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  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    ‘Though higher-brow FAWMers eschew it
    And FAWMku-ists often pooh-pooh it
    The time’s come to write
    The trashy delight
    Of FAWMericks - let’s all get to it!

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    So I tried to write something amusing
    When I realized the rhymes of my choosing
    Had already been used.
    Though I wasn't amused,
    At least this FAWMerick's less confusing.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Aww, I already started a thread for this, but I didn't use the catchy portmanteau title. I kind of figured my thread would be overlooked... and I wasn't wrong lol. Anyway, here's how I kicked it off:

    This thread's a perennial favorite
    You might even say that I savor it
    This annual rite
    Fills me with such delight
    If I had to, I'd probably pay for it

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    There was a young FAWMer from Barrow
    Who took his ideas from a sparrow
    He brought out his quill
    with too much of a thrill
    and he impaled the bird like an arrow

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    FAWMerick's catchy, it's true,
    It appeals to both me and to you,
    But for sheer pared-down wit
    And the discipline with it.
    It's nothing compared to FAWMku...

  • @postcardhelicopters  Jan 2022

    If you, at first, don't succeed
    At FAWM'ricking just as you please
    Be sure to dig in
    And try it again
    Since practice promotes FAWM'rick ease

  • @kiffa Jan 2022


    If FAWMku are your thing, then that's fine
    It may be your favorite, but not mine
    With your time cut in half
    I just tend not to laugh
    When your set-up's also your punchline

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Dear @kiffa, it may seem mysterious,
    But the FAWMku at heart are all serious.
    If laughs are your schtick
    Then your plate's FAWMerick
    For you'll find the FAWMku deleterious!

  • @davi3blu3 Jan 2022

    Hello to the FAWMing community,
    Where we bond in our musical unity.
    May your songcraft be honed,
    In a judgement-free zone,
    And creations abound with impunity!

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    Well, it's really not yet time for bed,
    And I'd rather it never be said
    That my FAWMericks were done
    After writing just one,
    That's why I've resurrected this thread. :D

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    A FAWMerick or two before sleeping
    Seems a habit that might be worth keeping
    Then perhaps, as you're dozing
    You'll keep on composing
    Right until your alarm clock starts beeping

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    My brain is as fast as a turtle
    Each rhyme is an imposing hurdle
    But I’ll struggle and climb
    Cuz it passes the time
    Since I’ve already done today’s Wordle

  • @artie  Jan 2022

    A sophomore to FAWM I return
    Though it seems that I’m wrought with concern
    While the passion ignites
    My urologist writes:
    "Your stream of delight shouldn't burn!"

  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    Word games every morning for me!
    (With a cup of black coffee or three)
    ‘Though the Wordle I’ve found
    To the screen I’m still bound
    I’ve not yet arrived at Queen Bee

  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    FAWMku continues to jump
    While FAWMerick sits like a lump
    It always is thus
    I won’t make a fuss
    But I can’t resist giving a [bump]

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Do FAWMku-ers really abhor us?
    Then let's lift up our voices in chorus
    We'll force a reaction--
    Think "Fatal Attraction"
    Like Glenn Close, we won't let them ignore us

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    It's sad that you fear you're abhorred,
    But we only do FAWM'rick when bored.
    The rest of the time
    We can do without rhyme
    As we whet our wit with FAWMku's sword.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    FAWMericks, like FAWMku, are a choice
    Do whichever one best fits your voice
    While FAWMku may be prettier
    I find FAWMericks wittier
    But whichever you like, hey, that's noice

  • @sheilerk  Jan 2022

    FAWMrick or FAWMku either one
    Like WORDLE can be lots of fun.
    It’s not writing a song,
    But what could be wrong
    With filling time till the opening gun?

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    (I'm unleashing my long-repressed Boston accent for this one)

    We're getting incredibly meta
    While debating which poem form is betta
    At least me and @timfatchen
    Are both full of passion
    About how to write FAWM a love letta

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Miz Kaufman, down Mexico way,
    Is confusing our fencing with play!
    In fact, it's quite real
    Finding rhymes you can deal,
    And they'll be in a new song one day!~

  • @lowhum Jan 2022

    FAWMku all you want bourgeois buggers
    mating Japanese syllables one to another
    here on the Black Sea
    we don't listen to these
    though lots came in bottles we recovered

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    "The FAWM's the thing," Hamlet said
    Then presently stabbed the king dead
    So write lots of songs
    All Febru'ry long
    Or Hamlet might kill you instead

  • @davidbreslin101  Jan 2022

    T'is tricky to play at the rhyming
    And master the metrical timing
    Which you needn't do
    When writing FAWMku-
    That's why their count's constantly climbing.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    It’s true that FAWMkus are much shorter
    Yet out of the chaos comes order
    These FAWMericks slay me
    But you couldn’t pay me
    To play a song on the recorder

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    The choices of topics are sparse
    We've fallen quite fast into farce
    If all FAWMericks do
    Is to skewer FAWMku
    I'll move on to much darker arts!

