Welcome FAWMLINGS (new fawmers)!!

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  • @burrsettles  Jan 2022

    Hi and we're so happy to have you with us for FAWM!

    Feel free to use this forum to ask questions and get up to speed. We're generally a friendly an helpful bunch, a community focused first on songwriting/composing.

    If you haven't already, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Help/FAQ page: https://fawm.org/help/

    It's totally fine if you don't make it to 14 songs. One is better than zero, right? Welcome aboard!!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    Just bumping this up so it doesn't get lost for the N00bz once people realise WE ARE BACK.

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022


  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022


  • @auditasum  Jan 2022

    Welcome fawmlings!

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    On this, my fifth fawm, I’d like to extend a special welcome to fawmling @sorby69 - my big brother, joining us for the first time! He’s great and will be worth a follow! (I know I’m biased - but if I thought he was crap I wouldn’t be owning up to being related now would I?!?!) ;-)

  • @ajna1960  Jan 2022

    A really nice, kind, gentle bump :)

  • @jennieb Jan 2022

    Hi, joined on impulse and am somehow here. The fellow musicians in my life will be sick of my stuff by March but excited (and nervous) to be here!!

  • @jendistad  Jan 2022

    Welcome, @jennieb! Have a great February! Let us know if you have questions. There's lots of supportive, encouraging people hanging around here who'd be happy to help with your quandaries. :)

  • @jackdawfactories  Jan 2022

    Hello new folks!

  • @musicbymichelle  Jan 2022

    This is my first year doing this. Excited to create and share creations with others.

  • @towanda Jan 2022

    Hey! First time over here, I’m excited to challenge myself and to share with everyone in the community.

  • @hellowhirled Jan 2022

    ahoy, taking on this challenge for the first time. not terribly worried about making it on time tho...

  • @joshbelville Jan 2022

    Yay, FAWM's back!

  • @sorby69  Jan 2022

    Hello fellow Fawmlings! Really excited to get started - but fairly daunted by the prospect of creating 14 songs inside a month - as my track record for productivity is terrible!

    Wishing us all a FAWM-idable experience.

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022


  • @brycoop Jan 2022

    I'm a newbie too! Found this group last year. In March..... Hope I'm up to the task. We'll see...

  • @audrey  Jan 2022

    @brycoop Have no worries. I never make it to 14 songs, but I am always happy with my output. FAWM just somehow seems to inspire my best songs. Have a great FAWM! :)

  • @melaniepegge Jan 2022

    Hello, first time here for me too. Been in a songwriting lull lately so hopefully this will help.

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Hello FAWMlings! :-)
    Welcome to the best site on the web. :-)

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    @brycoop, welcome to the @*coop family (@zecoop, @guatecoop, @srcoops). :)

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    @downburst - LOL :)

    @brycoop - Welcome to FAWM! This is a great place!

  • @lmr  Jan 2022

    My first time as well, looking forward to learning from all of you!

  • @resonut123 Jan 2022

    @burrsettles , looking forward to Fawming once again (my 10th time).
    Thanks for All you Do!
    How do I change my profile icon pic I didn't notice anything in the edit profile section?

  • @resonut123 Jan 2022

    Oops, just noticed this was a Fawmling post!!!

  • @resonut123 Jan 2022

    @burrsettles , just saw your other post about the icon pics, No Problem!!!!

  • @spingo  Jan 2022

    I have browbeaten the splendid @mrmadcarpenter into joining us. I think he'll like it.

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    My long-game recruitment efforts are starting to pay off! I’d like to officially welcome @teebyrd, @brucebutkovich, and @enzo! Two of the three of them have been signed up for a couple years but this will be their first year participating. All three are fantastic songwriters that I met in Sturgeon Bay, WI at the Holiday Music Motel. Very watchlist-worthy :)

  • @sunnymae  Jan 2022

    I'd like to welcome my awesome singer/songwriting friend and first time FAWMer Lukie G @lmr
    to the fold. If some of you new and old timers have a minute to pop over to his page and leave him a greeting that would be so nice. I will do the same. :0)

  • @jjmickey Jan 2022

    Hello! I just joined today. Excited to be here, making music with y'all.

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022


  • @logrinn  Jan 2022

    I too, joined just now. Have been meaning to do this for several years, but for some reason I always miss februarys and was about to do so this year too, if it hadn't been for a post on Twitter by @FAWM reminding me.
    So here I am.
    Now we'll see how this goes.
    But, first I think I need to familiarize myself with everything here I think.

