Movie Title Challenge

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  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Another FAWM, another movie title challenge!

    I'm a big movie buff nd have a rather large collection of movies. I often take inspiration from movies; titles, characters, plots etc.

    If you are interested in taking part let me know and I'll draw a movie title for you at random. It doesn't matter if you have seen the movie or
    even know what it's about, honestly, sometimes it's more fun if you don't.

    I'll assign the first round of titles on January 30th and then will try to check in every few days after that to assign titles. If you play once and want to play again just let me know and I'll assign you another movie.

    Tag the song #movietitlechallenge

  • @loveonamixtape  Jan 2022

    Yes, I'd love to do this again! My #movietitlechallenge song last FAWM was one of my favorites from last year.

  • @vivalarayna Jan 2022

    Me, please!! Your prompt ended up being one of my favorite writes from 50/90 and my first posted song this summer! Very excited to see what this round inspires.

  • @robhowell  Jan 2022

    Sounds like a good idea for inspiration, I’d like to please take part!

  • @ayehahmur  Jan 2022

    I'm up for this again, please.

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    I’d like to do this this year please!

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    Yes please @wacha ! This was a great way to start 50/90, I'm up for trying it again :)

  • @audrey  Jan 2022

    Yes, count me in. I loved the song this challenge inspired me to write last year. It was in a genre I wouldn't have thought of writing in on my own.

  • @ajna1960  Jan 2022

    I'm in please :) It was a lot of fun last year :)

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    Sign me up. :)

  • @audrey  Jan 2022

    I love hearing what people come up with for this challenge, like when @bernie1954 wrote a great comedy song for the movie title The Shining.

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022


  • @corinnecurcio  Jan 2022

    Me me me (Not just warming up my voice!)

  • @towanda Jan 2022

    OMG I'm crazy about films, I'm def in! thanks for the challenge :)

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Me pls!

  • @unpronounceable  Jan 2022

    I'll give this a shot!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    I'll give it a go.....

  • @spazsquatch Jan 2022

    I'm interested, sorta. I think I pulled "The Loved Ones" for 50/90 and since the movie has been on my list to watch for years, I decided I. would watch the film before writing a song... it's still on my list to see.

    So. hit me and my penance is that I'll need to incorporate both into the same song, seen or not.

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    ok...go for it...thanks

  • @jinxcat Jan 2022

    Oh why not? I'll give it a go!

  • @conorg Jan 2022

    I failed miserably last year to find inspiration from my assigned movie title, but willing to give it another go this year!

  • @kristi  Jan 2022

    I'll try this again. It's hit or miss for me, but fun to see what happens! Thanks!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Yes, please! Would love to do this one again! Thanks!

  • @dock  Jan 2022

    Sounds like fun, count me in, please!

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Here are the first round of titles:

    @loveonamixtape - Humoresque
    @vivalarayna - E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
    @robhowell - Jason Lives (full title: Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives)
    @ayehahmur - The Sandlot
    @emkaydeebee - Clerks
    @davidtaro - The Woodsman
    @audrey - Document of the Dead
    @ajna1960 - Chance (indie film by Amber Benson)
    @cblack - Boogie Nights
    @audrey - S. Darko
    @kahlo2013 - Cujo
    @corinnecurcio - Beaches
    @towanda - Hatchet
    @judypie - The Expendables
    @unpronounceable - Jackie Brown
    @tamsnumber4 - The Hunger
    @spazsquatch - The Descent
    @dreamscuba - Straight Talk
    @jinxcat - Roller Boogie
    @conorg - The Hills Have Eyes
    @kristi - Fan of the Dead
    @writeandwrong - Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever
    @dock - The Conjuring
    @wacha - The Sacrament

  • @ayehahmur  Jan 2022

    Amazing! Love it. I don't know what a Sandlot is, and I'm not going to find out either, so expect something entirely disconnected.

  • @the3queens Jan 2022

    I'm in!

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    @ayehahmur sometimes that makes for the best songs!

    @the3queens - Silent Night, Deadly Night

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    Sure, pick me a movie title!

  • @robhowell  Jan 2022

    Thanks @wachal!

    I haven’t seen any of the Friday the 13th movies, let alone the sixth one but I have been meaning to watch the first one for years!