  • @davidbreslin101  Jan 2022

    In a race that has only two horses
    The struggle for place is remorseless.
    FAWMtankas, FAWMsonnets
    FAWMghazals, come on, let's
    FAWM out heterogenous verses.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Though Portland is now where I stay
    My heart is way back in Green Bay
    I’ll dance a disco
    When we beat San Francisco
    And the great Green & Gold wins the day

  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    The doc says he’ll operate
    But on test results I must now wait
    Will my surgeon’s sharp knife
    Give my ankle new life?
    Or will COVID cancel the date?

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    The excitement is steadily mounting
    As we're now down to 10 days and counting
    Tell your family, your crew,
    And your co-workers too
    (Well, all except Ted from accounting)

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    As my instruments all need tuning,
    I shouldn't be FAWMerick mooning.
    While I know that that's dumb,
    I'm a bit of a bum,
    So I can't resist intercommuning.

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    It’s verging darn close to irrational
    To sit here and act oh-so-casual
    When we know in our core
    Just what we’re here for
    To stay cool is no less than laughable

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Humidity here is now tropical
    And how to stay cool is what's topical
    But while others have seizures
    I've been cleaning the freezers
    And right now resemble a popsicle.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    I kind of abandoned this thread
    Overlooked it, and left it for dead
    The demand to be clever
    Is a tiring endeavor
    I've been making 'Fake Band' names instead

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    It's true, and I'm sad to admit
    I only come here in a fit
    Of misguided kindness
    And FAWMku-caused blindness,
    That FAWMerick might rise a bit.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Be honest, dear Tim, you enjoy it
    Or I'm guessing you wouldn't employ it
    You've taken no oath,
    It's OK to do both!
    Your rep's good, and FAWMericks won't destroy it.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    FAWMkus are a feathery cloud
    While FAWM'ricks are boisterous and loud
    There's nothing to lose
    So there's no need to choose
    Write whatever you please and be proud!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    My zen-existential pride
    Must be curbed and, indeed, mortified.
    It's why I post here
    'mongst the FAWMericks drear
    Until my FAWMku pride has died!

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Well, your presence here isn't a rarity
    But it isn't as if we need charity
    As for me, I'd FAWMku
    If it weren't sad but true
    I can't tell a good one from a parody

  • @aflinner  Jan 2022

    Where’s @stephenwordsmith, is he here?
    Not in this thread yet (that’s clear)
    The bee in his bonnet
    Seems built to buzz sonnets
    But surely, in time he’ll appear

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Each forum page has at its base
    The words "FAWM is a friendly place"
    I would hope you've assessed
    That my barbs were in jest
    But I'm ending them now, just in case

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    FAWMonnet, FAWMErick, FAWMku?
    Not just for the odd and strange few:
    For reason and rhyming
    And metrical timing
    A better skill set we accrue

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    There are Barbs a-many delight me
    And the more I meet, fewer affright me.
    See, I'm now at that age
    Where there's room on the page
    For as many Barbs as will bite me!

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    It's a rare thing I warrant a mention
    In a thread free of prior dissention
    Now's my chance to burst through
    With a bon mot or two...
    May I kindly request an extension?

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    As it's said that the Truth makes you Free,
    With your lingering I must agree.
    For the Truth is, I fear,
    That I have been here
    Malingering longer than thee.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    February's so close, I can taste it
    And I hope that this time, I don't waste it
    I'm so eas'ly distracted
    That FAWM's always impacted
    And it's time that I finally faced it.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    @stephenwordsmith, we welcome you gladly
    We could use more activity badly
    Trading verse is a pleasure
    So FAWM'rick at your leisure
    Don't hole yourself up like Boo Radley

  • @meldaltonmusic  Jan 2022

    This year I will give FAWM my best
    Though focus is always a test
    I'm really distracted
    And my work is impacted
    Wherever I notice a - Squirrel!

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
    A nice chance to dance or to sing?
    But it’s January stuff
    And that’s not good enough
    It’s February that makes my bells ring!

