The Latest & Greatest Opossum Music!

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  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    RAY D. OPOSSUM: OK children listen up! We're gonna do our new song for the nice people.
    OPOSSUM KIDS: boooooooo! screw them! they suck!
    R: Stop that!
    K: you suck! boooooooo!
    R: HEY! C'mon. Just like we practiced. I'll do the verses and you guys do the chorus.
    K: I'll do your mama! bite me! ha ha ha!

    I ate a frog for breakfast
    A bowl of ticks for lunch
    if you leave your garbage outside
    I'll crawl in and eat a bunch

    opossums eating garbage
    is like rabbits eating daisies
    Monkeys eating bananas
    Or dingos eating your babies
    We love to eat your garbage
    We'll munch upon your trash
    And when we're done
    we'll poop upon
    Your beautiful bluegrass

    R: All right, that was pretty good! You remembered the whole chorus!
    K: I remember your mama!
    R: Oh stop that!
    K: that's what she said. ha ha ha! that IS what she said! ha ha ha!
    R: OK verse 2 let's go!

    I ate a mouse for dinner
    Some bugs for midnight snack (eeww)
    And if you hear some morning noise
    It's me I am out back (farting)

    opossums eating garbage
    is like rabbits eating daisies
    Monkeys eating bananas
    Or dingos eating your babies
    We love to eat your garbage
    We'll munch upon your trash
    And when we're done
    we'll poop upon
    Your beautiful bluegrass

    R: Very nice! Now let's do the bridge and the final chorus.
    K: You're a bridge.
    R: That makes no sense.
    K: You make no sense. This song makes no sense. ha ha ha!
    R: SHUT UP! Let's do this!

    Cows love eating grass
    Beavers love wood (hahaha)
    Polar bears love Eskimos
    'cause they taste so damn good (just like chicken)

    opossums eating garbage
    is like rabbits eating daisies
    Monkeys eating bananas
    Or dingos eating your babies
    We love to eat your garbage
    We'll munch upon your trash
    And when we're done
    we'll poop upon
    Your beautiful bluegrass

    And when we're done
    we'll poop upon
    Your beautiful bluegrass

    And when we're done
    we'll poop on you
    and you can kiss our ass

    R: OMG that's NOT what we practiced!
    K: practice this!
    K: yeah, practice this!
    K: ha ha ha!

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    (c) copyright 2021 Ray D. Opossum

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    I like to think of @opossum as the hero of his story. Clearly these adolescents are his nefarious villains.

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    Ha! Yeah @bradbrubaker I think yer correkt! I am always the hero and these young'uns are definitely varmints!

  • @sorby69  Jan 2022

    Ha! I love it!

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    Thankya kindly @sorby69 ! It is clear in the song how them young'uns have a deep and abiding respekt fer me, right?

  • @opossum  Feb 2022

    I'm stuck with opossum writer's block so I guess I'll jes bump this again in case anybody wanna hear me caterwauling!

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    Awww, a bluegrass song. I love bluegrass.

    Oh myyyyyyy…..

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    @opossum You could write about how you've avoided being hit by ice cream trucks, or things you've thrown up after eating.

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