ZeCoop 40


Michigan US   Jan 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   Musical tastes all over the map - old REM, Beatles, The Ventures, Joe Jackson, Elvis Costello, Frente, Throwing Muses, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Cocteau Twins, The Sundays, Echo and the Bunnymen, Regina Spektor, Velvet Underground, The Cure, Devo, Bob Mould, Indigo Girls, Laurie Anderson, King Crimson, Rush, Yes, Chicago, Kate Bush, Joy Division, Led Zep, The Jam, John Wesley Harding, Peter Mulvey, Martin Sexton, Suzanne Vega, Dave Brubeck, Buddy Rich, Maynard Ferguson... there are a lot of musical styles in my head mixing around.

Pronouns -> He/His/Him

This is my 12th FAWM. It's always wonderful and something I look forward to. It's the best part of Winter! (...the only good part of winter?) ;-)

I've been home-recording music for many years, with music that covers styles all over the map. I do a lot of instrumental music, since I don't write lyrics, so if you have an idea, let me know. I can't guarantee a collaboration will work out, but I usually do a lot of collaborating. I do collaborations as a co-writing project and consider them complete when I find the one that fits. I've had multiple versions of songs from various people, during FAWM, but the one that I end up posting is the official song, in my mind. I'm always finding amazing new people on FAWM!

I have used some MIDI keys the past few years, but most of the time, what you are hearing is me actually playing the instruments live, including drums, one track at a time. I write songs part by part and never quite know where they are headed, and very often get very deep in layers and atmospheres. I love painting with sound.

Check out my dad's (@srcoops) and younger brother's (@guatecoop) pages! @srcoops writes a ton of lyrics and we've collaborated on a lot of songs. He's very open to people using his lyrics, and had lots of collaborations last year, so let him know if you'd like to use them!! Also check out @kovbleu and @slawbleu - they are in Treading Bleu with my younger brother and me, as well as FAWMling @gilhari who was in my college bands. :)

Oh, and I run this thing on FAWM called the 4-Track Challenge, where people mail cassettes to each other and add one track at a time. Sound fun? It is!! Let me know if you want in and check out the songs at @fourtracktape

All of my recordings, FAWM and otherwise, are on my bandcamp page

2021: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2021
2020: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2020
2019: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2019
2018: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2018
2017: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2017
2016: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2016
2015: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2015
2014: https://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2014
2013: http://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/fawm-2013-2
2012 (Computer died and only did simple parts)
(but I did get this awesome song with @seemanski)
2011 (almost all songs with my dad @srcoops): http://zecoop.bandcamp.com/album/zecoop-fawm-2011-demos

Spring 2021, @guatecoop, @helenseviltwin and I made an album! It is called Distant Social Club. It was super fun to make and it is free if you'd like it:

***Please come connect with me online!!!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/zecoop1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZeCoopMusic
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/zecoop1

** Any and all feedback is welcomed! ***
(I just may not listen to it, lol...)

My 2022 Album Cover!

**Oh, and I don't ever put hearts on any of my songs... but sometimes my collaborators do**

Songs (40)

#1 Temperature Falls 70
Feb 2022
#2 Snow 48
Feb 2022
#3 4th of July (cassette loop 1) 35
Feb 2022
#4 Uncertain Calm (cassette loop 2) 22
Feb 2022
#5 Happy Now @stevenwesleyguiles  29
Feb 2022
#6 900,000 (cassette loop 3) 19
Feb 2022
#7 Aperture 32
Feb 2022
#8 Not Like Other Girls @loveonamixtape  48
Feb 2022
#9 Undressed Soul Eyes @karlsburg25  34
Feb 2022
#10 Silflay @owl  44
Feb 2022
#11 Collision Time!! @metalfoot  42
Feb 2022
#12 Black Market Trash Magic @stevenwesleyguiles  22
Feb 2022
#13 (You and I Are Gonna Have) A Real Good Time @helenseviltwin  21
Feb 2022
#14 Circular Thinking @guatecoop  17
Feb 2022
#15 Locker @guatecoop  19
Feb 2022
#16 Robot Space Force Is Coming @guatecoop  2
Feb 2022
#17 Winter of Soul @guatecoop  23
Feb 2022
#18 Aperture (vocal version) @leslie  6
Feb 2022
#19 Shine @carleybaer  17
Feb 2022
#20 Blossoms @lanasolyluna 9
Feb 2022
#21 Shipping Forecast @emkaydeebee  15
Feb 2022
#22 Air of Mystery (4-track tape 8; USA to UK) @guatecoop  2
Feb 2022
#23 Moods (In Three Movements) @guatecoop  9
Feb 2022
#24 So Many Times (4-track tape 1) @standup  2
Feb 2022
#25 Lost @drivelmonk  2
Feb 2022
#26 Oxygen Thief @fearlessflight2014  30
Feb 2022
#27 Somebody Else @fearlessflight2014  20
Feb 2022
#28 Why (@zecoop, @gardeningangel1, @kanttila, @sph Video Collab) @gardeningangel1  2
Feb 2022
#29 I Vaguely Remember 5
Feb 2022
#30 Fictional Fame (The Coffee Gang) @srcoops  7
Feb 2022
#31 Bloodline @whispermouse  1
Feb 2022
#32 Song of the Day @srcoops  11
Feb 2022
#33 Tectonic Plates @vomvorton  18
Feb 2022
#34 Harder They Fall @guitarpatz83 13
Feb 2022
#35 Feature @srcoops  11
Feb 2022
#36 Breathe @fearlessflight2014  ZONG
Feb 2022
#37 Precious To Me @metalfoot  9
Feb 2022
#38 2inTandem 6
Feb 2022
#39 I Am A Nightingale (4-track tape 14) 1
Feb 2022
#40 Sisyphus (4-Track Tape 9) @guatecoop  1
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @howthenightcame Mar 2022

