Waterloo Region

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  • @dudachris Jan 2022

    Anyone else in range??

  • @rshakesp  Jan 2022

    I’m in St Albans - short train ride (if you mean Waterloo in london)

  • @mandolinda  Jan 2022

    Just a hop skip and slide from Barrie.

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    @dudachris You are already an honorary Simcoe County FAWMER but I hope you find a few closer to you.

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    @ductapeguy Can I be an honorary Simcoe County FAWMer too?

  • @moonraccoon  Jan 2022

    North Simcoe represent!

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    @metalfoot You actually lived in Simcoe County growing up. That would make you a Simcoe County Fawmer Emeritus .

  • @stuartbenbow  Jan 2022

    I transplanted from Cambridge to SE Michigan 25 years ago, but visited family regularly until the border covid issues.

  • @dudachris Jan 2022

    @stuartbenbow ya COVID sucks. Whenever that is done maybe we can connect on a visit. Looking forward to checking out your stuff!

  • @dudachris Jan 2022

    @rshakesp sorry, Canada you amazing human. Assumption check; if there were non humans trying to blend among us this would be a good place to blend lol

  • @steviez Jan 2022

    Kitchener here!

  • @janetjulian  Jan 2022

    Stratford, so not too far!

  • @janeg  Jan 2022

    @Dudachris what do you mean IF there are non-humans here? Maybe we should have a new forum for those willing to reveal themselves as aliens or animals. Hope there are some songbirds.

  • @janeg  Jan 2022

    @rshakesp would you like to be an honourary Canadian? We can do that.

  • @stuartbenbow  Jan 2022

    @dudachris sounds good. I’m all for post covid open borders and sharing music. It’s been a minute since I’ve played a Waterloo region gig. I miss it.

  • @ductapeguy  Jan 2022

    @dudachris @steviez. Seein as I know both of you IRL, i suggest you try to meet in person. Consider this an inteoduction.

  • @dudachris Jan 2022

    @janeg good idea, I second the motion to make @rshakesp an honorary Canadian :D

  • @dudachris Jan 2022

    @steviez ooh if Sean says we should meet you must be A+ ppl; can't wait for COVID to make open mics acceptable again!

  • @steviez Jan 2022

    @dudachris I hear ya - I've been itching to go to an open mic without worrying for about, feels like, 20 years at this point....

  • @pianoonthepatio Jan 2022

    Oh hi! Classical pianist, songwriter, aspiring composer for film music from Kitchener here! Ready for tomorrow?

  • @marisappaterson Feb 2022

    Hey! I'm in Kitchener and was pretty active in the open mic scene before the Plague struck. Mostly a vocalist and songwriter, though I've been known to play ukulele under duress.

  • @rgarv100 Feb 2022

    Hey! I miss my kw homies a bunch!!

  • @dudachris Feb 2022

    @pianoonthepatio & @marisappaterson

    I am so stoked to meet other musicians in the area! I also do open mics when the world allows. I can't wait to connect in person :D

    @rgarv100 you the best man. Every time I think of you I smile. I'm going straight to your page to listen to your beautiful voice and songs <3

  • @rgarv100 Feb 2022

    aww. @dudachris love you buddy!

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