  • @jtsteam  Jan 2022

    Hi! I just signed up today... I've been plinking on a uke for a bit and this year I decided I wanted to try writing songs. I've managed a couple so far, so possibly 14 in a month is a tall order... still, if I manage to come up with one that's not terrible I'll be delighted but either way I'm looking forward to at least having a go!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Welcome, FAWMlings!! Enjoy the ride!

  • @cabinmonster  Jan 2022

    Hi everyone! Not sure what's gonna happen next but looking forward to it anyway.

  • @frank Jan 2022

    Hey folks! I'm new here, too. I guess I'm just diving in the deep end with this, since I've never done any songwriting with lyrics before. The closest I've come to songwriting is a few piano compositions.

  • @tukayandryan  Jan 2022

    Welcome everyone! Enjoy the journey - lots of wonderful people in this community. :)

  • @suscotting Jan 2022

    Hi.. been a bit dormant on the writing front last few months so hopefully will find rocket fuel here. First timer

  • @davi3blu3 Jan 2022

    Hello all! Don't know if I count as a fawmling, I participated ten or so years ago :D but I registered with a new email address so the website is telling me to report in. Very excited to get started - good luck, everyone!

  • @brennaghburns17 Jan 2022

    New fawmling here and very excited! I’ve experienced quite the dry-spell with my writing since the pandemic started. With a baby on the way this summer and an amazing initiative like this, I’m hoping to get inspired and create some new material!! My fan base (bless them) have to be rolling their eyes by now with all my stale material! Happy writing fellow fawmers!!! Such a great idea!

  • @teresa Jan 2022

    Hello. Hoping Fawm will give me the push that I seem to be needing to write. Looking forward to seeing and hearing what comes out of this from myself and all fawmers.

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    Hey, Im also new to FAWM :) I joined to do some „serious“ song writing instead of just playing around with ideas. I‘m excited and curious like a child.

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    @intoyourlight Sometimes trying to be "serious" gets in the way! Playing around with ideas is the way to go. Just generate lots of stuff and don't worry about whether it's good or not. The good stuff will come. Someone, I forget who, once said "to write a few good songs you have to write a lot of songs," and that means not all of them will be keepers, and that's great!

  • @davi3blu3 Jan 2022

    Yep, I agree you've got to let the bad songs come out, to get to the good ones. I've struggled with completing songs when I don't like them, but I've always heard you've got to show up and write whether or not inspiration strikes. Lol hopefully can make some progress on this in Feb!

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    @downburst True that. I just have a list of unfinished songs, and some ideas I really still do like. I think it is the process of recording the ideas properly that makes me quit halfway through. Because then I do worry if it sounds good or not, if the vocals are too loud or too quiet when I mix them, etc. Playing around is more fun. I feel comfortable when I record something as a jam, then the „imperfections“ are a part of it because its not meant to be a mastered song. But I want to learn to do both.

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Welcome to the FAWMlings~

  • @czep Jan 2022

    This is my second FAWM and I'm happy to say I convinced my friend @topaz to join!

  • @rubedo Jan 2022

    I've watched a friend of mine post about this for years but it's my first time signing up! I'm new to songwriting so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

  • @edward9thstreet Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMling here, with a few 50/90s under my belt. Will try and get some new ideas flowing in February. Good points above, it can be hard to post rough 1st drafts that I know need improving, but will try and keep the inner critic under thumb, at least for a month. .

  • @kawautv Jan 2022

    I hoped to work on music for my old lyrics, but as the guidelines say: new songs, I will try that. I try it the first time!

  • @awkesome Feb 2022

    Hi everyone, I've joined yesterday.
    Lovely Idea and I'll try 14 Songs... although I'm a bit exhausted because of #JAMuary2022 ... I did 31 Jams in 31 Days ;)
    Looking forward to hear some good new music from all of you!

  • @emkaydeebee  Feb 2022

    Welcome all!
    @jennieb @musicbymichelle @sorby69 @towanda @hellowhirled @brycoop @melaniepegge @lmr @jjmickey @logrinn @jtsteam @cabinmonster @frank @suscotting @brennaghburns17 @teresa @intoyourlight @rubedo @edward9thstreet @kawautv @awkesome

    Have an amazing month! Leave perfection at the door and just get stuck and get sharing! Listen to others and comment on theirs and you’ll be more likely to get listens and comments on yours! And weird fawm thing, but if you want to reply to anyone’s comments on songs, click on their name and leave it on their board (they won’t see it otherwise, even if you tag them)


  • @adamatlast Feb 2022

    Hi folks.
    I'm here for my first FAWM thanks to fate.
    After an extended dry spell in terms of both writing and playing, I was trying to find something to get my musical motor to turn again. To that end, I searched songwriting podcasts, found Raw Songwriting and arbitrarily started listening to the interview with Timmy Riordan in which they talked at some length about FAWM.
    So, I immediately headed over to check it out and realized that it just happened to be February 1st today.
    How could I ignore the songwriting gods hitting me over the head with that particular frying pan?
    So... Here we go!