    I haven’t decided yet whether I will write the song just using the title as influence, or if I’ll actually watch some of the films. Maybe I’ll watch the first one to give me some ideas then I’ll decide if I want to watch any more of them :)

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Thanks, @wacha , I'm deathly allergic to cats and they always choose me to come rub up against...always. They know I'm allergic to them! LOL

  • @lyricslinger  Jan 2022

    Hi, I'd like to take part too please

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon - S.F.W.
    @lyricslinger - Killer Klowns from Outer Space

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    @robhowell The Friday the 13th series give diminishing returns as it goes on. The original movie is actually a great suspenseful slasher but they get goofier as they go on. Not they aren't fun but nothing captures the magic quite like the original.

  • @jaegerin  Jan 2022

    I'd love to take part!
    Thanks :-)

  • @seemanski  Jan 2022

    this sounds fun, can I play?

  • @angiemariesings Jan 2022

    I'd like to try!

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    Me too please. Thank you.

  • @sonicdeatheagle Jan 2022

    Can I get some imspiration, too? Thanks!

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Here are some for the newest recruits:

    @jaegerin - Radio Flyer
    @seemanski - Creature of Destruction
    @angiemariesings - Purple Rain
    @musicsongwriter - Antiviral
    @sonicdeatheagle - Krampus

  • @gbg2016  Jan 2022

    I'll take one please!

  • @scruffyblues Jan 2022

    I’d like to try this one, first time for everything! Cheers.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    I'd take one of these as well! Always fun!

  • @the3queens Jan 2022

    Last year I got Odd Thomas. I didn't like the movie but loved the actor. Then I found out he had died in a freak accident the previous year. I ended up watching several movies by him and writing a song I loved that included a little bit from all the movies.

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    Sorry but horror and alike is something I'm trying to avoid. Is there any chance for something "safer" please.

  • @angiemariesings Jan 2022

    Haha, this'll be cool bc now I have Price's Purple Rain stuck in my head

  • @angiemariesings Jan 2022


  • @tippyteapot  Jan 2022

    I would love to join in!

  • @jamkar Jan 2022

    Yes! Send it along!

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Many thanks @wacha !

  • @frey Feb 2022

    I'd love to do this as well! I'm super inspired by horror & sappy romance movies (weird combo, I know) so this would be right up my alley.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Thanks, @Wacha lol
    "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever"

  • @lmr  Feb 2022

    This sounds pretty interesting, would love to give it a try! Thanks.

  • @eringoblog  Feb 2022

    I'd like to give this a shot!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much @wacha ! This was super fun (once I'd got over the fact that the film I was assigned is about a sex offender*). Here's my song:

    *the song isn't about this, obviously.

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022


  • @dock  Feb 2022

    Here's my movie challenge, "The Conjuring"
    I guess I thought of the pandemic as a conjuring by some evil wizard.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    Here's my "SFW" movie challenge: Starlight Fairy Waltz

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Holy Crap, I didn't realize I owed so many people movie titles here's the latest round:

    @gbg2016 - The Blob
    @scruffyblues - Vampira and Me
    @dzdandcunfsd - Shrek the Halls
    @the3queens - Pet Sematary
    @musicsongwriter - The Expendables
    @angiemariesings - The Phantom of the Paradise
    @tippyteapot - Basket Case
    @jamkar - Feed
    @frey - The Monster Squad
    @lmr - It Chapter 2
    @eringoblog - Student Bodies
    @fourzeroes - Alice, Sweet Alice

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    @wacha Thanks so much for this challenge. Just like for last year's movie title challenge, I think I might have just written my favourite FAWM song this year. And I got to watch a pretty good movie too. This is my take on the movie title challenge for the movie Donnie Darko (even though I was assigned S.Darko). :)

  • @dh3 Feb 2022

    I'd love to take part in this please!

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    I'm desperate for some inspiration, I'd love to join!

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    I would like to try this. Thank you!

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    @wacha hit me up please :)

  • @gammafied Feb 2022

    Assign me movie title @wacha -- Thanks a bunch! Last year's song was one of my favorites.

  • @flw3rch1ld  Feb 2022

    Ooo may I have a movie title?

