London Calling and London fawm over party organising thread

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  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Representing Reading and London

  • @jennieb Jan 2022

    What's up

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    Saaaf London. But really from Norf London. So, very confused.

  • @tomslatter Jan 2022

    Technically I'm just north of London but you can use an oyster card here so I reckon that's near enough.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Jan 2022

    Tottenham, North London

  • @pooka  Jan 2022

    Still still in Enfield over here!

  • @andybalham Jan 2022

    Formerly of South London, but now in the sticks of MK. I still have an Oyster Card somewhere though.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Hoping for a FOP this year!!

  • @spikedirection  Jan 2022

    Kent. So south London dormitory.

  • @rshakesp  Jan 2022

    St Albans - but still work there....

  • @stewdean Jan 2022

    North London and working in the West End! Last year all my songs mentioned bits of London. This year I'm still looking for a theme.

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    Lurking around the southern London/M25 hinterland

  • @majordanby  Jan 2022

    There’s no South East group this year so I’m jumping in on this one. Just try and stop me. I’m in little old Eastbourne.

    Watchlisted you all as it’ll be nice to hear some southern English music amongst the hundreds of Americans.
    Happy writing.

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    South London, reporting for duty. @fonte which part?

  • @chrishope Jan 2022

    I get a funny feeling inside of me
    just walking up and down.

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    @davidtaro Bromley area, so technically South London, but not realllly. You?

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    @fonte I’m Crofton Park, near ish Catford. So probably not a million miles away if you ever want to jam ;)

  • @boxtape Jan 2022

    Not technically London, but not very far away in Sussex, hello!

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    @davidtaro hell yeah! that would be awesome!

  • @panch  Jan 2022

    Not London but near enough - Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

  • @tessadavidson Jan 2022

    Guildford! Let me in!

  • @plushbaby  Jan 2022

    SE and SW (Greater LDN) Getting ready to FAWM hard!

  • @daveyboy103  Jan 2022

    Cambridge UK

  • @mlv  Jan 2022

    *tips hat* NE London checking in!

  • @digitig Jan 2022

    @fonte Petts Wood here!

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Aylesbury, just a hop and a skip to Amersham to get on the tube :-)

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    Proper south central London here and representing! At what time is it appropriate to discuss a potential FOP and who is going to arrange it (trying to avoid doing it this year if possible} Given we are still in the Great Global Mess, I understand if no-one's ready but if you are, let us know j$

  • @digitig Feb 2022

    "FOP" - er - "Fundamentals of Planning"?

  • @cicpisces  Feb 2022

    South East London... cheaper side of the Greenwich Borough.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    @digitig no way! We’re practically neighbours lol

  • @tomslatter Feb 2022

    FOP = FAWM over party. We all get together somewhere suitable, usually a pub, and play our FAWM songs at each other while (if you are so inclined) getting progressively more drunk as the day goes by.

    I think it is never too early to discuss FOP. How are people feeling about that sort of thing?

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Just joined... South West London (Streatham).
    Originally from the West Country, though... many years ago

  • @pooka  Feb 2022

    So, yeah, picking up on the idea of doing a FOP in London. I don't think it's completely unfeasible to do so.

    Evidently COVID rules would have to be put into place, so things like wearing masks when not singing or eating / don't attend if not boosted / take an LFT beforehand, etc.

    But I think we can do it, especially with the rates going down as they are and the fact that it would be over a month away. I still think we can.

    We'd need a venue, a PA system (although we could probably make do with a few amps if we can't get one), someone to organise and people bringing their own instruments if they can!

    Never too early. We can do this.

  • @zeekle1998  Feb 2022

    @davidtaro & @fonte if you’re doing a jam let me know, I’m in Chislehurst SE London.
    Re the FOP, definitely up for this.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Feb 2022

    i could see if the one we used a few years ago is available , and i have a (replacement!) PA . the King and Queen in Fitzrovia, free to use with a collection for MacMillan. we were booked to do it there in 2020 when it all kicked off.

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    That would be superb, @wobbiewobbit - please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    ahhhhhh the king and queen xxx

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    @wobbiewobbit - I'd be up for another visit to The King and Queen! Fond memories of the last (and only) one. :-)

  • @johnnycashpoint Feb 2022

    Up for a FOP, definitely! j$

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    I wandered in here looking for the Clash appreciation society. I’ll wander out again as there is an ocean between us ;)

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    @zeekle1998 Chislehurst, yep that’s definitely in the right neck of the woods! I’d be up for a jam, prob post-Feb. Don’t suppose you or @fonte know if there’s a rehearsal studio anywhere close?

