Dandelyon's Card Challenge

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  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    So, I'm willing to draw you a card as inspiration for a song. You can pick from four decks: The Celtic Oracle, The Flower Speaks, Heart & Soul Angel Cards, or The Whimsical Tarot (a deck based on children's fairy tails, fables, and myths). Edit: I'm adding The Londa Tarot to the list.

    You don't have to pick a deck. If you don't, I'll pick one for you. But if the one deck you don't want is what the person above you asked for, you should say something, since unless I have a request or strong feeling, I often keep using the same deck in the absence of an indicated preference.

    Since I want to write a lot of songs this year, I'll be drawing cards right away, to do as many before FAWM starts as possible, so you can expect your card on Feb. 1 if you request it early. If you ask for a card after that, that's great; I'll try to get to it within a day or two.

    You can use #CardChallenge as the hashtag for this challenge.

    UPDATE: It is not too late to ask for a card. I may be a bit slower to get to you now that I'm songwriting and doing skirmishes and stuff, but I'm still happy to be doing this.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Yay I love these challenges! I’ll take a whimsical tarot, please ‍️

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    The Flower Speaks, please. :)

  • @vivalarayna Jan 2022

    Yes, please! I'll take from Celtic or Whimsical (especially if it's one of the creepier fairy tales!)

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Yes, please sign me up. These are some of my favorite challenges, thanks for hosting it!

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    I'll take a random card!

  • @unpronounceable  Jan 2022

    Let's go random! Though I feel like it's between the flower deck and the whimsical one.

  • @rwhosings  Jan 2022

    I'd love a card from the Whimsical Tarot!

  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    Thanks so much for doing this, @wylddandelyon! I’ll take a random draw.

  • @liz561  Jan 2022

    I will give this a try! May I have a card from the Whimsical Deck please?

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    @vivalarayna The Whimsical Tarot is a lovely deck, but you'd have to import any creepiness. The deck is the kind of thing you'd safely give to a third grader so long as their parents wouldn't freak out at the word "tarot". The Celtic Oracle also doesn't have a dark vibe. I tend to look for decks that have picture art all the way through and where I really enjoy the artwork.

    Would you like the Londa Tarot instead? This site has a few pictures: http://www.wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/Londa/

  • @vivalarayna Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon - thank you for the update! In that case, I'll honor the ancestors and go with the Celtic Oracle.

    On a related note, I think we would have a grand time discussing decks! I prefer fully illustrated ones, too.

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon I'd love one from the Heart & Soul Angel Cards, please and thank you. : )

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the offer and please count me in. I choose the Celtic Oracle :-)

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    Oh yes please. Heart & Soul Angel sounds appropriate for me (btw, I am by no means a real angel. I just like puns. And gardening.) :)

  • @janetjulian  Jan 2022

    Anything except Angels, please! :)

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    The flower speaks please!

  • @nateger  Jan 2022

    Thanks for doing this! I would love a card from any deck

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    All right! I have drawn cards for everybody so far, so I can copy and paste your inspiration quickly in just a few days. Would anyone else like a card?

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Flower Speaks please.

  • @conorg Jan 2022

    OK well hailing from Ireland it will have to be the Celtic Oracle please!

  • @jaegerin  Jan 2022

    I love this kind of challenge! Would love a Celtic Oracle card!

  • @sjbatavia  Jan 2022

    I’m in. Which ever card you feel drawn to serve mez

  • @sjbatavia  Jan 2022

    I’m in. Which ever card you feel drawn to serve me.

  • @janeg  Jan 2022

    I don’t know the decks but the Whimsical one sounds good. I’m in.

  • @kristi  Jan 2022

    I'd like to try one from the Heart & Soul Angel deck please! Thank you!

  • @bethdesombre  Jan 2022

    Whimsical, please!

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    The Whimsical Tarot for me, ty!

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    Anyone else?

  • @antlion  Jan 2022

    I will take one from a random deck, thank you!! :)

  • @kathym  Jan 2022

    I would like to try The Flower Speaks, please. Thank you for offering to do this for us.

  • @tan482  Jan 2022

    I would like to try a Celtic Oracle card please! Thank you!