  • @lstlvs Feb 2022

    Hey everyone!
    Glad to have found this project. I'm definitely excited to see what you guys got!

  • @brassmage Feb 2022

    Hey peoples, recently heard about this and it sounds like a cool idea. I'm looking forward to participating.

  • @radiobenedetto  Feb 2022

    @thinguthathong welcome my friend! Songwriting is a muscle . . . work it out!

  • @abidingduder Feb 2022

    Hello everyone, this is my first year participating in FAWM and I'm happy to say that today was a good start. I have plenty of drive time for work so I'll be checking out as many songs as I can, looking forward to the new music I'll discover and create.

  • @fantasywriter42 Feb 2022

    Hi, all! First FAWM... I heard about this at DragonCon this past year, and I've been looking forward to giving this a shot. ^_^

  • @thefatangel Feb 2022

    This is my first FAWM, I’m excited, off to a good start and I’m grateful to @santadharma for the inspiration!

  • @mrmadcarpenter Feb 2022

    Shout out to @spingo for being my music Sensei this last few months. Thanks to him I've posted my first public song ever.

  • @santadharma Feb 2022

    Yeah @thefatangel it's always so cool when friends join. Looking forward to hearing what you make!

  • @badgag Feb 2022

    Really excited to be part of this community. It's my first FAWM. I've been doing so much journaling and poetry in the last few months but never written lyrics so very new to it all!
    Very grateful to my Fiancé who has experience in writing music and lending a hand. Looking forward to discovering some new music!

  • @spingo  Feb 2022

    @mrmadcarpenter MWAH, darling.

  • @breezyanna  Feb 2022

    Mega helpful! Just joined at a coworkers recommendation m. Looking forward to figuring this all out.

  • @agv6 Feb 2022

    Hi ... I am going to give this a go and see what comes out of this. I had started this at home on my own but it would be good to either work with others or to just share...

  • @n24  Feb 2022

    It’s my first time FAWMing this year. My cousin @davidtaro invited me and I’m really pumped about it. I used to write prolifically as a teenager but somewhere along the way I just really lost the joy in it. I’ve been checking out songs and writing for 3 days and I’m already so excited about it. Really glad to be a part of what’s going on and wishing you all a great FAWM!

  • @kyrla Feb 2022

    First time FAWMing - is there any way to reorder tracks into album order once they've been posted? I have a fairly solid idea of the track listing and the first song I've finished is track 3

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    They don't come often, but every once in a while you successfully convince someone to try FAWM. I am overjoyed that the first person that I ever connected with as a songwriter has decided to try out FAWM. We were in several bands together in college and we always seemed to have a mental tether between my music and his lyrics/melodies. Welcome to FAWM @gilhari - I hope you love it. I am so glad you are here! :)

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    @kyrla you can't reorder them. What I've seen people do when they have a concept like that is publish all songs as private, with just the title. Then as you complete them you add the demo and make them public.

  • @janeg  Feb 2022

    I want to,give a special welcome to my nephew @azraelarmond, the newest FAWMer in my family. I know you will encourage him as you do everyone here.

  • @aniya Feb 2022

    Hello! It's my first time here. Everyone seems so nice!

  • @azraelarmond33 Feb 2022

    It is great to be welcomed into such a talented and friendly community. Thanks for having me.

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Hiya, just signed up. I've had people trying to convince me to RPM for years, I just couldn't manage that, so I always say no. I do record and produce my own stuff... but I'd manage about 2 recordings a month at most. Then an hour or so ago I heard of FAWM...WHOA!!! I could write a song every couple of days or so.... Mrs R says DO IT... and so I've signed up :) (feeling quite excited now *reaches for guitar*)

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Feb 2022

    Welcome @songsfromcarly :)

  • @sml  Feb 2022

    Hi, new to Fawm. I donated $25 but haven't received acsess to the affiliated server so I can post my mp3s from there. Do they send a link in an email? Thanks

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    @sml You should get an email shortly with all of the instructions. It's handled by a real human, so it's not immediate, but usually doesn't take long.

