Album Cover Art

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  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    Several years ago [@lhcisco] gave me the idea to create notional album cover art in January to get the creative juices flowing ahead of FAWM. Post your album cover art here.
    This year is my 10th FAWM so this is what I came up with.

  • @jamkar Jan 2022

    Yeah, that's cool Sean!

  • @kanttila  Jan 2022

    I commissioned a cover from an artist on Fiverr called kemaltafwidh. I draw myself but I have done it less and less over the years as music became my creative outlet. So I decided to commission someone and make a cover.

    It fits with my idea for this album, bringing out the drums. The character is Kaletta, who some might know from a song of the same name from last 50/90. She's certainly going to be a mainstay in my music now.

    I wanted art of her playing with a winter scene outside, sort of like Rush in the "Limelight" video. I was really happy with the work the artist did and it certainly inspires me to make an album for it.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    One of my Albums this year. Cane cutters having lunch (how my grandparents met)

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

  • @spikedirection  Jan 2022

    @ductapeguy excellent use of that app!

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Here's one I've considered using...

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    @kiffa Fantastic band pic.

  • @bachelorb  Jan 2022

    Every year it seems I have to ask about coding a pic in..... I think I remembered this time :)


  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    I don’t have any artwork but replying here to remind me to make mine

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Draft No.1

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    First draft... subject to change without notice. :-D

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    NOICE one DD!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    @sw1n3flu - Thank you, kind sir. I love yours! :-D

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Cool topic, thanks! I'm not done with my album, so there's no cover yet.
    @kanttila I remember Kaletta very well and that's perfect anime artwork!

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    @nadine I remember Pyromancer! Great collab!

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    This years cover

  • @musicbymichelle  Jan 2022

    This is my first time participating. Hoping my album cover inspires me to great things

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    Might go with a version of this.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    @ductapeguy Thanks! It wasn't easy to get all of the members together at one time.

  • @moonraccoon  Jan 2022

    You've probably seen this by now, Sean.

  • @stephubik  Jan 2022

    Don't know yet what the subject matter will be or how it will sound, so no title yet... but since I've decided to go mainly electronic this time I thought it would be a nice idea to let the computer dream the cover...

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    @stephubik i simply luv that cover. Your computer had a nice daydream.

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Jan 2022

    I'm so excited and inspired by this idea! Here's my first draft, made in canva

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    My current intention.

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Wow, everybody...these are great album covers. I'll never be like the cool kids in this regard, but it sure is nice to look at these and get inspired.

    @beat - I had something similar in mind when I finished a personal project last month.

  • @steviez Jan 2022

    @sw1n3flu - Is the "Nothing is f'kd" a Big Lebowski reference by any chance ?

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    My concept for this year.

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    This is what I threw together for my EP (coming out this week!)

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    For the more graphically challenged, Wombo's "Dream" app can be a rich source of inspiration and amusement:

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    @odilongreen Oh man, am I on board with that concept. You have my profound sympathy, if it's drawn from personal experience. I currently have a 1.5 cm stone in my left kidney and a slightly smaller one in the right, together with a cyst...

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    That's a pretty neat site/app, @headfirstonly . Just tried it with the prompt "Memory" & got this:

    The whole "Dream Trading Cards" is giving me some interesting marketing/promotional ideas… Thanks for sharing, Chris!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    @candle - that's a pretty sweet looking CD Longbox cover!!! ;)

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    @zecoop, yeah, that would work too!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @gubna Jan 2022

  • @speed0doyle Jan 2022

    I got to get to work on the artwork, stop me from writing too many songs before February 1st!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    Emergency Room visit for my wife today. Suspected Appendicitis. They made me leave because she got a positive Covid result yesterday. While waiting I decided to open Art Studio and try out some different brushes after being inspired by some art they had hanging on the wall.

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

  • @frozenlonesome  Jan 2022

    This was the cover from my FAWM2021 album.
    Designing my cover art along with doing videos has been a big part of my Frozen Lonesome project.

