Queer FAWMily, check in

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  • @frenchcricket  Jan 2022

    It didn’t feel right that nobody had started this thread yet. Anyway if you’re of a rainbow inclination, say hi! From your friendly local transsexual, bi, poly, autistic x

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    Hey Anya! Gay/queer man here. Happy FAWMing, queers!

  • @sorby69  Jan 2022

    Boring straight guy here with no (apparent) bonus features / superpowers - but with lots of friends & several family members who do - so please consider me your ardent ally.

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    Middle-aged, Euro-American, cis-gay male here checking in.

    Gotta say, compared to most of the responses on here, I'm feeling pretty basic.

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    Hey, what a good idea!
    I am in polyamore relationship and I also consider myself as non-binär.
    My whole life I had a big struggle with labels. About myself I can say I am not typical poly nor typical mono nor typical woman!
    Diversity is a big source of a society - that what I believe!

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    We are on FAWM and what is this subject without a song about?
    So here it is (made it last summer):


  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Hi! ‍️

  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    I don't have a label yet for who I am (at 56 years old), also ally and loving mom to 3 kids, 1 Trans non binary, one gender fluid and my asexual son on the autism spectrum.

  • @celineellis  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM to everyone! The inclusivity is strong around here. Welcome to all those rainbow humans still discovering themselves or taking their first steps with new identities and/or pronouns. And to those of us lucky enough to already be living our best lives ️‍ plus everyone in between and otherwise

  • @alyxanderjames  Jan 2022

    Cheers, fellow queers! Happy FAWM to y'all from this nonbinary queer weirdo. :D

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    Hello FAWMily! Genderqueer femme here. I've started leaning more and more towards they/them pronouns even though my self-expression is leaning heavily towards goth high femme. It's complicated. Oh, and I'm also married to a wonderful queer woman.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Jan 2022

    Queer transfemme reporting in <3 (she/her)

  • @cairobraga  Jan 2022

    Olá, fawmília queer! This nonbinary polysex polyam person is sending you all Happy FAWM vibes! and checking in to be counted, of course.

    REMINDER: tag your queer-themed songs with the #queer tag!

    @ryuu you can look and express yourself however you want to, your pronouns do not define that. <3

  • @readerwriterpoet  Jan 2022

    hi! cis lesbian here who can't wait to marry HER FIANCEE in april!!! much love to my fellow queer fawmers <3

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    @cairobraga I know, I know! It's just sometimes hard because the logic "nonbinary = androgynous" is still pretty hard wired into my head, and being attracted pretty exclusively to femme people when you're femme yourself... well, I made a song about that at one point.

  • @janetjulian  Jan 2022

    Hi! Wave. Bi+ in a committed lesbian marriage. (She/her). Thanks for the welcome! We all just be queer here. :)

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    Sure, ok. Still cis lesbian, still demisexual, still mildly confused about the whole thing. I have written a grand total of one song ever about being lesbian and have shown it to no one else. So, not something that comes up in my FAWM stuff. But FWIW, I exist. :P

  • @jackdawfactories  Jan 2022

    NB aro grey ace here!

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    Cis lesbian here. @cairobraga - all my songs are queer, because I write them!

  • @alonetogether Jan 2022

    hello hello its me your friendly neighbourhood angry transfem :3 ready to write a shit-ton of queer music

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    Hello *waves*

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I've been looking for one of these threads. I'm ace/aro. My gender is ignorable, but I sometimes describe it as "beard." I use he/him or they/them pronouns. I am a beard supporter for all. (I tell my kids "Only very lucky women can grow beards.")

    I have two very queer children. I have strong opinions about when kids should learn that gender and biology can be different, and that's as soon as they can speak. It can be explained to a toddler. It's just not that hard to grasp.

