Welcome to FAWM 2022!

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  • @burrsettles  Jan 2022

    Welcome to the 19th annual FEBRUARY ALBUM WRITING MONTH!

  • @helenseviltwin  Jan 2022

    Yay! Thanks, Burr. Looks great!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    So happy to be here!!!

  • @ayehahmur  Jan 2022

    Thanks for all your hard work @burrsettles . It looks sweet!

  • @shortdan  Jan 2022

    Well well well, here we are again!

  • @jimdgreen  Jan 2022

    Somehow I’ve found myself in nice and early

  • @notenkraker  Jan 2022


  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Hey! Hey! Hey!

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    HI! Thanks for all the hard work. And the videos. And the community. And the... well, everything.

  • @sapient  Jan 2022

    Well now, this looks rather grand :)
    Hello again everyone!!!

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022


  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Hi. Thx. Have a nice February and enjoy being.

  • @spingo  Jan 2022


  • @pearlmanhattan  Jan 2022

    Thank you Burr!!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022


  • @tseaver  Jan 2022


  • @kanttila  Jan 2022

    Hello everyone! Happy I wasn't the only maniac checking the site constantly to see when it'd go live.

    Thanks for the hard work!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Yeaaaah, thanks for organizing this, @burrsettles!

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    I have a bone to pick with you @burrsettles! How can this site be up and running before my university work is finished? How in the world will I get it done now before Friday!

    It is GREAT to he baaaaaack. Bring it on!!

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Oh god THE RELIEF lol

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022


  • @spikedirection  Jan 2022


  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    hello everyone! it's good to be back

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Let the music games begin! Thx to Burr!

  • @wistah  Jan 2022


  • @johnstaples  Jan 2022

    Thank you Burr!

  • @hornesgiftshop  Jan 2022

    Thanks for doing this again. Liking the font.

  • @alyxanderjames  Jan 2022

    Woo! Great to be back!

  • @ampersandman  Jan 2022

    Hi everyone – happy to be back!

  • @loveonamixtape  Jan 2022

    Gah, I've missed y'all!

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    So excited!!!

  • @sorby69  Jan 2022

    Thanks Burr. Hello all! This is my first FAWM. I’m in Mid Wales, UK. Can’t wait to get started :)

  • @quork  Jan 2022

    It's so nice to be back! Happy FAWMing, everyone.

  • @opossum  Jan 2022

    YEE HAW! Back for my 2nd year of fantastically, FAWM fun!

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    Great to be back! and this typeface thing, looking like my old smith-corona back in 1976.. wow!

  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022


  • @sailingmagpie  Jan 2022

    Woop woop!

  • @rorowe Jan 2022

    Woohoo! Can we start writing yet? (kidding!!!!)
    Got plenty of new gear this year, so my paralysis of choice will be off-the-charts!

  • @stacyswinford2015 Jan 2022


  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hello FAWM!!

  • @tiller2  Jan 2022

    Hello you beauties! Great to be with you again. Make songs with joy.

  • @cblack Jan 2022


  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    Thank you, thank you, @burrsettles, for all your incredible work! It’s great to be back.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    I must say I am feeling terribly hep with this trendy typeface. I should invest in a pair of thick-rimmed glasses... and not just because the font is hard to read.

  • @wrenarcher  Jan 2022

    So glad to be back!!!
    Thank you Burr (@burrsettles ) for all the hard work behind the scenes getting the site back up. I'm so excited to see so many familiar names.

  • @sherrycanary Jan 2022

    Hello FAWMily and FAWMlings
    Happy songwriting and joyous collaborations

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Wahoooooo! Happy FAWMing all!

  • @ericdistad  Jan 2022

    Hi everybody! Great to see you all back again!!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Thank you @burrsettles !!! So good to be back here!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Thank you Burr, Eric, Jen, and all of the moderators for all of the hard work behind the scenes to create this songwriting sandbox!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Thx y’all

  • @jamesstaubes  Jan 2022

    Woohoo! Excited

  • @tunecat  Jan 2022

    Hello everyone

  • @aprilm Jan 2022

    Looking great! Hello!

  • @tuneslayer  Jan 2022

    And here I was afraid I'd forget to check out the site until sometime in March.

    As if.

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    Looks great @burrsettles , thanks for all the work fixing up the site

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    Glad to be back.
    I'm excited to feel some excitement again.

  • @mahtowin  Jan 2022

    Feels so good to be back again!!!
    This will be my second FAWM. I started last year only with pen and paper and my voice. This year I am prepared much better - my english stays hortible, sorry for this.
    I actualy work with garageband, got a mic and a e-bass and lits of ideas in my head!
    I hope there will be collabs again as last year cause to me this way to make music is so inspiring!!

  • @phlex Jan 2022

    Thanks @burrsettles and everyone else! It's good to see everything back in action.

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    Let's get it on

  • @jcameron Jan 2022

    We're back! My FAWM output has been pretty sporadic over the years to say the least, but I'm hoping to make a better go of it this year. My new studio headphones are due to be delivered today, which ought to help.

  • @max  Jan 2022

    Happy to be back. Have fun everybody!

  • @musicsongwriter Jan 2022

    Hello everybody. Looking forward to hearing music, reading lyrics, creating and collaborating.