  • @mlv  Jan 2022

    Please choose a random card for me! :)

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    I'd like Celtic or Whimsical, please. :3

  • @vegansongs  Jan 2022

    Thanks. Would love the same as Sheilerk above. Celtics or whimsical

  • @boycetown  Jan 2022

    Has to be the Celtic Oracle deck for me, please.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I draw Bo Peep, who represents courage in the face of adversity and inner strength. This is card VIII of the major arcana, which is Strength. Bo Peep is in the foreground, a line of sheep behind her and a wolf on a rock overhead. The wolf is white, and is less detailed than the sheep or the flowers in the field, so it is perhaps the fear of a wolf rather than an actual wolf. Bo Peep is looking off into the distance, trying to find the sheep who wandered off. Bo Peep may not look strong, but she is always there for her sheep—and, I bet, for her friends and family. Stuff goes wrong, sheep stray from the flock, and it is in facing these everyday challenges that we find everyday adventures.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I draw the Forget-Me-Not. The card is titled Memory, and shows a woman dancing. She has a flowing dress and forget-me-nots tied to her braids, swinging to the music. She is looking up at an unplucked forget-me-not and a butterfly, perhaps blowing it a kiss. The colors of her dress swirl up into the sky. Just beyond the butterfly, we see a very new crescent moon. She says that the song for which you yearn so deeply already lives within your heart. Listen to the wisdom of your soul. Manifest your dreams. Memory can be a key or a touchstone, and always an inspiration.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I draw The Colors of the Winds. The image is a triskele, three spirals in green, gray, and blue, with a center design in red , orange and gold. The book says, “The subtle power of the air brings messages from far places.” It also says, “Journey to the top of a hill and invoke the power of the winds to carry you to the place you need to be. Make your own “song of the winds” to do this. Air is, of course, an elemental power, and thus is wild and free. It can take you to places you’ve never been or blow you off your expected course, so you have the opportunity to see and hear new or unexpected things along your way.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew The Lady of the Sacred Earth from the Celtic Oracle. The image shows a proud white horse pawing at the ground. A fountain of fire flows up from where her foot is plaed. A crescent moon and stars are overhead, and you see images of horses in the sky too, like constellations. Each sky horse has a star for its eye. The lady of the Earth shows her power and energy, her bounty even when we humans exploit her. She is that from which we all come and to which our physical form will return. She can transform all things. This card is associated with Rhiannon, and you could read her story for additional inspiration. She has three wondrous birds which can return the dead to life or enchant the living into a timeless sleep.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew Strength from the Londa Tarot. The image here is a woman in a black dress trimmed with leopard fur. She holds one leopard cub in her arms and another is sheltering on the ground between her feet. You can see a partly cloudy sky behind her, and she has an infinity symbol over her head like a halo. Though soft and delicate in appearance, cats large and small are independent and strong, capable of incredible feats of strength and agility. They do not come to humans out of weakness, but rather out of a desire for companionship, and they treat us like strange, soft-skinned cats. Like cats, we can choose to be unstoppable in seeking out our desires, voracious in our willingness to rest when rest is needed, and cuddly when we want companionship. Seize the day (and the night, and the liminal times in between).

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew Hawkweed. The card is titled Truth, and shows a man in a loin cloth sitting on the ground in front of the flower. He has an owl on his shoulder and one hand upraised. He says that truth pierces deeper than any arrow can, and speaks of the importance of being willing to both see the truth and speak (or perhaps sing?) it. His is the courage to look carefully at the unknown and to set aside denial. When you see a thing or situation clearly, that knowledge can flow into effective and wise action. He has a triangular chest piece pointing down and a triangle on his loincloth pointing up, drawing attention to the solar plexus, the center of balance, speaking to the importance of moving in balance and grace whether just observing or taking action.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew The High Priestess, she who stands between light and dark, day and night. She holds a wand that trails glowing lights, very bright in the darkness and showing more color in the day. She represents the balance between the mundane and spiritual, the overt and covert, the known and unknown. She knows many secrets, and might hold these mysteries close or reveal them as she deems fair and appropriate. She herself does not seem to be dancing, but she hears the cosmic music and her magic dances, bright, around her. If she were to step aside, you might glimpse that time and space where things are no longer what they were and are not yet what they will be, the time and space of choosing, when so many things are possible.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you, I drew the Four of Pentacles. The image shows a bridge, with a dragonfly hovering serenely in the foreground, but the main image is a dog who is at the center of the bridge, leaning out to drop a bone into the water, which reflects that image very clearly. Is the dog trying to share the bone with the dog in the water? Save it for later? Or perhaps just make sure that no other dog can get at it? It isn’t clear to me, but it seems like a waste of a good bone. Whatever is happening with the dog, it doesn’t affect the rest of the world. The bone hasn’t even yet splashed down, but when it does it will cause ripples so the waterlilies bob about briefly. And then the bone will be gone, to be rubbed smooth by the current or gnawed on by fish, but never to be enjoyed by any dog again.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew the Seven of Pentacles, here pictured as Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, watching her garden grow. Mary is in a blue outfit with a white apron, and is watering her garden plot, which has some seedlings in front of some small flowers, and six huge sunflowers sleeping in the sun or watching her at her work. Things are tidy and growing as they should, she is tending things as she should and shall have a good harvest. The card represents growth through diligence, hard work, individuality, and creativity. Really, I’m not sure what she’s being so contrary about! Except, you know, Mary rhymes with contrary, and even if it didn’t everybody is contrary sometimes!

