight2014 and @xfloorpunchx.

    Yes, there really is such a stack of good stuff on FAWM though i'll probably be playing it on the show each week until it's time for 50/90.

  • @sarahk Mar 2022

    This is a really cool thing! I don't think it's happened for a while, but there was a time when a FAWMpilation album came out with a kind of digest of songs. That was necessarily limited to maybe 14, but this radio format offers a much larger number. I'm excited to see many of my friends and collaborators featured, so i know you must have good taste! :)

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Sounds like a great show! :)

  • @cheslain  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for playing my songs. I just listened to ep. 136 and there were a lot of great songs there. It's a great show and I'll definitely listen to more of this.

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    @calumcarlyle Thanks for adding my tune, are these shows archived to listen to anytime?

  • @xfloorpunchx  Mar 2022

    Wow amazing! Thanks @calumcarlyle ! Waiting for the podcast ;)

  • @emplate  Apr 2022

    Ooh, very nice! Cheers, @calumcarlyle! When this episode will be listenable on the website? :)

  • @slusk Apr 2022

    @calumcarlyle +1 for wanting to hear last weeks podcast.

  • @calumcarlyle Apr 2022

    @standup, @slusk, @pipewrench67, @sailingmagpie, @zecoop, @loveonamixtape, @cheslain, @roddy, @silvermachine, @rayboneor, @cindyrella, @emplate, @crisp1, @fearlessflight2014 and @xfloorpunchx

    I am really sorry for the delay, and i am sure you have all drifted back to the real world by now. podcast still is not up online yet but hopefully i will find time over the next few days. I am a couple of weeks behind on that just now. Even though i didn't even write any songs this FAWM, it's just a bit of post FAWM burnout and trying to catch up with everything else and the child being off school for the past two weeks for the easter holidays etc.

    Anyway, sorry for that. Hopefully the next couple of days, and i will post here again once it is online.

  • @gm7  Apr 2022

    Thx for your efforts, it is greatly appreciated

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