    I kind of want to mess with my gender presentation, but it is currently more convenient not to. I know it would be okay with my (day-job) employer if I wanted to present as either rigid gender norm, but I really want to just throw a hammer at it and mess things up.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Heya, fawmily! Happy bi+ cis latino here (they/them) here. :)

  • @fecknom  Jan 2022

    Hello! I'm going to steal the phrase 'nonbinary queer weirdo' from @alyxanderjames (my husband).

    Y'all, Alyx got us an 8-note rainbow set of children's handbells and I'M SO EXCITED for whatever queer handbell choir nonsense February brings me.

  • @stacyswinford2015 Jan 2022

    Hello hello!! Late bloomer lesbian here. :)

  • @wrenarcher  Jan 2022

    Hi everyone!
    Married, monogamous, transfemme enby from the Houston area checking.
    she/her; they/them


  • @njihe Jan 2022

    hello friends, it soon is the time of the year again! your non-binary queerdo from the north, njihe. I wonder if I write any explicitly queer songs this year, hope so! pronouns: they/them

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    Never said this on FAWM before, but I'm a trans lesbian, polyamorous, and "goth high femme" as @ryuu so eloquently put it. I have no intention of transitioning, though. Not without some sort of shapeshifting tech...

    Pronouns: Call me anything you like. Doesn't really bother me.

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    Thank you Anya for starting this thread yet again. I was waiting for it but didn't feel like I've been out long enough to take on the task. Maybe next year.
    This is the first place I felt really safe coming out publicly and I've never looked back. I'm a non-binary they/them asexual autistic neuroqueer (@njihe I love 'queerdo', totally going to use that one).
    Special welcome to everyone coming out for the first time, so glad you're here! And to those not ready or able to come out, you are valid and included. AND to the parents accepting and supporting their queer kids, thank you. Seeing that gives me hope for the future :)

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    Happily married queer lesbian here, so glad to see y'all here and thriving. :)

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Hi, Queer FAWMily! Middle-aged cis bi woman here. Glad to have y'all alongside me this month.

  • @rosedeschamps  Jan 2022

    Huzzah! I'm a bisexual cis woman :) love that there's a thread for fellow Queer FAWMers :)

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Happily married, middle aged lesbian here. It's so great so see growing community within FAWM.

  • @returntosender Jan 2022

    No idea if it'll make it into the music, but I'm bi

  • @cairobraga  Jan 2022

    @helenseviltwin now that is a philosophy I can get with. *hugs*

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    So many married queers here. I guess that's not remarkable, but it's not something we saw a few years ago!

    I am also one of you. 30 y/o queer agender woman. I'd say genderfluid but I don't have much gender to work with XD

    Gay married to @violetwhim.

  • @cairobraga  Jan 2022

    @ryuu I understand and you will de-hardwire those notions in your own way and time. I mean, you are already awesome, the only way is up. ️

  • @hurongrand  Jan 2022

    Hey everyone! Bi cis woman here. I'm excited to be doing FAWM with you all! I don't write a ton of explicitly queer music, although last year I wrote most of a wlw wedding song for FAWM but didn't finish it in time.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I want to listen to queer music. I'm hoping there will be some good queer songs I can share with my kids.

    The thing about my being ace/aro is that while all of my songs are ace/aro, they're rarely _visibly_ ace/aro. It sounds like I should do something about that this year.

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    @yam655 - I feel like the world needs more platonic love songs.

  • @frenchcricket  Jan 2022

    @helenseviltwin have you heard ‘There isn’t Enough Love in the World’ by Lardpony, @vomvorton’s old band?

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    @frenchcricket - I have not. I will check it out.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @helenseviltwin Well, that I can make happen.

  • @corinnecurcio  Jan 2022

    Hi everyone. Good to see new and familiar members here

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022

    Hello LGBTQ+ and gender expansive FAWMily! Great to see you all on this thread. I am especially grateful for the many allies in our FAWM community who have made it feel so welcoming and inclusive! I have lived most of my adult life as a cis-lesbian, but over the past several years, when I have to label myself, I have embraced more of demi-sexual gender-queer semi-butch lesbian identity as it seems more authentic.. I have a lovely wife (together for 37 years), wonderful adult sons, lots of pets, and a past that includes partners across gender and sexual orientation spectrums who have become lifelong friends.