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    @scottlake - all the best to your wife. You might recall, my appendix went a few FAWM ago and that pain is nothing I would wish on anyone. Ugh. Hope that and the covid clear up quickly.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    @steviez you're being very un-dude

  • @kable Jan 2022

  • @willyviste Jan 2022

  • @ampersandman  Jan 2022

    Today during a boring video conference I started creating a series of covers, randomly laying my holiday photos over another and playing around with the blend modes. Then I also made the design. So I basically have all my song covers sorted out, this is the template. (Now updated)

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Jan 2022

    @kanttila I LOVE the idea of creating a cover and making the album based on how cool the art is!! That's super inspiring and creative!

  • @monty  Jan 2022

    https://montgomedia/pandemedia This is what I came up with after last year's FAWM.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    A poorly drawn mongoose seems somehow fitting for me this year.

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    So, I've been playing with one of those aps where you put in text and the program creates (mostly bad) art. But I got an image I like.


    Edit 1-3 trying to figure why the pic wouldn't show. I think I fixed it. Edit 4: accidentally clicked on the "report this" button while trying to click on the "edit" button. Sorry folks!

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    OK, let's try this one. It's quite different from the first, but the base pic is a photo I took.


    I like the first one better.

  • @cblack Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon I really like that colourful one! It looks professional and intentional despite being made by code.

  • @johnstaples  Jan 2022

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    @johnstaples - Nice!

  • @wylddandelyon Jan 2022

    @cblack Thank you. I liked the image enough that I emailed it to myself. To make it a cover, I just used the basic windows/office photo program to trim it square and my finger on the touchpad/screen to write. I'm so frustrated that the program I used to use to add properly formatted words to photos is no longer available. This handwriting thing is messy.

    I mocked up the other one real quick when I was having trouble posting the first one, to see if maybe the wombo people had some kind of coding in the image to block edited reposts, but that doesn't seem to be the issue.

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    @wylddandelyon I just looked at this That's my evening gone! haha...Thanks for sharing this.

  • @whispermouse  Jan 2022

    Finally bought myself an iPad a few months ago, and I've just started messing with Procreate. I think this'll be my cover this year.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Nice one @whispermouse !

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    And very creative @johnstaples

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    it's been years since I actually got an album out of my FAWM songs and if by some chance it happens this year, I probably won't use this, but I had some time to kill so here's an album cover anyway. I think it makes a pretty bold artistic statement re: looking at my cats, aren't they great

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    @vomvorton, My wife would 1000% endorse any album with this title and cover! (I like cats, but not like she does!)

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    @odilongreen if the market's there, I already have a follow up planned.

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    I always pick a photo I've taken the year before for my covers, though I cheated last year and used an older photo.

    Maybe this for 2022?

  • @joachipz Jan 2022

    This will be my album cover this year:

  • @engebretsen  Jan 2022

    I always do an album working art cover. This is the one this year:

  • @bithprod  Jan 2022

  • @hmorg  Jan 2022

    I've moved since last FAWM and my new place has a view of a park. Thought I'd try and let that inspire me.

  • @mishykatz  Jan 2022

    These are amazing! Great thread...Inspiring :)

  • @mosley  Jan 2022

    Getting stoked for a far out FAWM, I'm gonna use this as my next album cover...
    (my ongoing art/music project is called Electric Catnip)

  • @lhcisco  Jan 2022

    Just finished mine. Thanks for the shout out @ductapeguy !!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    @lhcisco - I was waiting and waiting and waiting for yours... You never disappoint! :)

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    @lhcisco. Love it.

  • @lhcisco  Jan 2022

    @zecoop We're livin' in the Beatles Cinematic Universe right now. You know I had to represent. Thanks bro.

  • @lhcisco  Jan 2022

    @ductapeguy Thanks brother!

  • @unkept  Jan 2022

    I really love this idea. I'm not great at drawing, but like to tinker on Procreate with the iPad. I found a photo I liked, traced the face and then used brushes and colors, etc. I imagine this character is the voice in my head as I make music, and they saying "Tell Me", to share my thoughts and write my songs.

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