    hello again zecoop,
    i wanted to say thank you for all the lovely comments and messages you sent my way. i will watchlist you for next year!!
    take care,

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Yeah, I heard about this :D There are so many interesthing things about music. I don't know where to start and stop!
    Thanks for listening and commenting :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Fun! I know people who do this with a standard tuned guitar and a baritone or drop B tuned guitar. I never saw or played a 12 string in real life, so I have no idea how comfy or hard it is to play. But it sounds cool. And the mix with the acoustic works well!

  • @howthenightcame Mar 2022

    hello zecoop, and thanks for listening to my song
    what a great coincidence about connecticut!!
    i just googled "Devil's Hopyard State Park in East Haddam" and it looks beautiful - the waterfall looks especially lovely :)
    i'm really happy that this connection occurred
    all the best,
    how the night came

  • @piney Mar 2022

    Ze! I have enjoyed listening to your album this evening. There are so many treasures here and I am really amazed with the cassette mixes. I am too young to understand how that really works but you have created some really cool avant-garde sounding tracks that should be in an art gallery! My favoritest song you made this year is Snow. It is unique and soul catching. You have also done so many wonderful collabs and I can tell each one was so fun for you to do. I really love Song of the Day. Your voice is great and I just love hearing you sing. Sisyphus is wonderful too- A great way to end the album! You are so talented and my ears have really enjoyed witnessing your genius. You inspire me get back in touch with my creativity and I am grateful to have you as a friend!!! Bravo!! :)

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Well, great minds, and all that! :D

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Yeah, I have had similar thoughts about Taxi! Since I run a full-time business I don't have time to give songwriting the attention it would require to even justify trying to be involved in Taxi. And, once I do have the time, the odds of making any significant money in music are so astronomically small it is more likely I'll just keep songwriting as a hobby!

  • @sorby69  Mar 2022

    Oh man - it's been the best time - I've really enjoyed myself. Thanks for your encouragement & support!

    YES please! I'd absolutely love you to add bass to that "Who's shaking the jar?" song! Thanks!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Hey there John, do you want to put a placeholder in for ‘Breathe’ so you can upload it once I send you the stems and you get a mixing opportunity?

  • @improvyssey  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the nice comment! I'm a bit low tech in my setup, but I do enjoy playing different instruments at the same time and seeing how their sounds interact. The toy piano and the stylophone may not be the most logical musical partners, but I like them together.

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments man, means a lot! Looking forward to next year...

  • @robheron1  Feb 2022

    Beautiful work. Really enjoyed it. As your great musclebound Statesman said, 'I'll be back.'

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I can't wait to get stuck into listening my way through your output this year!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I've settled on 56, just for a quadFAWM. ;-)

  • @santadharma Feb 2022

    Wow you made it to 14...and then some!!! We've got a lot of catching up to do. Congrats!!!

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    I like that Bloodline remix... I remember syncing all the parts .... ugh... it would take me longer than doing the song...

