FAWM Born Albums

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  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    FAWM born album

    I first joined FAWM in 2008 when I was 28 and was instantly hooked. I went full in that first FAWM. I did the same thing over the next several years and eventually stopped around 2016 because life got too busy. Just hearing my old recordings would depress me because they were all left off in “demo” state and I never made the time to finish them fully. Well life is still too busy but something amazing happened last year. We bought our son a nice spinnet piano because he was asking for one and after some time we knew he was serious. After we purchase it and got it setup in our living room, I would occasionally sit down to noodle around on it. Little did I know that doing just that would reignite the flame in me for music again.

    At the end of last month I begin revisiting all my demos and now I after letting let them sit for some years, I now know how to complete all of them because I’ve grown in my musical knowledge and time has allowed me to really know what I want to say lyrically. So this year I’m compiling this album with songs that span about 20 years which started in 2000. This has always been a lifelong dream of mine to record and release an album and FAWM was the catalyst to start it in earnest. I didn’t push myself enough before FAWM came along. This album will be called “Electric Sparrow Fly” and I go by the name, “theycallmenobody”. Thanks to @burrsettles for creating this place that sparks our creative musical endeavors. Also thanks to @danieljacob for inviting me to my first FAWM back in ‘08, I’m now crafting my metaphors with wood and steel.

    You can follow my journey with this album over at instagram.com/theycallmenobody.

    I’ll try my best to knock out one song this year for FAWM. Also as an added bonus my son who is now learning piano wants to join FAWM to write new music. He’s 9 years old

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    ….almost forgot, in addition to digital, I do want to get this released on CD, and vinyl record…..I’ll even press a few on reel-to-reel tape. I’m old school and if this album is going to be born, it has to exist in the physical no matter the cost lol. I know, I’m crazy.

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    best of luck and keep us all posted!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Be great to see the progress!

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    @mikeskliar thanks. Will do. Good luck on another FAWM.

  • @jacobmorales  Jan 2022

    @coolparadiso thanks for following along.

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