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    The best use iambic pentameter
    To make their verse so much less angular
    ’Cause language’s curves
    Can make our brains swerve
    I prefer words that slide down the bannister

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    A FAWMer from Barcelona
    Fed up with the old Corona
    Wrote songs every Feb.
    He put on the web
    That proved him a moaner and groaner

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    I was born and bred just north of Boston
    It's a city that you can get lost in
    And the traffic's so dense
    'Cause the roads make no sense
    Even *writing* about it's exhaustin'

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    I claimed I was born in a trunk
    Mama died and Daddy got drunk
    But the crowd yelled "be blowed!"
    "That's THEFT! Tobacco Road!
    "To plagiarist levels you've sunk!"

  • @davidbreslin101  Jan 2022

    I confess that I do not yet feel
    Represented by this glockenspiel,
    And I've had the odd spat
    With myself 'cos of that.
    Still, the thing has a steely appeal.

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Up this way, a chilly nor'easter
    Is coming to hand us our keister
    If the snow piles as high
    As newsmen prophesy
    We could be digging out until Easter

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    I've always heard everyone say
    The worst traffic on earth is L.A.
    But of traffic I've sat in
    Paris to Manhattan
    It's Boston by far wins the day

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    New single release day for me
    And it can be downloaded for free
    I'm so very proud
    So Bandcamp or Soundcloud
    Or anywhere streaming will be

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Oh @carleybaer I have to say
    Boston? Indeed? No way!
    From the airport to docks
    Lagos often gridlocks
    And it happens on every weekday

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Trent Reznor has had his travails
    When on stage, sometimes his wardrobe fails
    To avoid the extreme stress,
    He tours with a seamstress--
    A stitch in time saves Nine Inch Nails!

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    February starts to creep up; FAWMers gather their luck.
    Collaborating or going it alone- Only fourteen more to bring it home!
    Concentrating on the flow;
    Inspiration is further to grow:
    FAWM; the place where you can Formulate A Whimsical Musical melody~

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    I've been posting my limericks on Twitter
    And it's making me awfully bitter
    I don't ask for a lot
    But with the welcome they've got?
    Might as well flush them right down the s#!tter

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    You're posting on Twitter...wait, what?
    I fear you perhaps lost the plot!
    But then I read more
    And learn the real score...
    So glad your Tweet's not a Twat!

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Yes, I shared some on Twitter dot com
    For my friends who aren't down with the FAWM
    But while they're unimpressed
    One fan thinks I'm the best
    I'm a genius, according to Mom

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    Sign me up for the matchmaking random
    What a chance to make music in tandem
    Cobble chorus and verse
    From perspectives diverse
    And each gain a few more for the fandom!

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    Growing up, I wished I was a Mountie
    Or a hunter collecting a bounty
    The excitement I sought
    It evolved into naught
    I am a lineman for the county

  • @crisp1  Jan 2022

    My synapses seem to be itching
    My fingers are randomly twitching
    When the floodgates re-open
    I hope beyond hopin’
    For music both fun and bewitching

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    As I think about other FAWMs past
    I wonder if my creativities last
    What have I to make
    For all goodness sake
    I'll wipe out all my energies fast

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    One dull afternoon I was bored
    Shopping instruments I can’t afford
    I wouldn’t have guessed
    But now I’m obsessed
    With a banjo that’s made from a gourd

  • @kiffa Jan 2022

    My coffers are also quite low
    But can I make an instrument? No
    Couldn't fashion a fife
    To save my dear life
    See, when it comes to woodwinds, I blow

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    These FAWMericks often are witty
    And could be turned into a ditty
    But some haven't grasped
    The syllables asked
    By a form named for an Irish City

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Not to worry, @kiffa, you 'll do it!
    It's the WOOD in the wind, where you blew it
    But now, grasp the thistle!
    And make a tin whistle!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Gilbert the great played a trick
    And gave Arthur Sullivan stick:
    The most serious chorus
    In his Ruddigore is
    A straightforward limerick!

    "If you wish in the world to advance,
    Your merits you're bound to enhance,
    You must stir it and stump it,
    And blow your own trumpet,
    Or, trust me, you haven't a chance!"

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    The songwriting itch needs a scratchin’
    FAWM fever appears to be catchin’
    Though we shouldn’t compare
    I have only one prayer
    Lord please make me as good as @timfatchen

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    It’s the date I can barely believe
    And I hope I have tricks up my sleeve
    Exciting and scary
    Goodbye January
    I wish you a merry FAWM eve!