    My excuse is gone though.... I thought it was you that was off time on all those drum tracks I used :D

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Nice! The remix of Bloodline sounds great! Thanks for taking the time.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Got it, thanks! I grew up with usual casette recorders but I never seen one of your fancy 4 tracks. I have to hoard more pencils. And sorry for spamming around and asking silly questions!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for explaining! I can spend hours and hours watching videos of instruments I don't play and getting inspired. It is so great to connect the sounds to the techniques, cause I learn a lot about what is possible, performable or could be fun for the people to record.
    I wasn't a fan of The Go! Team but I've seen them live in my brit indie rock phase mid of 2000s. But I was enjoying Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys and Chikinki A LOT. In my honest opinion these days of brit music were more glorious than the 90s.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    So interesting to read about this! When I bought my acoustic guitar in one of the largest shops of Europe I only saw a common capo and a rolling capo but nothing like this.
    Thanks also for your comment on "Fit right it". It's been some lyrics that I just had to turn into a song. The final will sound a lot better and different. My voice is not made for a ballad, so we take some time with David and Kate :)

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much man!

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on The Womble. Much appreciated. The title came from me thinking of The Stumble, which I am completely incapable of playing, but I could play a bit like a Womble (UK kids TV from 70s)...hence th title. The guitar tone - I dusted off my Barber Diret Drive, which I bought last year but never really used. I am quite lazy with pedals. Anyway, I plugged it into my Quad Cortex (amp and interface) using a Fender Deluxe clean amp model... I am finding I really enjoy using some amp in a box pedals into the QC....

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your words on our "Disco Blues". Well appreciated! It's the first time I compose a solo on an acoustic guitar. We plan to record some vocals and tweak the instrumental after FAWM. This has been a fun experiment :D

    What you cut a common capo to use it as partial one o_O This is insane!

  • @jeustan  Feb 2022

    A) I cannot yet express what that song is doing for me but I can tell it was a beautiful collaboration and you deserve your share of credit for the shine. B) It's been way too long since I've blown through Kzoo (right?), I would love to hang. If you find yourself in Washtenaw Co. this year please reach out.

  • @radioovermoscow Feb 2022

    Thanks man. I'm a bit baffled as to where it came from, but I'm pretty stoked with it. Just needs a bit more variation in the verse arrangements to keep the interest levels up eh

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for explaining! I've never seen this before. Wow, I didn't know that there are shorter capos for partial capo. Still can't imagine how to play only on the high frets . But maybe this is because I'm a beginner struggling with the super wobbly strings after fret 7.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Sorry I got MASSIVELY sidetracked, but Tape 11 should be with you now!

  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022


  • @dugganensis  Feb 2022

    No problem. I don't know how it works! I'm sure it's been discussed deep in the threads, but I guess there's no way to post collabs among 3+ accounts, huh.

  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022

    Hey, the lyrics for Lost need a minor edit. The second verse should start with "Failing" instead of "Falling". Thanks.

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    Thanks,. I think this song is already posted again as a collab between China and Dug… as well, so I wasn’t sure what to do! Figured Dug… wrote the lyric and sings though so…. Just happy that the US mail worked well enough for this to happen on all three tapes I was involved in. It’s been amazing and I’m so glad I took part.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Excellent, thank you for your patience! :-)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ok cool I will email it to you later. Then do I add a link to it in a new song and mark as a collab with one of the others? And the remaining two do the same? Sorry, I’m so high Maintenance lol

  • @drivelmonk  Feb 2022

    Done! My bad.

  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022

    That makes sense. I'll get it figured out later when I get a chance. Thanks again! And thanks for all the cat herding you do to keep the 4-track challenge on track (so to speak). When do you sleep?

  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022

    Clear as mud. I'll need to digest this when I have a moment that Is not work, band practice, family stuff, etc., etc., etc. . . .


  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022

    I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around how to post Tape 19 on my soundboard. I've read your post about it but it feels a little like playing 3D chess (and I'm not that great at regular chess).

  • @guitarpatz83 Feb 2022

    Sounds awesome man! Send over and I’ll see what I can do!

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    No rush! I'm slower than slow as usual. Thanks for clarifying; the four-track exquisite corpse sounds like a whole lot of fun.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    No pressure....I appreciate that. I really do.

    ...song's been downloaded (shhhh)

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    No worries at all, my man. I'll take a listen. I'm seriously bummed that we weren't able to hook up as we had hoped initially. I know 50/90 will be here sooner than we can blink, but it wouldn't been nice here, too, y'know? I'll be back for listening and commenting. I absolutely plan on reciprocating the love that shown to me this FAWM. I may even surprise a few folks *wink*

  • @guitarpatz83 Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words my man! Ha yes if we can make it work let’s do it! I’m still hoping to get 3-4 more finished in the next few days, been a slow burn this year but happy with what’s emerged… so far!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hey @zecoop! Thanks for the nice comments about Valentine - and thanks so much for the drum track too! I'm really happy with how the song turned out.