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    @jayjay :)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    @davidtaro @zeekle1998 the only ones I’ve used recently are pirate studios but had to head to north London for that. I believe they have a couple south of the river

  • @zeekle1998  Feb 2022

    @fonte & @davidtaro i don’t know any locally. My band rehearses near Erith. I’ll have a look around

  • @zeekle1998  Feb 2022

    @fonte & @davidtaro David - I have sent an email with possible spaces. @fonte your email is not on your profile - if you go to mine and send me an email I'll forward on the info

  • @pooka  Feb 2022

    Would be good, @wobbiewobbit - and I'm up to FOP.

  • @andybalham Feb 2022

    I'm up for a FOP. The last place was great. I might even remember my chords this time @dragondreams

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    hahhhaha @andybalham :)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    @andybalham - now where would be the fun in that? ;-)
    It was "modern jazz"...

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    When I play wrong chords, I just channel my inner-Hoops and stop, explain exactly what I've done wrong and attempt to charm everyone in the vicinity in doing so.

  • @pooka  Mar 2022


    Let's keep this thread going as we are genuinely going to need to organise a FOP...

  • @sw1n3flu  Mar 2022

    awww yeah FOP FOP FOP!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Mar 2022

    I have been doing this for 3 years now and not once has there been a party afterwards I want my party dammit.

  • @sw1n3flu  Mar 2022

    @wobbiewobbit did you have any luck with The King and Queen?

  • @rshakesp  Mar 2022

    I’d love to do this - I’m not in central london - but if there is no luck in the centre - I know a great place out here in St Albans

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    oh dear. the king and queen has changed its policy and there is now a £700 minimum spend for the room. :(

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    Yeah, that's probably a bit more than we'd manage to spend, as I think I recall that they don't do food. Presumably we'd be expected to make up the difference if we fell short. Thanks for trying.

  • @sw1n3flu  Mar 2022

    Yikes that’s pretty insane Wobbie.
    £700 is a lot of beer….!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Mar 2022

    So here's a thought. I need more info bit there is actually an option to rent a performing space in Camden for a tiny amount of money. Like, 40 people. It has a stage, a PA and staff. Is that of interest? If so, I shall try and find more details.

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    @mariekevinkmusic - that sounds ideal

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Mar 2022

    Forget about that one. Not possible.

    But on another note...if this is the "national UK FAWM meetup", could it be held in a more central location in the country? One that's less difficult to get to and cheaper if folks want to stay overnight?

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    I am up for going elsewhere too. I have organised a couple in Cambridge (but not really got time/energy to do that this year) and went to one in York one year (also been to FOPs in Netherlands, Germany, Canada and USA, so I'm clearly a FOP-nut)

  • @tunecat  Mar 2022

    I’d love to come to something - even if it’s in London ! I vote for it being in Yorkshire !! But that’s cause that’s where I am - accom is cheap and there see some great venues. NB if this is national - can someone put up a new thread

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    @tunecat - there's no restriction on organising it. If you're up for it, please go ahead.

  • @pooka  Mar 2022

    Okay, so this appears to have fizzled.

    Shall I do some investigation into places? I've got some spaces here in Enfield, but I could always look somewhere more central if that's easier.

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    @pooka - if you're happy to do investigating, that would be excellent.

  • @pooka  Mar 2022


    I've done some research and it's proving difficult to find somewhere in Central London. I'll keep trying, but most places are nervy due to COVID and/or too expensive.

    @morti used to be good at finding places for his band to rehearse, and although that's not ideal, a recording studio might be all right, seeing as we had FNOP there once (and that's where he met @roberta), but since neither of them are here right now, that's a bit of a moot point.

    I have done a bit of outreach to my local arts service inquiring about rooms in our venues here in Enfield. Our main arts hub is closed for redevelopment, but the local arts centre (at which I've done a gig) might be available, the problem being that in order for it to be cost-effective we'd only really be available to have it for three or four hours (£32 per hour for the big room, although that's not too bad if split between several FAWMers).

    Another option might be my church hall. I'm aware that that's where my wedding is and therefore I know who to contact to book there fr a few hours. They may also have a PA to hire so I may ask them.

    I'll keep looking and update with anything I find.