  • @seemanski  Feb 2022

    Any reason why I can't use my movie for another movie? Struggled to come up with something so far but now I'm rewatching aliens and "Creature Of Destruction" could work for that. Also I really really really want to include the lyric "Get away from her you bitch" somehow

  • @cblack Feb 2022

    @audrey Donnie Darko is incredible! I remember seeing it in the cinema. :)

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Sorry everybody. Not only I'm not into horrors but I also don't like most thrillers... So I came up with a general idea of music to a movie "Challenges". Not sure if movie like this exists but if it did, here is my music lol:

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    @seemanski you can use the title however you choose, the alien in Alien is a creature of destruction. Go for it!

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Here's the newest round of titles:

    @dh3 - Now and Then
    @chroes - Cruel Intentions
    @cubizm - Eegah
    @sw1n3flu - Trilogy of Terror
    @gammafied - Willard
    @flw3rch1ld - Monster House

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    Thank you, @wacha! I'll try my very best.

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    If it's not too late, I want to.

  • @tippyteapot  Feb 2022

    Thanks @wacha this was so much fun

  • @didib Feb 2022

    I'd like a film title please Wacha.

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Here is one for Cujo - needs music!

  • @gammafied Feb 2022

    Willard! Ah rats!

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    Is it not too late? pls count me in :D @wacha

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    @wacha fellow movie buff I am ready!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Late noticing this. Yes, I loved this challenge last year so count me back in. Awaiting my prompt.

  • @seemanski  Feb 2022

    Ok my song about Aliens for the title Creature of Destruction is done

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Newest round of titles, here you go!

    @cindyrella - Disappearance
    @didib - Sleepwalkers
    @pianoonthepatio - Army of Darkness
    @mardeycranbleson - Beaches
    @berni1954 - Gretel & Hansel

  • @ayehahmur  Feb 2022

    I'm a bit slow starting this year, but my first one on the slate is my #movietitlechallenge entry. The prompt was a film called The Sandlot, which might be a heartwarming tale of an American kids' baseball team (I don't know, I've not watched it). Anyway, the song is about the magic of a child's inner imaginative life and the weird things they do to try and help when they feel that something's wrong in the family.

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    @wacha army of darkness?! this is going to be so fun lmao

  • @dh3 Feb 2022

    Thanks so much @wacha for my title - here's my song:

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Here is mine. A rather long (5 mins) contemporary reworking of the Hansel & Gretel story.

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    I'm in! (I'll do one after I finish our current FAWM-album) but this will be fun.

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    My entry, beaches (the movie) (the song) :

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    My entry is finished (at least for now): "Cruel Intentions"!

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    The Descent, with a 50/90 make-up sprinkling of The Loved Ones.

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    @aeye - Trog

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Am I too late @wacha? looks like fun

  • @tippyteapot  Feb 2022

    Wrote mine last week @wacha but didn't think to post it here:

    Movie: Basketcase

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Nope, @jayjay - The Rescuers

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    Hahah that’s a wild one. I’ll see what I can do @wacha

  • @jamkar Feb 2022

    Here is my take on the movie Feed.

  • @aeye Feb 2022

    Here we go! I essentially treated this like it was a modern day movie trailer.

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    I've got around to writing mine. Killer Clowns From Outer Space.

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    I got "The Hunger" and took it as "longing"

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    @tippyteapot mentioned i should check this out. i loved her tune basketcase. so, if this is still happening - i'd love to participate!

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    @tippyteapot your movie is "Gretel & Hansel"

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    I'll bite. Be kind :)

    Thanks, this should be fun.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    My offering, "Humoresque," with a heavy assist from @thelowestbitter

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    "Army of Darkness"! There's a choir, a revenge plot and alien robots lol. Collaboration with @aeye

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    @andrea - "Halloween 25 Years of Terror" (It's actually a documentary about the Halloween series) totally up to you what to do with any or none of that information.

    @crutherford - Just realized I assigned the one I drew for you to the wrong person, you should have been assigned "Gretel & Hansel"

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Here's my song for "The Sacrament"

    I intend to listen to everyone who played but odds are it won't be until March so please stick around for March Album Listening Month.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    @wacha I love horror and creepy. Time is getting low, but I will try. I didn't actually watch this series past the first one. The documentary sounds interesting.

  • @gammafied Feb 2022

    Just under the wire. Just saw the trailer for the film; Collab with @pianoonthepatio -

  • @leka Feb 2022

    I did my own movie title challenge and used only finnish movie title translations as song names.

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