  • @lowhum Jan 2022

    there were two ladies from twickenham
    who wrote and sang songs without thinking
    men just stared
    utterly unprepared
    though some of them developed a habit of zlinking

  • @worm  Jan 2022

    With every appeal to the powers, My hope for humanity sours: Incompetent dopes placing all of their hopes into 672 hours.

  • @worm  Jan 2022

    Pooh, '28 days worth of hours' would have scanned much more nicely. I hope I have enough vodka to last until 6:00 a.m.

  • @worm  Jan 2022

    Is a premature lyric a cheat?
    (A much stronger term than 'indiscreet')
    I've heard the mods ban you very
    Ticks before January,
    So buddy quit kickin' your feet

  • @worm  Jan 2022

    When it comes to these matters more lyrical, it's mistaken to treat things empirical. These kinds of things tend no beginning no end. Not so linear, rather more spherical

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    In writing and reading this here
    There is wit in abundance it’s clear
    And as we guffaw
    And roll on the floor
    Let’s hope it’ll reach me right here!!

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    It's sad, and in one sense absurd
    That this gift to the written word
    Should languish a week
    Up the forsaken creek
    With no FAWMerick writers stirred.

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    So February isn’t that long
    To write the most perfect song
    But it’s just short enough
    To dust off the fluff
    And try to keep right more than wrong

    Needs work but I fancied posting

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    I would love to be able to say
    I reply to all listeners each day
    But the truth is I don't
    And till March I won't
    Because February's slipping away

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    My commenting's now a bit sickly
    And my conscience, increasingly prickly.
    My spouse slaves away
    In the garden each day
    So I'm trying to listen more quickly...

  • @kiffa Feb 2022

    With each and every passing day
    My target gets further away
    With just one song finished
    The odds are diminished
    In the M of F, of W an A

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    There once was a Songwriter (aspiring) named Jay
    Who was directed to FAWM website one day
    After 10 days of writing
    From mostly allnighting
    She has a whole album of hits (please) to display

    a person can dream XD

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    After hearing a song most unpleasant
    About plucking a duck or a pheasant
    I took a quick break
    For coffee and cake
    And chilled out with Mornington Crescent

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Ducks proved an unpleasant playing ground
    So multitudes fled in a run-around.
    But Mornington Crescent
    Turned out most unpleasant:
    All of them lost on the Underground

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    As deep in the forums it's lost
    FAWMerick wears a sad cost
    Like limp lettuce leaves
    Consigned to deep freeze...
    Let's lift it and watch it defrost!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Another week passes the singers,
    The pitiful FAWMerick slingers.
    Not even worms turning
    Could set their muse burning
    So FAWMerick weakly lingers.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    FAWMerick got lost in the haze
    Of all those song writing days
    But I for one
    Would like to keep on
    And make it the very next craze

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I thought Tim & I could revive
    A thread that was barely alive
    But it has not grown
    We're left here alone
    Wondering if it can survive

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    It's rather like wand'ring through suet
    To persuade quondam writers to do it
    They let this thread dive
    And it's not gonna thrive
    With just Berni and Tim in a duet

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    When the site disappears from the 'net
    Which will I more greatly regret--
    Neglecting this thread,
    Or my watchlist instead?
    It'd not be the former, I'd bet

    (In other words, I've still got a shiteload of songs to listen to)

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Why must the choice be either or?
    We're not asking you to ignore
    The one or the other
    My sister or brother
    You can handle the two I am sure

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    It's a question of modesty.
    I can handle two women, not three.
    Add a dog and a wife
    And a boat? I'm in strife.
    Altogether, I'm all at sea.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    The sea is the place for sailors
    Whether fishermen or whalers
    They're never caught short
    With a girl in each port
    And wives? They're mainly jailors!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Berni Nineteen Fifty-four,
    Right now I'm stuck on the shore.
    But I've emailed your lead sheet
    And now feel quite downbeat...
    I fear I can't do any more!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Berni and Tim keep on writing
    And not many others are biting
    a post FAWM lull
    and many songs to cull
    the comments to keep on citing

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Correct me if I've got this wrong,
    But I still see a few dozen zongs.
    Though it's hard to make comment
    When a zong has no content
    Devoid of both lyric and song...

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    As I through FAWMerick thundered,
    From sense and from sanity sundered,
    I never surmised
    I'd win the top prize
    By churning out issue one hundred!!!

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Tim Fatchen? He will never shirk
    From getting down to some work
    He sent me lead sheets
    Which frankly were treats
    With him as a friend it's a perk

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    I hadn't said thank you before
    Cos trouble had come to my door
    With results rather mixed
    It's all somewhat fixed
    I got what I surely asked for

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Sad reality gratitude blunts,
    For my memory makes me a dunce.
    Lead sheets I MUST make
    For without them, I break:
    I can't sing the same song once!