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew the Mystic Rose of the Star Angels. The image is a 12-pointed star, or flower with very pointed and regular petals. It glows brightly with a pure light, the heart of a star at the center. It stands for perfect harmony and balance. You may not hear its voice at first, but if you quiet all your mental busy-ness, you will begin to its the pure song of spiritual truth. With it, you can find a heart and soul synergy and let your own inner creative self shine. The stars shining behind the rose symbolize your own inner dreams and aspirations. Let the rose shed light and energy on them, and pick one to manifest in song.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I draw The Keeper of Letters. The image is the sun, with a serene face, rising over a landscape upon which is carved ogham letters. The transmission of tradition is keeps alive the ways and beliefs of a people. In this modern world, we pass most knowledge by way of letters, but the druids felt that would reduce people’s ability to remember the most vital knowledge themselves, and taught that anything important should be taught by word of mouth, which included song. Ask yourself, what things are too important to only share via dry written words. What things, what stories or mysteries, are so important that they should be shared by mouth, by a living tradition that will not lock them into immobility, but will let them grow and expand and have their truth distilled and brightened by passing through the hands and mouths of all the people who might someday sing your song.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew the Dolphin With Pearl of Great Price. The image is a dolphin, perhaps formed out of the water itself, with a pearl in its mouth. It is leaping over the water with stars behind it. Dolphin comes playfully from the depths to offer you the Pearl, which represents your hidden talents. It is time for you to embrace them and to build skills around them, and to be optimistic, open-minded, and joyful. It is important to consider the origin of pearls—they grow around impurities or imperfections, things that are inherently irritating, and yet that is the seed that allows a beautiful pearl to be formed. What imperfections in you could be polished into pearls, abilities that you would never have developed without that imperfect start?

