The Backwards Thread

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  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    What a finish, what an inspiring call to action! Talk about ending this broadcast with a bang and not a whimper!

    And now that is it, everyone, for this year's Backwards Thread. We've heard the news, the reviews, the daily snooze, and the hot-mic-mishaps-after-the-interviews. We've gotten the skinny, pushed fellow FAWMers to ignominy, been guinea pigs, and done the last-minute program rejigs.

    Now it's time to tune up, shout it out, and yes you were waiting for this, POST SONGS! Now snap and clap and jazz-trap to it!

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

    *misunderstood it*

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Any final words to close this thing out, @elainedimasi?

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    And that Slothcore album was a m a z i n g. The naps really refreshed me this February.

  • @reklov Jan 2022

    Oh yes, you're totally right! Just think about the "Make Up New Genres" Challenge we did last year! I made an "Acoustoclash" contribution as well as as a "Monophonic" piece - not to forget about "Slothcore"!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    I cant wait for next year, who would have thought it would end like that i guess that just what opossums do!

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    @coolparadiso, what's this I heard about you walking in on your partner and @opossum in flagrante? I guess you're ready to forget about 2022, yeah?

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    I am pleased to report that in the case of Wordsmith v Chief Censor of New Zealand, Justice Venning voted in favour of the defendant - and visiting fawm dot com after 2021 is no longer considered an offense in this country.

    I want to thank you all for your messages of prayer and support. It's been a trying month, but I am armed and dangerous with no shortage of song material... all of which I will be proud to post to fawm dot com

    (all the same, I'm about ready to forget about 2022...)

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Amazing. The interviews we host here never cease to strain incredulity and at the same time, reinforce our faith in songwriter nature.

    And now for a news bulletin on an issue we all hold dear. Here's our New Zealand correspondent:

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    So I struggled through the month and got my FAWM win, but HE was on fire? How can someone write 76 dancepop songs in one month?

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    I think the final count was 76. Or 78 if you count the ones with the barking dog samples, but I’d just as soon leave those out.

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    How many roads did Alan Lomax walk down before he called it a day?

  • @kable Jan 2022

    Double the escape velocity?? How does that even happen? Amazingly done, FAWMers!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    I'm just going to lie here immobile and let it all sink in.

  • @toms  Jan 2022

    @johncrossman you must be tuckered after completing a double FAWM - and then there is that article about your final song, what an amazing bit of virality that caused! What are you planning now that that blew up so big and so positively?

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022


    Fabulous artist spotlight, folks. I can't even.

    (Careful with that hot mic though folks.)

    And now for a new feature we're trying out this year, the "FactOidLympics" !!! Featuring remarkable, remarkable achievements and events ... ~numerically~ !

    Take it away!

  • @davidbreslin101  Jan 2022 in the zongpile.

  • @elesimo  Apr 2022

    So, when can we start posting new songs? Is it February 1st my time or anytime in the world?

  • @postcardhelicopters  May 2022

    It's great to see the site open, again!

    Hello, FAWM 2022!

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