flexible (if slightly odd) collaborator available

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  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    I want to collaborate more.

    I can write lyrics about pretty much anything.

    I can improvise a vocal piece on top of an existing instrumental track.

    My passion is sheet music. I'm still pretty slow at making them, but I could talked in to writing the lyrics, melody and chords with a PDF lead sheet pretty easily.

    I've got Band in the Box and can theoretically create a perfectly normal instrumental track for a vocal piece if it uses a fixed tempo.

    I'm familiar with turning fluid-time acapella songs (including lo-fi "crapcapella") in to pieces which, if a little artsy, are definitely no longer acapella.

    I do a few other things, too. If you're interested in collaborating, but none of the above fits, let me know. Worst case, it allows me to develop a new skill.

    I'm normally a FAWM overachiever, but my total number of collaborations is still pretty small. I'd like to do something about that this year.

    My part would be licensed Creative Commons Attribution, which is similar to Public Domain in nearly every aspect except that you need to credit me.

    You can make derivatives. You can use traditional copyright on both your parts as well as the final song. You make all the money. You _just_ need to credit me.

  • @kanttila  Jan 2022

    I'd like to do something this FAWM. Maybe we can do something where we both do vocals on a track with some classic Yam lyrics. We can see what happens when things get started!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    I'll probably be doing a lot of instrumental or very sparsely vocalatized stuff, and always up to collab, especially with someone who wants to write and or sing lyrics.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @kanttila I'm not exactly sure what you're proposing, but it sounds like fun. :)

    @dzdandcunfsd Writing and/or singing lyrics is my specialty! :)

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    I also mostly write and record instrumental stuff... I am very keen to collaborate with people that can help with lyrics and especially singing. I do write lyrics on occasions..
    @yam655 - I'm keen if my genres fit with what you like to do... Thanks.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    We really must do something this year! Happy to play any role in a collab!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    We really must do something this year! Happy to play any role in a collab!

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @dreamscuba I like to think I can work with almost anything. Mind you, I can _not_ make songs that sound like almost anything. It's just that I can start with almost anything. The only rule is that if you have a clear vision of what you want with the song, it is best _not_ to hand it to me.

    @coolparadiso That sounds great!

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    @yam655 Perfect - ... this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    I did a collab with @yam655 this summer; a piano piece using Yam's lyrics. I think it was a fruitful partnership.
    "I'm Staring At The Piano" - http://fiftyninety.fawmers.org/song/50817

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022


  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @fuzzy That was a really great interpretation of the song. I hope we can do another one!

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    @andygetch I'd love to do a collab with you, too!

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Yes, definitely.
    I like the way you think!

  • @thetau  Feb 2022

    I'll be checking your New songs

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