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I drew Daisy, which is titled Wisdom. The image shows a woman dancing with a huge daisy, her arms circling it but not quite touching, as if it is spinning. This card was designed to be this deck’s analog of the Wheel of Fortune, so it matters whether we let wisdom or foolishness guide our path, since the end is shaped by the means. It is important to look at the world in a holistic way, for the parts shape the whole just as much as the whole shapes the parts. Of course, chance is real, and some things are random. But our actions, our planning, our readiness to face whatever fortune brings, those matter, and are in our control. If we are ready, whether it is to deal with adversity or with an unexpected opportunity, we can shape our fortunes.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    For you I draw Seed, which is titled Potential. Here, the seed is depicted as a purple oval surrounded by rays of light. The seed is pretty much self-explanatory, I think. New beginnings, abundant possibilities, undeveloped ideas. Of course, you need more than just a seed to get a healthy flower. It must be planted in suitable fertile soil, and blessed with sun and water and clement weather. Planted outdoors, in a suitable spot at the right time of the year, it can seem to just grow, like magic or like it was inevitable, but if it is less fortunate, it will need someone’s attention and consistent action to help it along. And some flowers need more attention than others. You get to choose which seed to plant, and when and where—or, if seeds are already scattered, which ones to tend. There’s no promises, but where there’s seeds, there’s hope.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you, I draw the Third Circle from the Celtic Oracle. The image shows a river flowing through a vast cavern beneath the earth. Though much of the area is naturally rounded by the water, here there is a gateway or at least stone supports and cap, decorated with green knotwork. This card represents Annwn, the abode of the ancestors. The roots of the tree of vision and tradition grow down into this realm. You can see stars in a sliver of sky overhead, but that is so far up, who can tell if it’s day or night up there? This is the innermost and deepest of the three worlds, and the bright and powerful wisdom of the ancestors can be found here, but those who descend into the depths might become lost in that place of richness and wonder.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you, I draw the Morning Glory, titled Balance. At the center of the card is a winged staff, much like a caduceus, though the twining symbol is the twining vine and buds of the morning glory. Three open flowers are in the foreground, and in the background is a couple, gazing at each other. I have morning glories in my garden. They start to bloom before dawn, so they greet the day with open welcome, but in the heat of summer, they often wither by noon. I’m not sure about the early bird, but only early pollenators will taste this flower’s nectar. The card also speaks to balance between the different aspects of a person, physical and spiritual, active and passive, giving and receiving. In this context, it could also speak to finding a balance between the different parts of a song, lyrical, harmonic, and so on.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew The Lord of the Sea. The image is much like a green man, but rainbowed and with seashells, fish, corals and waves instead of leaves. The book says this card represents the restless, tempestuous energy of the sea, and perhaps the swirl of the lord’s hair and beard do represent that, but I also see a calmness in the center of it all, since he is not raging, but calm and friendly. The tides of the sea are ever-changing, but also constant, depending on how you look at it. The details change, but the sea is still always there, always bountiful, and always reaches from the edge of the land to the edge of the sky. The card pictures Manawyddan, who like his counterpart Manannan Mac Lir is more than a god of the sea. He is also a farmer and a craftsman and a weilder of magic.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I draw the Walker Between Worlds. The image is a gateway with five faces on either side and two birds above. The central figure (the book assures me it is one figure, not two) has t here faces, with different expressions. This is a shaman, a seeker of wisdom, and a seeker of visions. The three faces symbolize his ability to see within and without—to go on inner journeys while keeping a presence in the outer world, and upon return from that journey, to synthesize both experiences in order to interpret what was seen and experienced in both realms as a harmonious whole. I note that all three faces have their eyes open. The journey is not a metaphor for sleeping, but rather for being aware on more than one level, and accepting that neither level is inherently less true or less valuable than the other, and they are best understood when considered together.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew The Chariot. The image is a pumpkin being pulled by two mice away from a castle. The white mouse is on a white cobbled road while the dark mouse is turning off onto a muddy road. One wonders what will happen to the pumpkin as they scamper on. I also wonder about the symbolism here--a pumpkin will arguably be a lot more comfy in the mud than on a bunch of hard, shiny rocks. This image is, of course, from the Cinderella story, but there are no princes or glass slippers here. The main characters are the pumpkin and the mice, who are rushing headlong to—well, we don’t know, do we? Certainly the mice don’t agree about that! The mice have left the cinder-girl long behind and are headed off on their own adventures, and the pumpkin, having lost its wheels, seems destined for pie.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew the Eight of Cups. The image shows a spiderweb overhead, with a spider hanging on one of its threads down to what must, I suppose, be called a tuffet. There is a girl running away and a bowl of white stuff dropped on the ground. The tuffet seems to be an old oak stump, since it has one tiny live twig growing leaves. There are flowers behind Miss Muffet and stars like flowers on the ground. I would suggest she shouldn’t be crying over the spilt milk (well, milk-product), except that’s not what upset her. The book suggests that the card represents abandoning the physical to take care of the spiritual, but is that really what she’s up to?

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew Haurvatat, the Guardian of the Four Rivers. This Angel is all about water and the lessons water teaches. Let yourself be more fluid. Allow your energy to flow dynamically, so you can flow in the waters of time toward the light. Remember, everything ebbs and flows, nothing is static, things are moving and changing. Listen to your heart, let it guide you and your energy. Give and receive freely. Flow outward to explore, knowing that you can always flow back to your center, your heart. Let the movement of the waters within you raise your vibrations to the level you need for good health and vitality. Life is an ongoing process.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I drew the Page of Pentacles. The image shows a paper and pen front and center, being used as a tally sheet. Behind it are stacks of gold coins, an uncounted bag of coins, and scales to check their weight in the background. The whole focus is on the money, and there’s lots of it. I’m betting this was intended to be the king in his counting house, except where’s the king? I guess, compared to the coins, he’s insignificant. But if money is not used for something, a person might as well be hoarding old newspapers or worn-out shoes. Or perhaps I’m being uncharitable, and this is his retirement fund or the kids’ college fund. But it sure better not be just the grocery money, or the kingdom is in big trouble.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022