  • @mattwdunn  Jan 2022

    Feb 1st cannot come quick enough. I’m itching to go

  • @cairobraga  Jan 2022

    I cannot wait to start

  • @stuartbenbow  Jan 2022

    It’s good to be back. Thanks for all your hard work transferring the site to a new home and bringing it back to life!

  • @sethandskliar Jan 2022

    on behalf of the team of 'seth and skliar' (one half of which is a NYC cabdriver who writes cabbie-inspired poetry and lyrics, and the other half is a guitar playing singer/songwriter, I'll let you figure out which is which) .. we hope to participate this year-- been a while since we posted here- great to 'see' so many folks back! And as the lyric to the title track of our 2015 album 'bards of gridlock' goes--- 'the bards are armed and packin' heat, drivin' down your dirty streets' .....

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    A very big "thank you" and much respect due to @burrsettles and the team of moderators that keep the community running. Always cool to be here. Happy FAWMing everyone!

  • @abudabard12514  Jan 2022

    Been champing at the bit to get up here! Good work and many gratitudes to the mods getting everything organized. So looking forward to everyone's creations this year!

  • @sunnymae  Jan 2022

    Ola!! So great the site is up and we are all rearing to go! Big thank you to our hosts and organizers for getting us up and running for another go around of madness and creativity!

  • @scotttestmusic  Jan 2022

    MAN this is gonna be good. I don't know if I'd get through February in one piece without you guys. Three cheers! (And the new site looks great!)

  • @outinpublicdrummer  Jan 2022

    <3 glad to be back! Heck yeah. Good luck everyone.

  • @natrin  Jan 2022

    So excited for this year!

  • @tunecat  Jan 2022

    Happy happy happy

  • @b3nut  Jan 2022

    Here we go again! Good to be back...hello everyone!

  • @andrea  Jan 2022

    Let the fun begin! I can't wait :)

  • @kcc  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to learning how this all works! Did I mention this is my first FAWM?

  • @hbusse  Jan 2022


  • @heretcband Jan 2022

    So happy, excited, thrilled, and nervous to be Fawming again. One FAWM step at a time will get this puppy rolling right along.

  • @jibbidy34  Jan 2022

    Hello FAWMily. Number 10 for me this year!

  • @saltyjohn Jan 2022

    Hi everyone!

  • @thesoundof Jan 2022

    Hello hello hello all instruments! :)

  • @jjmickey Jan 2022

    Hey everyone! I just joined and I'm super excited to be here

  • @sunnymae  Jan 2022

    Big welcome to all, veterans and first timers. Welcome to my wonderful singer/songwriter friend @lmr (Lukie G)
    Thank you if you have a minute please pop over to his page and send greetings. Let's pop over to greet as many newcomers as we can. The site can be daunting and confusing at first.

  • @xfloorpunchx  Jan 2022

    Hey everybody ! Can't wait to start this awesome journey again. Super excited about hearing some of your stuff too !

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    I can't wait! LETS GOOOO!

  • @dantalion Jan 2022

    Hey! This is my first time here! I really plan to create 14 songs this month. All with collaborations. Lets goo!

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Hey, hey, hey, let's rock!

  • @gubna Jan 2022

    Thank you Burr! @burrsettles

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022


  • @frank Jan 2022

    Tuesday can't get here fast enough.

  • @kathym  Jan 2022

    Wow, January blew by and I almost lost track of the date! Thanks in advance, @burrsettles and all who help make this run so we can have such a great time year after year!

  • @johnfahres Jan 2022


  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Woop woop! The bell tollzzzz

  • @heidiserwer  Jan 2022

    Hi from Chicago! Excited to be back again!

  • @keykeyg Jan 2022

    gadies and lentlemen start your engines....

  • @andreasb Jan 2022

    I am ready to go!

  • @momentegalerie Feb 2022

    fawming for the fifth time. 3 2 1, go!

  • @brigetboyle  Feb 2022

    SO excited for this FAWM!! this is my 3d or 4th?? who knows... let's get this!

  • @estebanlartigue Feb 2022

    Rock on!!!!

  • @clbalke  Feb 2022

    Thank you for all the work that it takes to get this going!! I am excited to be a FAWMling this year and hope to get the 14+ songs (at least lyrics) written this month.

  • @radiobenedetto  Feb 2022

    With FAWM back does rest of life stand a chance? Slim to none.

  • @alamous Feb 2022

    Oh hi! Let's see if this year I manage to find some time to write anything.

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    hoping to get a lot of collaborations this month. let's go!

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Time to rock this out! Have fun everyone!

  • @sunnysays  Feb 2022


  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    I did not know where to ask this, so here goes nothing: where's the Auntie-Sin challenge this year?

  • @gnashattack Feb 2022

    Hi! Yay! I am LATE but I am HERE. Last year was so much fun. I'm about to post two songs and am working on a third today. Can't wait to dig into everyone's work!

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    @cairobraga I asked about that during the zoom chat and if I understood right, @wobbiewobbit usually puts them together but isn't up for it this year.

  • @cairobraga  Feb 2022

    @gardeningangel1 thank you for the info, dear.

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    OK, so, fuc refers to...???

  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    fuc stands for "Fawm Ukulele Club", I discovered recently, @papaooo.

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