North Yorkshire & Teesside

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  • @hornesgiftshop  Jan 2022

    Greetings from Whitby. Gone are the days when we could loose off a FAWM demo to Bob Fischer and get it played on the radio if it was any good, but we can try and impress each other here.

  • @hornesgiftshop  Jan 2022


  • @jepist45 Jan 2022

    manchester here , getting my lo-fi crap together for a month of tormented grinding, and knocking out a few one day demos at the same time , hope your well .

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    Cumbria here… not too far away?… (though I’m on opposite coast!)

  • @davidbreslin101  Feb 2022

    Hello from York! Ditto on t' lo-fi crap....

  • @hornesgiftshop  Feb 2022

    Hello Jep, MKDB and David. Hope you all have a good one - I'll be looking out.

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