    For you I draw the Ten of Swords. The image shows a very unhappy egg-person in who was, presumably, sitting on a brick fence, but who now is falling headlong toward jagged rocks on the ground. He has a stylish bow tie and quite flimsy arms and legs. We don’t need the ten swords to indicate there’s impending disaster. Or perhaps the swords are supposed to represent all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, who, if they arrive at all, will arrive far too late to do anything constructive. But really, what was an egg doing sitting on a wall in the first place? It reminds me of the kids song that goes, If a rock falls on an egg, too bad, too bad, for the egg. If an egg falls on a rock, too bad for the egg.


  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    From the Flower Speaks, I drew you The Christmas Rose, titled Initiation. The image shows a baby surrounded by a golden glow sitting cross-legged, reaching up for the rose. Above flies a bird, likely a dove, surrounded by the same golden glow. Snow falls gently. The flower blooms upon the whitest snow, and yet its root is the blackest black. Though the ground is frozen hard, new life still manages to spring forth. You may feel like all your creative energy is frozen or used up, but take heart and be open to letting your light shine, let the seeds sprout and grow, and even if it surprises you, the flowers will bloom and the bird will sing.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw the Shooting Star, titled Attunement. The image here resembles many Tarot images of the Star, thougth the details are different. A woman stands in a garden, holding a flower petal in one hand while the other hand guides a rainbow of energy from the eight-pointed star above down into the world. The light is filtered through a flower, and a hummingbird hovers around the flowers in front of her. The book says, “I am one who tunes the earth to the sweet sound of the One Song, which the hummingbird knows and sings along.” She is a spiritual person who is at home on the earth, and when she is not singing, she is listening. She knows that the heavens are not separate from the earth, and the mental and spiritual and emotional are not separated from the physical.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw the totem beast, The Crane. The image shows a crane standing on one leg in the water in front of an altar upon which is carved a bull. Three cranes are standing on the bull, on his head, his back, and his tail. There is a cheerful fire on the alter, and the crane has its beak open as if singing or speaking. The crane is associated with the preservation and transmission of lore. Merlin is said to have noted that a number of cranes can leave a message; it’s not sure if it is their actions, their voices, or perhaps their long legs can be seen to form ogham letters. Of course, the three are not mutually exclusive.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I drew The Tower, here depicted as the story of the three pigs and the wolf. The wolf is a friendly guy, really, you should ask him yourself and he’ll tell you that, at great length and volume. But then, he’s such a windbag he has no trouble blowing that first poor piggy’s house of straw to the far corners of town. It’s a good thing the poor piggy has siblings who planned better—good for the pigs, of course. It’s probably not so good for the wolf, but really, he looks quite chubby, he can likely survive having his planned dinner escape. Pride goeth before a fall, right? But is it the piggy who thought a straw house was protection enough or the wolf who thought his skill with words was sufficient to bring the world to his feet that that being prideful enough to trip himself up? I guess either way, there are big changes afoot—or in the air, so to speak.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw The Sun in the Whimsical Tarot. The image shows a happy, winking sun over a tiny fairy who is stretching on a leaf, with flowers all around. Or perhaps she’s dancing. She looks so happy. And indeed, this is a card of joy and success, a card of beginnings. The fairy seems to be saying, let’s dance—or perhaps let’s fly, but what is flying but dancing in 3D? And what’s up with that sun winking? Does it have a secret to share? It’s already shared the light and warmth that let all those flowers grow. Bask in the warmth, and let your dreams take wing.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you, from the Whimsical Tarot, I draw the Queen of Swords, or Red Riding Hood. She walks through a wintery forest, wolf tracks I the snow behind her, a basket over one arm, and an owl in a tree just past her shoulder. But looking at those tracks, I gotta wonder what’s up. They are moving away behind her, and that just isn’t how the story goes (usually, anyway). Has she already defeated the wolf, or fed it well and sent it on its way? Or maybe the bards got it wrong, and she herself is the wolf. That’d be a twist, wouldn’t it, if Red was part of a family of wolf shifters? And what’s with the dagger hanging from the so-short necklace she’s wearing? There’s certainly a story here, I’m just not sure which one!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you, I drew the Four of Pentacles. The image shows a bridge, with a dragonfly hovering serenely in the foreground, but the main image is a dog who is at the center of the bridge, leaning out to drop a bone into the water, which reflects that image very clearly. Is the dog trying to share the bone with the dog in the water? Save it for later? Or perhaps just make sure that no other dog can get at it? It isn’t clear to me, but it seems like a waste of a good bone. Whatever is happening with the dog, it doesn’t affect the rest of the world. The bone hasn’t even yet splashed down, but when it does it will cause ripples so the waterlilies bob about briefly. And then the bone will be gone, to be rubbed smooth by the current or gnawed on by fish, but never to be enjoyed by any dog again.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    OK, I believe that's cards for everyone who asked for one so far. If I missed you, let me know, and if you haven't asked yet and want a card, that's great, you're welcome!

