Free Synths (VST)

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  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    Just spotted that the excellent free / open source VST synth Surge has had a major update this week.

    It used to be a commercial synth, the company made the code freely available and a team have picked it up and modernised it, added extra modules, FX and presets and it's well worth having in your arsenal!

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    Not a synth but I'll add this for those who don't already know about the free Decent Sampler
    There's also loads of free Decent Sampler compatible libraries available at Pianobook

    And of course there's the fantastic LABS

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    VITAL, a free spectral warping wavetable synth

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Always in the market for free VST

    Some recommendations from me:

    Decent stereo analysis tool and widener

    The chorus effect of a Juno-16 essentially. Sounds nice on bass guitars!

    If you use Ableton like me, you may note that the stock EQ is very 'clean' with little character, so I sometimes use this

    as above

    Klanghelm DC1A
    Nice compressor, same concept as above, Ableton stock compressors don't give a lot of warmth

    Saturation Knob
    Does what it says on the tin. I use it a fair amount. nOIGvGQHVPN9oIHfUPlscSHhRjrjZv UALoz6mYaAiWiEALw_wcB

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    You can get free demo of the Arturia soft synths and they're really good. Emulations of old 'classic' synths. The functionality is limited but some really cool pre-sets of classic sounds you'll recognise.

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    Spitfire BBC Discover Symphony Orchestra

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    There are so many available, you can spend hours trying them out!

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    @mikeb Can you suggest something that you like?

  • @aflinner  Jan 2022

    +1 on the Spitfire stuff, both LABS and BBC Discover.

    Other quality free VSTi libraries include:

    Native Instruments Komplete Start
    Orchestral Tools SINE Factory / Layers
    ProjectSAM The Free Orchestra

    Worth poking around the websites of the major VSTi makers, many of them have quality free offerings to get you in the door.

  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    Free loop packs, midis and drums I did some work with them a long time ago, so you might hear me.

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    Not a VST but if you need a good alternative to soundforge or Audacity I suggest Wavosaur:

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    @ianuarius - everyone has different likes/dislikes, ao just try some!

    Just trying that Surge synth that @vomvorton suggested, lots of great tones in the presets! I love the Juno strings patch, will definitely be using that this year!

  • @ianuarius Jan 2022

    @mikeb There's too many to try and 99% of everything is garbage. No sense wasting my few good years trying out a bunch of nonesense. If somebody has good suggestions, I'd rather give those ones a try. If not, then I guess I'll manage. XD

  • @spingo  Jan 2022

    I've gotten some good things from the Karoryfer samples freebies with Sforzando sampler, esp. the Weresax, Bear Sax, and War Tuba as a ragged horn section:

    I've been using OrilRiver as my main reverb for the last couple of albums, mostly with the Plate on vocals:

  • @bootlegger Jan 2022

    The obxd should still be free. There's a new version out that maybe it wants people to pay for but it seems like you can still get it free. It's great though if you like the Oberheim sound.

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    @spingo Hah! I used exactly those three as my horn section in my opening track for last year's FAWM.

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Ok, not a synth, but IK Media has a free EQ. Neve 1080 console. Only this month though. And, CDM is a very good new media informations website… as is Attack Magazine…

  • @spingo  Jan 2022

    @beat Man, I love CDM.
    @tseaver Hah! They're good! You could pad 'em out with the DSK stuff, too.

  • @spingo  Jan 2022

    @beat I also really like FACT's Against the Clock series, 10 minutes to make a track, like Skirmish Extreme Mode.

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    @spingo ja, looks good. Just had a fast listening/watching to one video. Am certainly gonna look a bit closer into it. Didn’t know the site. Thx.

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    @ianuarius on both the sites I linked, if you click 'read more' or on the image of the synth there is a demo video.

  • @mrblitz000 Jan 2022

    these are 32-bit, but 10 years ago, the guy had a pretty cool thing going.

    i still use some of these plug-ins today.

  • @halfwalk  Jan 2022

    Just discovered Pendulate by Newfangled Audio... kind of a semi-modular thing going that has flexible modulation and an interesting character (a "double-pendulum oscillator," whatever that is).

    Vital, of course.

    Cherry Audio's Surrealistic MG-1 Plus is super simple and fun for some easy retro synth tones.