  • @improvyssey  Jan 2022

    Ace/aro. Probably. Cannot write a love story to save my life.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @improvyssey Back before I realized I was ace/aro, I tried to write a NaNoWriMo novel with more love scenes because I thought I just needed practice writing them... It did not end well. More than that, once I started thinking that I might be ace/aro, I could point to that work as proof. Everything about it made so much more sense from the context that I was ace/aro.

    As one ace/aro person to another: If you think you are probably ace/aro, then that's good enough. There's no requirements for the term. If you later decide you're somewhere else on the ace or aro spectrums that's cool, too. It doesn't have to be an constant.

  • @improvyssey  Jan 2022

    Thanks, @yam655. Yeah, that's what I figure. It can be hard for those of us who are older (I'm 47) and have spent our lives being told we're "late bloomers" and we'll "find someone someday; everyone does." I'm finally getting to the point where I can use the label.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @improvyssey You're just a couple years older than me. (I turned 45 in January.) I think I only recognized I was ace/aro two to three years ago?

    It's really hard when you grow up without any clear models of ace/aro adults.

  • @tsunamidaily Jan 2022

    old gay, not yet bitter.

    just glad that those now growing up don't have to feel like their government views them as illegal.
    i never considered a "relationship" as a part of it growing up (though i had a girlfriend in college-- but doesn't EVERYBODY experiment in college?) so i'm glad that marriage is an accepted societal outcome now even if it isn't necessary accepted familially in one's situation. not to detract from those who go it solo, though. that would simply be another form of self-hate at this point....

  • @towanda Jan 2022

    Hello everyone! I'm a queer, 20 year old woman! I'd love to connect and collaborate or just chat with whoever is looking for a friend :)

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    @yam655 and @improvyssey Fellow ace and either aro or panromantic here (what is romance? I seem to fall in love with any and everybody, including animals, plants, and inanimate objects). Growing up I was repeatedly told I could not be asexual (which is a really weird thing to foist on a kid). I just joined the 40 y.o. club and fly my flags proudly. I'm grateful for everyone who paved the way before me, and honored to be widening the path for the next generation.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @gardeningangel1 I hear you on the aro or panromantic thing. I, too, don't really understand romance. In my case, everyone is lovable and beautiful. I don't so much fall in love with people easily, as just realize that I've always loved them. I'm basically over here living in a world of infinite love and beauty.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    Hello everybody! We shall all be fabulous this year, I know it.

  • @meldaltonmusic  Jan 2022

    Hello fellow queerdos! Cis bi woman here, happy to be in the company of so many fabulous and self-aware peeps. I don't tend to write particularly queer-themed music but if it happens this year I'll tag it for sure.

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Sexual experimenter in my youth, now a lifelong ally. I find it incomprehensible that "society" has a say in people's private lives. As Lady Day sang: "It ain't nobody's business, but my own!"

    Have a great FAWM!

  • @mlv  Jan 2022

    *waves* Not sure how much FAWMing I will manage this year, but I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm always happy to see this thread. :)

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    Accidentally clicked "report abuse" on @frenchcricket there when I meant to click skip to bottom, sorry Anya, mods please ignore my clumsy clicking. :)

  • @burrsettles  Jan 2022

    @thelowestbitter no worries! it happens sometimes. :)

  • @boxtape Jan 2022

    Hey hey, non-binary queer here! Nice to meet you all :)

  • @psyt Jan 2022

    *waves* trans lesbian here. :)

  • @mistermann  Jan 2022

    Gay cis(-ish?) man reporting for duty! Also autistic in a way that I’m now realizing dominates my gender identity/expression even though I don’t find autimain to be a useful label for me right now. (hi neurogenders )

  • @antlion  Jan 2022

    hello friends!! a queer cis guy here. love that you all are here and looking forward to hearing everyone's music :) <3

  • @modmiranda  Jan 2022

    Discombobulated Bi Trans Woman here—I think this is my 6th year of FAWM. Hope everyone has a fantastic February! ️

  • @alcarefoot Jan 2022

    Almost-30 queer trans-non-binary person from Oregon checking in

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    Proud Nana to an awesome young gay granddaughter.
    It seems at least half of my friends at this point are lgbtq+, and I just totally agree with @berni1954!