    (but thank you all the same!)

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    You know you don't have to repeat
    Your already incredible feat
    You sent lead sheets and tab
    And chords simply fab
    I'm ready to play on the street

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    FAWMerick hangs out a hook
    But no fishies will give it a look.
    If I had better bait...
    But the last lot I ate,
    So I'm going to FAWMku to sook.

  • @lowhum Mar 2022

    Streets are ready to play on
    And to be painted on with crayon
    So do paint on a street
    Do play on it
    But don't you listen to anyone's saying

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Ah, now I don't feel so glum
    I've a warmth inside my tum
    Fawmerick lives on
    My blues they have gone
    And it's all thanks to you @lowhum

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Oh look! There's a few out here playing
    And taking advice about "saying"!
    So to buskers I meet,
    I'll take care to be sweet,
    And curb my instincts for slaying...

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Two buskers I'd like to kill
    Play for hours by my window sill
    One bongos can't play
    For four hours a day
    The accordionist should make his will

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    The accordionist you'll never sway
    Even if he does as you pray,
    For he'll play on still
    After writing his Will
    'cos "where there's a Will, there's a way".

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    "An accordionist in heaven? Obscene!"
    said God, "I don't wish to be mean,
    but I'll just make it clear
    if he plays that in here,
    he'll never be heard, only seen."

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    When you've heard "Hernando's Hideaway"
    Twenty four time in one day
    It's time blood to spill
    An accordionist to kill
    This time he will not get away!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Guitar shops become pits of fear
    If Stairway to Heaven they hear;
    So I guess it's all right,
    Your accordion blight,
    To cut it off when it draws near.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    There's one song you that you never oughta
    Try, if you don't want a slaughter
    The rage will not stop
    In a guitar shop
    If you ever play "Smoke on the Water"

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    These days, when kids play what they can, man
    The music that gets them all banned, man
    which throws staff in a rage
    is not Blackmore, or Page
    but Metallica's old "Enter Sandman"

  • @lowhum Mar 2022

    Now as a busker I'm not even minutely disturbed
    That my head may end up smashed on the curb
    Been playing all day
    A tune by John Cage
    On a very well-tempered suburb

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    @lowhum you've the answer, I reckon
    Fame and good fortune now beckon!
    The crowds will all throng
    to see you not play a song
    for four minutes and thirty-three seconds...

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    In an underpass where folk traversed
    Was where my old folk band rehearsed
    As the coins would drop in
    Wider still went our grin
    Paid to rehearse, how perverse!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Though COVID and fires I've survived
    It's been years since I last played out live
    Hence my busker vendetta
    Gets bigger and betta
    As my own career fails to revive

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    To live on the coast is a blessing
    In Winter in T-shirt's we're dressing
    But this week's a pain
    With nothing but rain
    And grey skies that are so depressing

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    It's sunny down here without let up
    And my garden wife's getting all het up.
    Flood and storm up and down,
    But not in this town!
    I think we've been caught in a set-up.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    For decades I was a drought quencher
    When into the deserts I'd venture.
    The locals would nod
    "Here comes our rain-god!"
    Each trip a muddy adventure.

    (Some claim that a calling so holy,
    Would never descend on the lowly.
    But others were thrilled
    As Lake Eyre I filled*
    And on it, sailed my yacht slowly.)

    *1974 and 1989, for the unbelievers, tho' 1989 I only filled Lake Eyre South. In one night.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    My wife my ears threatened to belt
    If I didn't confess I had help
    So I'm forced to admit
    My wife helped a bit
    In causing those rainstorms to pelt.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    My arid zone re-search endeavour
    The rains washed away down the river.
    The cattle sank deep,
    The flies killed the sheep...
    To still get it passed was quite clever!

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    In Oz they have true desert waste
    That Tim is given to baste
    He's the outback's bane
    Since he brings on the rain
    And gets covered in mud post-haste

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Ah once, yes once, that was so,
    But that was a long time ago.
    No longer a god,
    He's now an old sod
    With very few strings to his bow

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    They say 'as above, so below'
    and I just thought you folks ought to know:
    Tim's power has carried
    We're distinctly non-arid
    and tomorrow they're forecasting snow...

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    The weather here too has been crap
    But I'll not blame that Tim Fatchen chap
    It's politicians deranged
    Who ignore climate change
    Who should be taking the rap

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