    I know it's been recommended a few times already, and it's not a synth but it bears repeating... Spitfire LABS is great! My favorites are probably the lovely "Soft Piano," "Choir," "Frozen Strings," and "Trumpet Fields."

    Orchestral Tools has a similar thing going with their free SineFactory, though it's not nearly as expansive (and the engine is kind of cumbersome). There are some lovely sounds in there though.

    The Pianobook website has a lot of gems, though there are some duds there too. There are lots of characterful pianos, as well as a ton of other esoteric things.

    As for top notch free mixing plugins... Tokyo Dawn Labs makes amazing stuff. Nova and Kotelnikov rival some big-budget plugins.

    Valhalla Supermassive is one of those "how the heck is this free!?" plugins. If you like ambient music, don't sleep on this one.

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Another FLOSS synth from the author of the Vital synth is Helm:

    I'm not enough of a synth-head to evaluate either, I'm afraid, but the FLOSS musicians I know who *are* so inclined love both.

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    @vomvorton That video demonstration of Surge is worth it alone! Wow, that is some amazing skill going on there.
    I also like Airwindows a lot. I use a lot of their console/desk type of stuff, but pretty much everything is really great quality--IF that type of plugin is what you are going for, and he has a huge range of plugins...from very conventional to waaaayyyyy out there. They are "free" for an unlimited time, but he has a patreon that I pay into to support his work, but you can certainly try out whatever you want and pay if you can or when you can. He is an amazingly intelligent person and seems to be in the right profession. Some of his explanations go straight over my head, even though I know what the plugin does! Anyway, great stuff.

  • @nuchoyce  Feb 2022

    If anyone is interested I came across a free Denoiser plugin. It really gets rid of unwanted air sounds from filters, fans, and background noises. I first used it on my track Take Over. I like how it reduces noise without effecting the overall sound.

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Audio Damage have re-released a bunch of their older plugins as freeware. Some really good stuff in here, I paid for the Tattoo drum machine back in the day, and they have some nice distortions etc.

    They're Mac / PC and mostly 64-bit but not support for the new M1 processor etc as they're out of support.

  • @xfloorpunchx  Feb 2022

    Landr made a huge list of 248 free VST !

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    adding to the replies citing Vital.

    yup, get vital.

  • @eargoggle  Feb 2022

    @fonte - I got those Arturia samplers a while back, and then I sprang for the discounted ($300) pack of the real thing. And I know $300 is not free but I gotta say, probably the best music software purchase I've ever made, there's something like 35 synths or so, I'm still working my way through them but so far everything sounds really, really good and it's inspiring all kinds of stuff I wouldn't do or try otherwise in the songs I'm writing this year. My $.02.....

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    Pg8x is a pretty nice Casio emulator. Always like the fish fillet stuff also for dynamics. Tdk eqs are nice.

  • @mardeycranbleson  Feb 2022

    Also dsk are always useful - maybe not always the best sounding but if you need a certain type of instrument it’s usually there.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    @eargoggle yeah I was at a studio last year where the guy had original old synths, all the classics, and he was a proper synth head, and I was like wow that’s so awesome and he said yeah I don’t use them anymore really, cos the Arturia stuff sounds just as good! When he said that I immediately downloaded the demo lol

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    @eargoggle oh also you can get midi controllers that are replicas of the original synths so you can also get that feel of twiddling nobs etc :-)

  • @eargoggle  Feb 2022

    @fonte oh wow, I basically bought these because I have to face facts that I'll never be able to afford an actual Juno or Jupiter or Prophet or whatever...good to hear that they're close to the real thing. They sound damn good, is all I know.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I feel like I just got dumped into a room full of toys with no idea how to play with them. I'm still very much a n00b when it comes to all this synth/VST stuff.

    For the most part the instruments and effects that come with Band-In-A-Box, Logic Pro and Audacity fit my current needs and wants, but maybe the reason I don't make music with some of these other toys is, I don't know they exist. But it's also possible I could end up with the musical equivalent of analysis paralysis and never make any music.

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Kia, the auto company, released a VSTi. :D

  • @berty38  Feb 2022

    I just bookmarked this thread extremely enthusiastically. Thanks @toms for commenting on it and bumping it up. I missed it, but there are so many things to play with in here!

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Well, the Kia synth is not very inspiring, to me at least. @berty38 that blog has great lists of VST stuff. :)

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