  • @dukemeyer  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM to all of you! It feels good to see how many different people join this thread here ... I am a happy polyamory guy since 17 years ... and it took a few more years to get there ... I never felt quite happy in mono relationships, but a very long time I didn't find out what kind of problem I had. There seemed to be no alternative, too.

    When I catched the idea of polyamory (without knowing the word or anybody who had expierienced that way) everybody I knew at that times told me, this would be impossible and would only lead to trouble and confusion. They could'nt imagine. Most of the women I knew didn't believe me, that I would be happy to share my darling/s with other persons (male or female or whatever, and not "only" for sex, even for falling in love and living in serious relationships). I believed in it and I was very glad, when I had the chance to prove it for the first time. So many years ago.

    I learnt a lot since then, but I'm unbelievable happy that I tried ... To follow my heart was one of my best decisions ever, and although it wasn't easy to start with and it took a while to learn what matters, I never gave up. (Sorry for my stumbling English, I hope I didn't bore anybody with my story.)

    I'm in long time relationship with two wonderful women (who have other partners, too) - and both of them are FAWMers this year!

  • @awkesome Feb 2022

    Hi, 54 years old gay from Germany here... First year of FAWM...

  • @frey Feb 2022

    Gay/queer male here this is my fifth FAWM!

  • @amysens Feb 2022

    Hey all - 4th FAWM for me. I'm a cis bi woman with some tomboy tendencies, married to another woman for 20 years now.

  • @ineloquentsd  Feb 2022

    Hello, queer FAWMily! I’m so glad to see so many familiar names back again this year, and to welcome the unfamiliar ones!

    I’m nonbinary, polyamorous, and queer enough that I use a flow chart if asked to describe my orientation in detail. The important thing is that I am emerging from the bog to make some queer music before disappearing back into the ether for another year.

  • @silenceinthetemple Feb 2022

    Hello cuties! Non-binary trans demigoblin here. I'm back again, and somewhere along the way I must have dropped my gender into some glitter and cheap white wine. Also, super gay for girls/femmes<3 I want to spend FAWM writing the queerest music I've ever done.

    Stay safe, be kind to yourselves, and happy FAWM <3

  • @caseewilson  Feb 2022

    Waving to you from sunny Madrid. Some rainbow glittered flavour of pan-everything :)

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Feb 2022

    Dear Queer FAWMily,

    Hi! I'm Steve(n). I'm trying my darndest to be a good ally and just want you to know that you are loved and respected and I'm so glad you feel able to share yourselves here on FAWM (and in this thread). You are awesome and fabulous! :)

  • @ekunyi  Feb 2022

    Sending love to the entire Queer FAWMily! <3 Just your friendly neighborhood nonbinary (with additional emphasis on the bi) counselor and cat-lover reporting in for another round of music and entirely too much coffee! :3

  • @skyezor  Feb 2022

    Hi pals- this is my 5th or 6th FAWM but my first since coming out to myself and friends/family/world as Queer- I'm a late bloomer too-still working on whether I like Bi or Pan or Omni for me...but suffice it to say I am attracted to a wider swatch of folks than what the boring (boopboop) binary would like to confine me to. I'm a cis woman, married to a very amazing cis man for 11 years and we're both still figuring ourselves out but always supporting each others truth lol. I love getting a space to connect with other queer music makers! HI FAWMILY! Thanks for helping me feel like I belong.