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    I'm looking at adding a couple of pedals for next year's portable FAWM box in the Rv. I'm thinking of a delay/reverb pedal, and chain it to a looper.
    I notice you use the E-Harmonix Canyon a lot. Would you recommend it?

  • @yarimurray  Feb 2022

    I posted on the 4-Track thread on the forum too but I wanted you to know that I finished my track on Tape 19. Ready to ship but I need an address. I know USPS is closed tomorrow so I am going to see if FedEx is open. I'll send it as quick as possible, as February is winding down fast.

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    ....i think somewhat less of him now...... :D

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    There is no green grass anywhere!!!

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    Is the grass greener over there??? :)

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    Is the grass greener over here??? :)

  • @adnama17  Feb 2022

    I suppose...

    But what would I tease @guatecoop about???

    It might just be the next phase of your musical evolution. Just sayin...

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Finally taking a listen to the Treading Bleu album - great stuff!

  • @rubberbandage  Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening! I’m always so impressed by your collaborative musicianship and inventiveness — it means a lot to me to hear such kind comments from you.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Great job on the drums for Chemistry(Looking Up)...the guys certainly know how to play, write and produce...I had a "Jelly" of a time doing this song. Cheers

  • @woolford  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your words on "Time". I wanted the guitar part to mimic a ticking clock. :-)
    Glad you like it.

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    You Oats song idea might just make the Oats based album. Quaker Oats etc

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Well anytime you need bass or a mix/master I’m game! Just happy to be making music.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks dude! Lmk if you ever wanna collab on something or I will track down your generous drums and tag you! That exclamation mark doesn’t indicate a threat….just excitement lol

  • @helenseviltwin  Feb 2022

    But, of course! Why did I not realise?

  • @lenigmusx1  Feb 2022

    Z thank you so much for the awesome comments on “Stain or Stein”. It really means a lot. You are too kind! I am trying to create and get caught up on listening which has been a challenge. I am going to pick a couple of your right now but I promise I will get back to get all of them.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Wanna say thanks for the drums! Splittybooms sent em in a that track we we’re working on and they were dope!

  • @splittybooms  Feb 2022

    Hey ZeCoop, I added your tag for you!
    Thank you again!
    Oh and yeah man, I def have no issues with you including the track, but I honestly don't know how it all works with the collab factor or what the other cats feel about it.
    But yeah hit me up after FAWM - in fact, we can all do a group email, that way everybody can say what they gotta say, yeah?

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Great job on the drums on Chemistry ..cool track.

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment! Glad you liked "Under!"

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the comments! Been a bit slow going but really fun... :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Not sure if last years hair metal song was the first I heard from you but I enjoyed. So you guys found a band?

    I love playing with people's expectations. Remember last FAWM where everybody expected that I upload edm or uke stuff and I uploaded a heavy rock song? I felt like half of my watchlist has been exchanged xD This year I uploaded two songs that are completely bananas. FAWM is a blast thanks a lot!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Your comment on "Under" means a lot to me because you're a skilled drummer. It's the first time I did some really weird rhythms. We don't have real guitars yet but hopefully this will change. I'm glad you enjoyed our song. It solved a long-term knot in my head. Now I'm working on a song with even weirder signatures!

  • @complexissimple Feb 2022

    Let me know if you receive the e-mail with the corpse bit or not, I've been having some technical difficulties lately with things not going through.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    That's a lot of earnestness! Thanks for the correction!! :)

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I’m still happy about how all of these random events led to a song that I’ll probably still be proud of in the coming years.

  • @carleybaer  Feb 2022

    Sweet, lay it on me! I’m also working with one of your drum loops at the moment, but it would be cool to do a proper collab :)

  • @melaniepegge Feb 2022

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my eerie recorder song!

  • @complexissimple Feb 2022

    I have a small piece of weirdo corpse for your delectation. . . where do I send it?

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    I'm going to try out the felt picks. I pick the guitar with 1&2, and finger pick with 3,4,&5 .... it was a stupid way to learn, but now I'm here..... I try to tone down the "pick" string , but rarely do. I think the felt may help.....