  • @cblack Feb 2022


  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much @wylddandelyon ! Walker Between Worlds... fits perfectly for a Brit living in Germany, and a translator :-)

  • @conorg Feb 2022

    Thank you @wylddandelyon . Just last night I was watching Green Planet Episode 2, a stunning look at plant life underwater and today I get the Lord Of The Sea!

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    I got excited when I saw that you had started drawing cards... very powerful image, I got chills!!! Thank you so much @wylddandelyon

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the pull, @wylddandelyon <3

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the draw.

  • @lennie  Feb 2022

    I would love a card, please. I leave the choice of pack up to you.

  • @antlion  Feb 2022

    Thank you @wylddandelyon! :) This was a really helpful inspiration for my first song of the season: https://fawm.org/songs/125692/

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw Goldenrod, which is titled Relationship. The image shows a woman seated between two goldenrod plants, holding one in each hand. Behind her is a hart. This card is analogous to Justice in a regular Tarot deck. This card is about balance and equilibrium, cause and effect. She is a peacemaker, who notes that as you sow, so shall you reap. Though she is pictured seating, and sometimes balance is about staying still, more often balance is an active process, for the world is always turning and changing, and keeping the balance may not be simple or easy. The image of an eye on her dress strikes me as meaningful. Think about the heart (the hart?) of the matter.

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Oh I would like to try it, no preference concerning the decks!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon Thank you!

  • @fantasywriter42 Feb 2022

    Hello! Could I get a card from the Celtics deck, please? ^_^

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    Just finished mine: https://fawm.org/songs/126505/
    It has room for vocals or maybe spoken-word poetry if anyone feels so inspired.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw the Tiger Lily, titled Action. The image is a woman with striped hair (purple, blue and pink) crouching with a spear in her hand and her tiger behind her. In the foreground are the tiger lilies, bold and bright orange. She says, “I am the light adjacent to the dark. I am the arrow, the bow, and the tension of the string between. I am the moment between waiting and leaping. There is a sort of balance here, a wholeness. The waiting isn’t for its own sake, and it isn’t passive at all, it is active preparation for the leap forward that is just about to happen. It is like the match head that is set against a rough spot, all it takes is that tiny bit of intention and deliberate action to transition from stillness into motion.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw the Lord of the Underworld. The image is a pale man with an antlered deerskull helmet riding a white horse and accompanied by three white hounds. Underneath their hooves and paws the ground is like waves coming into a shore, with each one representing a different kind of terrain—fields, rocky ground, water, trees, and so on. The man is blowing a golden horn. The underworld is a place of change and unpredictability and its lord partakes of that nature, but he is also a man of honor, and one who rectifies imbalances, works to set the record straight when there are misunderstandings or deliberate deception, and balances inequities in every area of life. Arawn, as leader of the hounds of Annwn, has been linked with the wild hunt and other figures around the world who pursue the souls of evildoers,

  • @jjmickey Feb 2022

    I would like a card please, no deck preference. This challenge just seems really cool.