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    Greetings FAWMily! Cis gay man here. Been doing FAWM off and on since 2009. Let's see what this year produces. Have fun, y'all!

  • @violeteyes Feb 2022

    hi friends! i haven't done a fawm in AGES but i'm here hello. my name is kismet (they/she) and i'm still confused about a lot of identity things lol but agender bisexual queer feels right for now???

  • @ninipuff Feb 2022

    hiya! chicago queer here. and my gender today is legolas meets dorothy zbornak's side-eye. here to write sad pop songs with my radiator hissing in the background. happy FAWM!

  • @cleverhansel Feb 2022

    Love to all, FAWM fam! Queer ukulele criminal and cabaret reprobate checking in from Wellington, New Zealand. This thread warms the cockles of my cold dead heart

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Hey beautiful people, I am a nonbinary storyteller from germany and I love to see this community grows every year, its year 11 for me already...

  • @theodamus  Feb 2022

    Kia oraaaa from Aotearoa NZ I’m a queer and agender person from all the way down here, can’t wait to hear all your awesome rainbow music!

  • @njihe Feb 2022

    feeling very queer, hungover and melancholical – time to grab the guitar lol

  • @lcad  Feb 2022

    Woot! Greetings friends, trans, transitioning, and newly out. Trying to write some songs about it this year. Cheers to the queers, happy FAWM!

  • @jennakole  Feb 2022

    Queer, polyam, cis lady here! 2nd FAWM and first queer connections in the forums! Hi-hi!

  • @cblack Feb 2022


    A song about my missing boobs.

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    Hello Alphabet People! I wrote My Little Alphabet Girl in your honor. Hope y'all got a sense of humor.

  • @colgoo  Feb 2022

    I’m pansexual…in the process of separating from my non-binary spouse of 25 years. We have a pansexual daughter and transgender son. Polyamorous and have a brand new boyfriend who is super awesome and a huge LGBTQ+ ally (he is bisexual and has two transgender kids…)

  • @mystiquemuse Feb 2022

    Welcome all, I’m transgender, pan, poly, Pagan and work with words more than music. I’m ready to listen to awesome music. I’ve known about fawm for years, this is the first time my partner got me to sign up.

  • @frenchcricket  Feb 2022

    My kingdom to not be called 'man', 'dude' or 'mate'. Ironically it was easier when we had real profile pictures.

  • @erikleppen Feb 2022

    With so many lgbtqia+ and neurodiverse people it's almost odd to be normal :) I consider myself gay, but I may also be asexual, not sure, but I'm somewhere on that axis. Also I'm autistic, so some interactions are a challenge, but I'm enjoying the place. I hope some people will be inspired to write neurodiversity themed songs :)

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    @frenchcricket I struggle with "man" and "dude" in the opposite direction. I say them without thinking. My friend is nonbinary, and I usually manage to say "they/them", but occasionally a "dude" slips out. Yes, this occurs even though I've been trans for half my life!

    Very annoying. Darn linguistic social programming...

  • @bfwaite  Feb 2022

    Hi, all!

    I'm a gay guy from the upstate NY area, happily partnered for several years. I love all things piano pop!

    Excited to be here this year and I'm excited to hear all the great work.

    Sing on!

  • @sarahk Feb 2022

    Hello! First time posting online in a queer space. Realized this year that it's a label I can use. As it stands, now, to the best of my knowledge, I'm a human experienceing the world as a ciswoman, pansexual, solo polyamorist. I've been writing queer songs for longer than I identified as queer, just because I wanted to explore multiple viewpoints. Glad to be here.

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    Glad you're here @sarahk !!!

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    nonbinary from hungary here. not exactly the best place to be for an nb right now, but hopefully i'll be somewhere quite far away by fawm 2023!

    im one of the few people on this site who actually had their username changed. my previous artist alias of 6 years had my deadname in it. oof!

