Any redditors that make money streaming their music?

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  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    There are some amazing redditors streaming and some total crap ones as well. Can someone give me the cheat sheet method to monetizing from the reddit streaming platform?

  • @jackdawfactories  Jan 2022

    I came in here to "brag" about the fractions of pennies I earn from Spotify, I didn't even know Reddit had a streaming platform!

    Edit: I absolutely missed the word Redditors in the thread title. Welp

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    In reddit the streaming does not have direct revenue potential, but some of the streamers post twitch and other connections. Weird thing is that the maximum viewership I have ever seen is about 27k people, and smallest is about 13k people. I think that number is probably mostly just the total count of people scrolling by because there can be 19k people watching someone walk down a road of rather bland landscape and interest.

  • @musicbykatie  Feb 2022

    @scottlake yeah, I've noticed on reddit it seems like there are thousands watching every single streamer.... I stream on twitch and have gotten several payouts and some loyal fans. It seems like the easiest platform to start monetizing, honestly.

  • @alfapenguin Feb 2022

    I've streamed on Reddit - Most streams get next to no viewers, except the ones on the front page, which get "thousands." I put it in quotes because they count the people who aren't really watching, but just scrolling by. The money is in tips, assuming you can get enough to make a difference. I have no idea what the top folks make, but for most people it's not much at all.

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