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    and... thanks again! pebble and peacock almost didn't survive the sudden attack of FEAR OF OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS. and indeed has been deleted at some point in this journey. But it seemed to really want to be posted. The idea for that set of lyrics is a story i created. It won't leave me alone either. as far as composing, definitely no pressure because I will be happy to make it to the 28th without a self-indulgent artist-brand meltdown...
    and: I love your work here my good friend (the music as well as the other stuff).

  • @gilhari  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment. It is nice for a FAWMling to hear; it is motivating.

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Hahahaha! Thank you thank you, you're too kind

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Just gave it a quick listen, download the files tomorrow, I got a couple of ideas and potential directions I can take, I’ll play around with a couple of days and come back in to you, I would probably want you to add some organ and other sonic spice.

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Cool I'm absolutely up for the challenge, it'll be quite liberating to not having to relate to a click actually.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Right on, I felt like a dipstick for typing that so I'm happy you're also like that with chords. Sometimes you just play stuff you think sounds good and you don't really care what it's called.

    Google Drive is not letting me get in the share tab so I'm going to email everyone a Dropbox link instead.

    Thanks for the comment also!

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Your wife's not wrong about the creepiness. This was the first comment on the last one: "This is weird!! That’s definitely a good thing - what’s that freaky thing going on in the background. Is he going to kill someone??? Should I be worried?" Creepy is apt!

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the loops - I'm really enjoying playing with them. Yesterday's one lost something in the mix I think. The vocal and guitar were completely overwhelmed by the loop much earlier when I recorded it, and I think I pulled back too much when mixing it down to stereo. Might have another crack at a mix before I change the 4-track settings and see if I can get it closer to the original chaos. The quietness of the end is much more effective when the loop just drowns out everything.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    You really are a mind-reader; I kept myself up last night working on some riot grrly lyrics that work PERFECTLY for this! Stoked on this!!

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Mail well received, thank you!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    That's about all any of us can do, twiddle the knobs and plunk the strings until we get a sound we like. And of course the result is, we get to hear music that blows us away that the mainstream doesn't even know exists.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    I would say HELL YESSSSS bring it on, please!

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Oh, and 25 years ago you would never have had to explain "taking over the world" to kids thanks to Pinky And The Brain. (At least not to kids in my orbit.) I sure miss them.

    And that's very cool about your wife. $DEITY bless teachers. My daughter teaches 4th grade. I think she enjoys having someone her own age to spend the day with.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen. What I meant by "you lost me" was, I didn't understand most of the tools & techniques you described. I'm basically an old banjo-playing folkie who's still coming to terms with Band-In-A-Box, Audacity and Logig Pro X, much less pedals and filters and the like.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    LOL, nevermind! @vomvorton already to the rescue, it...is not a Mac plugin! *upside down smiley face*

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Yes, please! I just posted in the Reaper forum topic, in fact -- not sure if you saw or are just a mind reader, ha! But I'm having trouble finding the steel guitar plugin I just downloaded -- added the path in preferences, cleared cache and rescanned, but don't see it in my Virtual Instruments. And this is my first time trying to add a plugin, so not sure if I'm just missing something obvious!

  • @grayland  Feb 2022

    Hi! I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I appreciated reading your comments on The Meltdown. It's difficult to put into words what that means to me.
    So your brother lives in Cleveland eh? Maybe we could jam sometime!!!

  • @roddy  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked the piano/drum track. I'll try a few more in the days to come.

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    I enjoyed your comment on “The Ride”, but more importantly...... I’m really glad you had a drum break right at 90 seconds...... :-D

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    I'm tempted to use the typewriter on a few more! :-D

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Just for you, I added the full list of instruments used AND added some more instruments!

  • @roddy  Feb 2022

    Hi, I used one of your drum tracks for a piano instrumental - they sounded great. Thanks for making these available, they really add a lot to a song. https://fawm.org/songs/129512/

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    List now added to the kitchen sink track. ;-)

  • @p3t3h4rv3y Feb 2022

    re: Righteous Sound - so pleased you like it, the drum track wrote the song for me :) The old recording gear that I use is laggy and I worry that the tiny delay brings down the playing quality/timing, does it sound in time to you?

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Oops. I had to go and take a break from the PC and didn't get round to adding the gear list! I'll correct that shortly.
    But going to take me a listen to a couple of your tunes first. ;-)

  • @jacobeverettwallace  Feb 2022

    I'd love that! I'm hoping to get my new interface in soon (apparently stranded in Memphis...which might have to be a song title) so once I get it in I'm back in the game!