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    Draw for me from the Celtic Oracle oh great and powerful oracle of Milwaukee. Also, have you seen Stephanie Pu-Man Law's beautiful Tarot Deck? (she was the Artist GOH at BayCon a few years back)

  • @taracraig  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon I'd love to get in on this if it's not too late. Random deck please.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    @mhorning Oh, those are so pretty! I could totally see myself reading them.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you, from the Celtic Oracle, I drew The Father. The card shows a golden man’s face, hair and beard braided, over a carved bowl sitting on the purple ground, with seedlings around it. The Dagda is a figure of immense energy and strength, of life unbounded. He has great appetites and great love for all of his children, and he is known as the father of many. He is a keeper of lore and story, and loves sharing it all, both the true stories and the fanciful tales, in spoken word or song. He plays the harp (and probably other instruments) awith great abandon, and no little skill. He has a club which kills with its head and restores life to the fallen with its tip, and his cauldron is inexhaustible. His harp can hold time itself at bay.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw The Eagle. The card shows the eagle flying, head uplifted. In her talons she holds a bodhran painted with the symbols of the four sacred directions. The eagle soars higher, sees farther, and flies longer distances than any other bird, and it is associated with clearsightedness and aspiration. She is rising on the thermals now, her eyes open, able to see past misdirection to the truth. The drum may represent music or things music is used for, or perhaps it represents the world itself given that the directions are painted on it. The eagle is recognized for its wisdom, and is also associated with shape shifting.

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw The Otter. The Otter is here pictured as diving into the water playfully, dancing with an eel. The otter is equally at home on the earth and in the water, and is thus able to travel between the worlds. She is renowned for her ability to preserve life and is known as a guardian. The eel is also a symbol of wisdom and power. Here, they dance playfully through the water, bubbles of air rising as they twist and twirl. Sometimes it’s important to set aside one’s duties and just play.

  • @blackrose1313 Feb 2022

    I'll take Celtic Oracle please!

  • @jjmickey Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon thank you very much!

  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon Oh, this is hard... I might have to break out DADGAD

  • @kathym  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon thank you for a lovely card that I can connect with very easily. I appreciate your offering this challenge so we can all grow a little.

  • @rwhosings  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon I'm amazed that you drew the High Priestess for me. I've been working with her for a little bit, and this was the perfect push to listen even deeper!
    Here's where I've gone with her, thanks again!

  • @harperjen  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon do you have time to draw one from the Celtic Oracle for me, please?

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022


    For you I draw The Lady of the Cauldron. The image shows a woman with long red hair and a torc. Her heart is weeping, the drops falling into a beautiful cauldron. She has a snake in each hand, and they twine above her head like a DNA spiral or the snakes on a caduceus. There is a hen and a bee on either side of the cauldron, and the table it’s on is shiny, like water. Or is it water? Well, the hen has no trouble standing on it, if so. You are likely familiar with the story of Cerridwen as the keeper of the cauldron of inspiration, and how her attempts to help one of her daughters led to the birth of Taliesin. Cerridwen’s name comes from cyrrid (crooked or hooked) and benyw (woman). It is usually translated as “crooked woman”, but as a writer, I wonder if it might better be translated as “woman of hooks”, where the “hook” is the thing that draws a reader or listener into a tale. Certainly, for a writer, finding the right hooks is worthy inspiration indeed.

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon ..Thank you for this challenge.. It took me awhile but here is my offering. I have some listening to catch up on!

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    Yay! I'm glad to hear that songs are coming in.

    But in the meantime, are there any latecomers who would like a card?

  • @kathym  Feb 2022

    @wylddandelyon here's mine ... I was afraid I'd be the last one having started so late in the game. Thank you for a lovely card that I enjoyed exploring.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone came up with as this is one of my favorite challenges.
    For lack of a better title, "Attunement" - no demo at this time

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Not the last one, @kathym :-) Here's mine: https://fawm.org/songs/134913/

    Thanks so much, @wylddandelyon for organising this. Challenges are what really keep me going, and this was a fun one!

  • @janeg  Feb 2022

    Jane, you aren't the last one either. This song was a struggle but I didn't want to let Deirdre down, and anyway it's good for me to stretch my thinking. Next time I don't think I'd pick the Whimsical Tarot. https://fawm.org/songs/136386/

  • @conorg Mar 2022

    Room for one more! I really left this late but got the challenge completed in the end:


    Thanks @wylddandelyon this was a really interesting challenge, and it took me a while to find an angle that I liked, but then it just clicked.

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