Slothcore Republic

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  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Heya, fawmily!

    Last FAWM (2021) we started a thread inventing new genres, and @candle came up with "slothcore": "very slow (like 20 - 40bpm), dirty & with long pauses to simulate naps. Perfect music for that overworked college/university student in your life."

    We liked the idea so much that we ended February with 81 songs with the tag #slothcore!

    Once FAWM was over I suggested releasing some of the songs as an album, with the revenue going to sloth conservation orgs. We collected 34 songs, narrowed them down to 6, and we finally release our first album, "Slothcore Republic", this weekend!

    You can check it our here:

    And this year we'll continue with the #slothcore movement! Everyone is welcome to join: turn down your metronomes, get some comfy pillows, and start composing!

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022


  • @spikedirection  Jan 2022

    *slow, dirty cheering with occasional naps*

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022


  • @nilsjesper  Jan 2022

    That's awesome. Excited to give this a try!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Will get the album had a teaser listen already. I am considering Beto doing a song! If i find the inspiration i will have a go! But wont do just for the sake of it!

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Slothcore has really taken off for sure!
    Such a flexible genre; during 50/90 I even did an acappella Slothcore tune.
    I'd like to emphasize that all the proceeds from that Slothcore album go to sloth conservation organizations in Costa Rica.

  • @persaab Jan 2022

    Cheers and naps! Slowly growing idea for this years fawm.

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    I think my effort last year was 10 bpm.... slushy indeed. May have another go if I hit a brick wall in terms of creativity (likely).

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to lots of new #slothcore this FAWM! And thank you @elesimo for all the hard work you put into the #slothcore comp. Also shout out to @fuzzy for working the conservation org angle.

    Now, I think it's time for my nap…

    See You In The Shadows…

    p.s. I still can't believe this became a thing…

  • @moonraccoon  Jan 2022

    I dug my slothcore tune, despite not getting a recording ready for consideration. I hope to write another this FAWM.

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    N o t ……………… so f a st. This year in an other swamp.

  • @sirius Jan 2022

    Meow aew hhw. Mrr aew mrrew.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

  • @bachelorb  Jan 2022

    @elesimo I listened to a couple of songs and loved it. I think I’m going to try it this year.....

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Just donated & bought the album. It sounds awesome! Great work @elesimo. Can't wait to hear the rest of the volumes. And I can't wait to hear & create some new #slothcore this FAWM!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    @candle you're awesome!

    And I think the thing I love the most about the album is how it opens, with that drum hit from @headfirstonly. It *really* sets the mood of the whole album!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    You're right, @elesimo . @headfirstonly 's drumhit does set the mood.

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    I have absolutely no idea how to do this, but I'm going to try to join the slothcore corps this FAWM. @elesimo, I'll be asking you questions!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    @kenmattsson yeaaaaaah! I'm happy to help!

    But it's not complicated:

    1. Turn your metronome down to 20-40 BPM, or at least as low as it goes — we can fix it later.
    2. Write a "dirty" song. "What does dirty mean?", you ask. This is open to interpretation. Dirty words. Dissonance. Tape hiss. Use an instrument that you found on the dumpster.
    3. Remember to leave pauses. Long. Pauses. For naps. If your listener finds themselves asking "is the song over?" you're on the right track.
    4. [Optional] If your metronome can't go as low as 40 BPM (the maximum allowed by the Sloth Codex established during the IX Slothcore Convention of Warsaw in 1983 — oops, wrong thread!) then you can stretch the final song 2x to reduce the BPM in half.

  • @bachelorb  Jan 2022

    @elesimo .....I was just going to ask about the metronome... Great idea stretching the song... I’m going to try that on my 4-track by switching speeds..... i may be more we’ll equipped for slothcore than I realized :)

  • @bachelorb  Jan 2022

    ....also.... anyone else who wishes to geek out, here’s a tempo and pitch-shifting calculator....

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Cool link @bachelorb! Thanks for sharing :D

    @kenmattsson, welcome to the #slothcore corps! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with :)

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @enigma4711 Jan 2022

    My only goal this year is to rightfully join this movement. Brilliant!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Jan 2022

    I'm so glad this went somewhere! Listening to the album right now. As a fan of doom metal, I am so down with this. I didn't manage a contribution last year but I'm hoping to fit this within my selected structure for this FAWM once I finally figure out what that is

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    Wait, there are *shirts*????

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    T-shirts here:

    [100% of the proceedings from sales will go to The Sloth Institute ( and The Sloth Conservation Foundation ( in Costa Rica, to help with sloth conservation.]

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022


  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    @elesimo Is a nice lookin shirt! Had to grab one myself. Thanks again for all the work you've put into this!

  • @persaab Jan 2022

    Wow nice shirt.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Definitely gonna order one today!
    (Bumping this thread right now, though! )

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    I’ll definitely give this a go, and see how slow one can go.

  • @persaab Jan 2022

    I think this is only one I try this year. I just but my flossing sloth dance and do something. We have already packed half house for the move and computer goes down soon. Well I end my Fawm in new place.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    I will give it a go [@elesimo ] Goodness knows what will come out!

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Bump! It's Bandcamp Friday — the best day to buy the Slothcore Republic album, since 100% of your money will go to the cute sloths!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I just bought the album after listening to half of the first track.

    Now I need to see if I can come up with some slothcore of my own. After all I've told people for years that the sloth is my spirit animal.

  • @tseaver  Feb 2022

    @elesimo Does that go for the T-shirt as well?

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    @tseaver unfortunately no, the t-shirt is being sold by TeeSpring and they don't have a similar event.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    OK, here's my slothcore shot for today.

    Journey to Nairobi

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    @sirius has perfectly melded #catcore & #slothcore together in his wonderful song Psilocybe:

    See You In The Shadows…

    p.s. My own #slothcore song has been sitting on the shelf for a few days. I'm hoping my Muse gets back to it soon…

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Slothcore goes synthwave:

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Here's mine; "The Seductiveness Of Decay".

  • @gubna Feb 2022

    Here's mine, inspired by the title of the book I'm reading.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Did you ever wonder why it is that sloths don't rule the world? Well neither did I until recently

  • @spirulence Feb 2022

    I don't experiment much with distortion on my synthesizers - this challenge was a good excuse to do so

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Here's a Slothcore track put together by @andygetch and myself, "COELACANTH". It's named after a deep sea creature, cos they can't ALL be about sloths, right?

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Here is mine - "Slothinia"

  • @jess  Feb 2022

    Just discovered the Slothcore concept this year!! Love it !!!!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Here's my first effort, "Arms of Andromeda"

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Finally got around to doing my #slothcore track for this FAWM. it also features the infamous Slackbot on lead vocals. What a ride!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Yeah, @Candle's Slothcore track he just posted is really great.

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Here's my slothcore song:

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Just listened to @elesimo 's #slothcore track, it's awesome! Check it out!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    More slow movement.

  • @heuristicsinc  Feb 2022

    I realized I haven't done a slothcore song yet... I better get to it tonight!

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Finally made it to the slothcore- this was the first song I wrote this year, but story-wise it took some time to get to it. At 40bpm I apologize it's so peppy, but it was necessary, mostly for technical reasons. In the end it feels it belongs there anyway. Cheers to all! I'll make the rounds on the 1st.

  • @heuristicsinc  Feb 2022

    Ok here's mine:
    Kind of disturbing, I think.

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    I've done my first slothcore song, within a swing collab with srcoops

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    It is excellent to see this sloth benefit album up and available. It would be amazing if this was the first in a series of sloth benefit compilations. I really love the fact that slothcore songs can sound so different from each other.

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