  • @johnnycashpoint Mar 2022

    Good work, Pooka! I will check if any of the venues I have organised before round and about Vauxhall are still available, as well, though I know for a fact two of them no longer exist, post-COVID. I'd be happy to schlep up to Enfield for an afternoon. j$

  • @pooka  Mar 2022

    Sure, you have a look around Vauxhall, J$ - that might be more accessible. If not, I'll be able to book Salisbury House.

    Should we do a Doodle poll to see who is available when?

  • @pooka  Mar 2022

    I've asked the Enfield Arts people about possible availability on dates, by the way - I've asked about every weekend in April and the first one in May. Dates may come back; they may not.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    i just found this very handy site... i sent off an inquiry to this one as i thought it looks ideal and £350 min spend is doable - other days cheaper- sunday??? . photos look great.

    seems a very usable website for venue finding though in general

    hope you are only on inquiry stage @pooka and it doesn't throw things - but i thought this was worth looking at. looks a nice atmosphere room - i said in inquiry looking for afternoon gathering with maybe a little gig in the evening

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    That looks ace, @wobbiewobbit! Should we do a poll of when people are available?

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    yeah definitely you had to just put in a date and send enquiry, but there was a box saying i'm flexible re dates/times that i ticked, i went for 23rd April as a rough let's see in theory

  • @johnnycashpoint Mar 2022

    Just to add the Cavendish Arms, Stockwell (where we had FOP 2018) is still available for a £150 refundable deposit , if I read their rules well enough}

  • @pooka  Mar 2022

    I'm happy to do either that basement @wobbiewobbit found or the Cav (as @johnnycashpoint suggests - I remember doing at least one FOP there). They're probably both more accessible than anywhere I can found.

    I'm still very much in a planning phase and haven't booked anything, so if one of you wants to take the lead on this, then please do so.

  • @pooka  Mar 2022


  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    can we get some dates sorted, some possibilities to approach the pub on the phone is essential really. happy to chase up the basement... which is unavailable from 6pm on 23rd btw, but that was just a random date i picked to test the water

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    Here's a doodle poll of every weekend day from end of April until the end of May (and I've included the bank holidays in early June too. I've put it all at 1pm, but please ignore that and just assume you're being asked for date. My response is not correct; I just added in all the dates including ones I can't make.

  • @helenseviltwin  Mar 2022

    (Let me know if you want me to make any changes)

  • @johnnycashpoint Mar 2022

    Done! And just so you know as I usually get these things wrong, I can currently do all day on any weekend or bank holiday except 1st May, 13-16 May, and maybe 27th May .... j$

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    @pooka? Anyone else?

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    maybe we could rename this thread (or start more focused one) to FOP in case there are non london area people who might miss this and would still like to come?

  • @sw1n3flu  Apr 2022

    Sounds good. I’ve submitted mine

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    I have renamed

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    Can everyone see the results of the poll? Currently the most popular dates are 21/22 May

  • @dragondreams  Apr 2022

    I can see it, and I too selected 21/22 May (my birthday weekend). But the site is telling me my email is invalid (happens sometimes when coders don't believe that is real).

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    @dragondreams - I've added you in for those dates.

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    @johnnycashpoint @wobbiewobbit - I think it'll be one of you doing the actual booking, so just give me a shout when you want me to close the poll

  • @dragondreams  Apr 2022

    @helenseviltwin Thank you!
    I'll bring the six string bass for you to have a play with. :-)

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    @dragondreams - is that the one you play chords on?

  • @dragondreams  Apr 2022

    :-D ;-)

  • @sw1n3flu  Apr 2022

    Cavendish Arms was fun!

  • @wobbiewobbit  Apr 2022

    the basement one is not available from 6pm on the 21st

  • @pooka  Apr 2022

    Gaaaaah, I just saw this!!!

    I'm available for all those dates so I've filled them in on the Doodle.

    I can also bring an instrument; I have the following available:
    - electric guitar
    - acoustic guitar
    - bass guitar
    - glockenspiel
    - Stylophone
    - various hand percussion bits (I'mma probably bring these anyway; I always do)

    And I'll go along with whatever.

  • @sw1n3flu  Apr 2022

    so where have we got to so far?

  • @helenseviltwin  Apr 2022

    In the absence of a venue where we can play music, we could just meet up for a drink/dinner or something.

  • @jonmeta  Apr 2022

    I'm going to try to get up to London (from Zaragoza) to see my kids around the end of May - first of June. If a definite FOP plan comes to fruition, I'd buy my RyanAir ticket accordingly. So I'll keep an eye on this space. Assuming it's OK for a colonial commoner to crash the party.

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