  • @katpiercemusic Feb 2022

    Ace/Aro. As a 42 year old I only came to this conclusion a couple of years ago. Before that I was "just not that interested in romantic relationships," and before that I was "how come all romatic relationships make me kind of anxious and disatisfied?" I may have FAWMED a little last year. Been doing 50/90 for maybe 7 years now?

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Feb 2022

    So happy to still see entries to this thread! :) welcome everyone

  • @valeriecox  Feb 2022

    Cool. We have Q thread. Hey there FAWMily!

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    @erikleppen Everyone in my family is neurodiverse in one way or another. I wrote a song called executive dysfunction, about it keeping me from being on time. Doesn't get into any nitty gritty, just a light hearted song really, but that's a biggy for me. There's a thread for neurodiverse fawmers, have you seen it yet? This is what it's called: ADHD-ers unite! Let’s get fried again this February. There autistic fawmers there as well as add and adhd. Looks like you may have found a couple of branches of FAWMily here ;)

  • @jeustan  Feb 2022

    Cis straight white dude here. I secretly wish everyone was gay.

  • @cloudcolor Feb 2022

    I'm a Pan/Demi/Enby from NYC. :) I'm happy to see so many people here!

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    Hi! Bisexual enby & autistic from the UK, they/she (who buried herself in trying to do normal early on!

  • @leslie  Feb 2022

    Kept forgetting to add my voice here until now. Queer, autistic, non-binary, ace/aro here. New pronouns are xe/xer. I write about mental health a lot because it's a huge part of my life. This is my 13th FAWM and this thread fills me with joy. Huge smiles!

  • @clownresidue Feb 2022

    hi! i'm a lesbian from florida :) i've been writing music for four years but this is my first time doing fawm, so it's nice to meet you all!

  • @paulroe Feb 2022

    Flying the rainbow flag high from NJ :-) In my 5th decade, still sadly slightly discreet about it, with several close friends and family still not awares. Such is how I roll!

  • @bootlegger Feb 2022

    Hey y'all. I'm only recently out. As in like as of a week ago. 34M pan. Some people are only finding out through my first FAWM song this year. I was so scared. But ultimately I just said "fuck it" and I guess it's just nice to have a place where I feel like I can be myself.

    I love this place.

  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    @bootlegger congrats on your coming out, dear! I am glad you feel safe and welcomed here *hugs*

    @paulroe I am always happy to know there are more queer elders here. *hugs*

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Hello to everyone here in the queer FAWMily!
    So glad to see so many queer folks (and allies as well) , still saying hi in this thread. Hope you're having a wonderful, productive FAWM.

    Welcome everyone.

  • @wr3n  Feb 2022

    What's up y'all! Transitioned over the span of many FAWMs and excited to hit it again with less unintentionally very trans lyrics :p

  • @nihilazo Feb 2022

    grey-ace genderqueer confusing mess here! I don't know what the labels are for me but I'm queer as hell and glad to meet other queer FAWMers

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    This song is more about gender than queerness, though the two are all tangled in both my mind and in life. https://fawm.org/songs/130907/

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    @ofishell and I worked on a duet where the two male voices are talking about the love of another man. Thought you might like to check it out: Everything, https://fawm.org/songs/131912/.

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    @erikleppen a lot of my songs & poems are about neurodiversity (and queerness) - this year, last, in general. This last one I wrote is at least in part a sarcastic ode to olfactory sensitivity. https://fawm.org/songs/131854/

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    In about 45 minutes, I'm hosting a skirmish. I hope you'll drop by and see if the prompt inspires you.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Pansexual cis lady only recently out-ish (like as of a FAWM song from last year, basically?, lolll), still making sense of my romantic and sexual history in the context of my now-realized, understood-to-be queerness. *Wave*

  • @frenchcricket  Feb 2022

    Have really struggled to keep my depression at bay this month but i want you all to know that this thread, and the proliferation of queers throughout FAWM this year has cheered me immensely

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022


  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    @frenchcricket me 2!

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