iPhone Users - Stereo Audio Question

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  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    I recently got a new iPhone 13 pro max and I upgraded from an older model that only recorded in mono. Well after recording some videos I was pleasantly surprised to see that the video's audio was recorded in stereo and it actually sounded really good with some nice separation.

    Here's my question. Does anyone know of any audio recording app that will allow me to record audio in stereo using the built-in mic and also monitor the audio I'm recoding thru headphones?

    If there is, I'd love to record all of my 1st pass takes and demos on the iPhone. I usually do this on the Zoom which sounds amazing but transferring the tracks and naming them later wastes too much time. Apps usually allow you to name all recordings.

  • @celineellis  Jan 2022

    have you tried Garageband in the iphone? i dont use the inbuilt mic other than for voice memo's so dont know if even is capable of stereo recording, but I know folks who have recorded whole albums in GB ios on their iphones

  • @majordanby  Jan 2022

    I used GarageBand on my iPhone for last years FAWM, and with a £50 mic, I was able to get a pretty pro sound. These times they are a changing.

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I ended up finding a great app that gives you tons of control and even lets you select which mics to record from. It also allows high bit rate recording. The newer iPhones have a mic in the front, bottom, and rear. That's why it makes great sounding stereo recordings. The app is called "Voice Record Pro."

    LINK: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-record-pro/id546983235

    I'm only using this for quick sketches of songs. I find it super helpful to just open an app, hit record and get my ideas down without the fuss of the multi-track process. I also don't want to be connecting any external mics or gear because that slows the process down.

    My process is usually to get the idea down on a simple 1 or 2 pass recording in an app, then late at night, as I'm pretending to go to sleep : ) I'll just lay there reviewing my recordings and will try to continue "writing" in my head. In years prior, the iPhone audio quality was really bad/low bit rate when recording in the memos app. With this new app, it sounds great. You can also monitor your recording with headphones on.

    I do all my final recordings with my studio mics in Logic Pro.

    @elesimo thanks. Yes it does help to use headphones without a built-in mic however, the main sound memo app was still recording in mono and at a low bit rate.

    @celineellis Yes, I've done garage band but I avoid that for quick sketches because you have to create a project every time you want to record and you have to open and close each project to hear other recordings. I find that this wastes too much time when I want to quickly pour over a bunch of scratch recordings. This new app solved this problem.

    @majordanby I started in garage band way back in 2008 and upgraded to Logic as it gives me infinitely more control. The best thing I found was that all of my Garage Band projects open right up in Logic so I've been able to pick up on old demos to continue them for further work

  • @robhowell  Jan 2022

    @jacobmorales I have exactly the same phone so U’ve done some googling and apparently Spire Music Recorder supports stereo audio recording using the built in mics but I haven’t tried it out yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/acnodb/any_apps_for_recording_stereo_sound/

    Thanks for pointing it out, it is really weird that the newer iPhones record stereo audio with their built in mics but most audio apps only record mono from the built in ones! I’m going to try this out tomorrow :)

  • @robhowell  Jan 2022

    @jacobmorales I just saw your comment about Voice Record Pro btw, I’ll check it out!

  • @celineellis  Jan 2022

    @jacobmorales looks like a nice app for demo recording for FAWM. I will probs download it to try out over Feb as I am sure i wont be able to be in my studio all the time! thanks

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    @robhowell great. Let me know how you like it.

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    @celineellis for quick quality demos, go for it! Make sure to turn in the advanced options so that you can dial up the quality settings.

  • @quork  Jan 2022

    I do all of my recording on my iPad, with a decent mic and a good audio interface. I’m sure it’s not as feature filled as a computer, but it does a fine job (and it’s all I’ve ever known).

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