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    Haven’t got started yet... been very ill... am in tortoise mode but hope to get something done!!!

  • @sheilerk  Feb 2022

    @suscotting Hope you feel better very soon! Have lots of chicken soup, the magic elixir, and when you pop your head out, you could listen to some songs for inspiration, then jump in when you're up to it!

  • @hazydave  Feb 2022

    Hi all! I actually made it this year. Been planning to do a FAWM since I heard about it from friends, but I usually get serious about it around March 1.

    This is great motivation. I usually manage a song or two a year that become keepers enough to play every now and then at open mics. I've been away from recording, a combination of procrastination and not having a suitable space, but I fixed that last year, building a "he-shed" with room and isolation enough to get to some recording, once I have a few sets of lyrics together. And that's happening, too. Even just for the self-motivation, this is a great idea!

  • @nwcalhoun Feb 2022

    Just found this project and am debating jumping on even though we are already almost halfway through February. I'm an instrumentalist (cello) and will use this as a challenge to write 14 instrumentals during this month - one started already...

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    I only joined at the weekend last year having lurked in the fb group the year before. But I still feel like a fawmling. A whole month has been a bit less intense, but a different kind and maybe harder work for fewer songs so far. I was sort of cheating last year, using some songs I'd half written and gathering prompts the same way with the few I started with and writing and recording them in one long feast! But only deciding I should feast tag those ones when I was almost done. But still 14 last year! I don't know if I will manage that this year!

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    @downburst Yes - agreed. It's the same with poetry. But I am not sure if even that level of judgment is the only way to look at it; it's fine for it ti be about self expression. I doubt the whole history of songwriting, interlinked as it is with storytelling and poetry, was or is about writing hit songs only, but rather in the majority something much more organic and communal. Folk music is like that and some just catch on, surely? FAWM like international folk music is also seemingly inhibiting a space between both worlds here. But whether making up bedtime stories or nursery rhymes and 'working songs' as to encourage and smooth over routines for the kids, mental health poetry whether it gets deigned classy by elite poetry nobs, or if writing random songs here, it's all validly and broadly creativity with its own precious personal, social and artistic/aesthetic value. I'm very democratic or rather egalitarian about art and the theory of it. Highly produced polished songs that are commercial and fit the envelope or a smaller one, genre bandsmanship, or very DIY by accident or design, it all has it's place. If that's good enough for Kurt Cobain, it's good enough for me!

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    I feel a bit overwhelmed with the community stuff & different prompts, tools, happenings and areas - how should I approach it - is there an optimal way or is it just a chaos of discovery, very personal chance journey as you kind of get familiar with the site? Opening flower type thing!?
    How are you supposed to use feast tags? If you write several songs in one sitting? Is it more than that? Why is it a thing of note?

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    As primarily a lyric writer with a rough singing/tune creating vibe, folk/DIY/too-knowing-outsider-music stylee, would getting someone to take up my songs and work on them be a total pipe dream? (I might best also post this in the collaboration forum, eh?)

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    @br0th3rh00d I had to look back to see what I said back there!

    I wouldn't worry about fitting in with any particular vision of FAWM or its culture. Filter out anything that doesn't feel like it's enhancing your own process. Just focus on having fun and see what happens. It's a pretty dynamic thing. Feast tags, for instance, are something that comes from years and years ago. Some people use them, but I don't think I ever have, even once. "Chaos of discovery" is a good way to look at it.

    The one thing I would suggest is to do some listening and commenting, trying to figure out whatever people's "premises" are when they create a song—because people come at it from many different angles, from extremely spontaneous and low-fi to highly composed and produced to totally exploratory—and see it in that perspective. I find that quickly opens up one's ideas of what's possible.

    And yes, having people take up your lyrics is totally a thing here. Tag them @needs-music and #lyrics-only and see what kind of uptake you get. Making a post inviting collabs is also a good idea.

  • @litorne  Feb 2022

    And here it is, it's the last day, and I didn't even bother to come in the forum...
    I was too focused on my music.
    I loved making this FAWM, a huge thank you to the creator(s)!
    It was one of the best experiences of my life! I really wish I had more time to listen to a lot more of what others are doing, because I heard some great stuff! I hope the site will stay active for a while, with lots more great things to discover!

  • @beacon Feb 2022

    @litorne (and all other FAWMlings!) please stay for March Album Listening Month! There are a lot of us here that continue the conversation and listen to music we didn't have the chance to listen to while we were busy with writing songs in February. See more at https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12864/

  • @litorne  Feb 2022

    @beacon Oh that's wonderful! :D

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