yarimurray 6


98902 US   Jan 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   (in no particular order) Beethoven, Mozart, Dvorak, Miles Davis, Coltrane, Dizzy, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Cole Porter, Aaron Copeland, Lennon & McCartney, Tom Petty, Randy Newman, Billy Joel, Leonard Cohen, Ray Stevens, Ray Charles, Elvis, Kris Kristofferson, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Marvin Gaye, Lucinda Williams, Bonnie Raitt, Paul Simon, Leiber & Stoller, Donald Fagan, Walter Becker, Frank Zappa, Sting, Bob Dylan, John Hiatt, James Taylor, Carly Simon, Chrissie Hynde, Harry Nilsson, Prince, Eric Clapton, Schubert, Elton John & Bernie Taupin, Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Bruce Springsteen, Patrick Leonard, Bryan Ferry, Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams, Peter Cetera, Jewel, Robbie Robertson, Kevin Gilbert, Susanna Hoffs, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Tom Waits, Burt Bacharach & Hal David, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Neil Young, Neil Diamond, Jimmy Webb, Max Martin, John Fogerty, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Rodgers and Hart, Brian Wilson, Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, Richard Carpenter, Pete Townshend, Buddy Holly, Woody Guthrie, Ray Davies, Jeff Lynne, T. Bone Burnett, Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, J.D. Souther, Alison Krause, Elvis Costello, Van Morrison, Holland-Dozier-Holland, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Rush, Dave Grohl, J.J. Cale.

This year will be my eleventh year of participation in the last 13 years and the fifth year working with my songwriting partner and lovely wife. I have been tidying up the Sonic Dog House and preparing for a (hopefully) efficient and inspiring set up. As always, we have been gathering song ideas and concepts over the past few weeks and we look forward to another fantastic February!

And it's going to be a busy February this year as I've recently rejoined a band I was in briefly a couple of years ago. Many new songs to learn for a gig in early March. I'm going to try and write at least a couple songs for the band during FAWM (to mix in amongst the covers).

I'm also planning on participating in the 4 track challenge this year after being inspired and awed by the output of the participants last year. We'll see how much I remember my 4 tracking skills - it's been a good long while!

Born in North Dakota. Grew up in Washington State. Lived most of my years in Southern California (Orange County) with a two year stint working in the Land of the Noonday Moon (Alaska). In 2017 I relocated back to my old stomping grounds in Central Washington.

Recap of my sordid musical past :~)
Piano lessons as a youngster (hated them but regret that now). Trombone in grade school. I got a chance to assist the high school band director each summer with new 4th grade students during a camp to prep them for the school year. Learned to play a bunch of instruments with the 4th graders (no pressure) including tuba, baritone, french horn, trumpet, clarinet, and drums.

Played in the concert band, marching band, stage band, pep band, and jazz choir (bass) in high school and had a blast. (Band geek anyone?)

Spent several years jamming and sitting in with a several bands on drums and bass (here and there) in So Cal. Spent a year and a few months pre-pademic playing guitar and keyboards in a classic rock band in Central Washington (and back with them again in 2022).

I play drums, bass, guitar, and keys relatively well and I enjoy writing and recording. I like to play and do musical mad scientist stuff (previously in the little bedroom studio I liked to call the Sonic Dog House - the Sonic Igloo when I was in Alaska - now a basement bunker studio). I have done location recording and the first year's FAWM tracks were recorded in Matt's rumpus room behind the Orange Curtain with my mobile rig.

Some FAWM history:

2009: First FAWM and we did it! I had the privilege of collaborating with some dear friends and great musicians for FAWM 2009 (Julian Spenis). We had a blast and I think we created an awesome album!

2010: Disappointing finish (actually no finish at all) due to technical difficulties associated with living and working at the top of the world (Barrow Alaska). Next year I'll submit early and often to dodge the "cosmic block."

2011-2013: Unable to FAWM due to health issues, returning to school (completed doctorate in psychology), and life in general distracting me from the creative process.

2014: 15 songs this time (with the late addition of one collaboration with another generous FAWMer), Back collaborating with my musical pals again (this time as Fishy Scnitzel) focusing on capturing simple ideas simply. I also used a couple of new instruments that I had been wanting to play more (ukelele and banjo) as well as some other tools I had wanted to try out (a synth program on my phone and Garage Band on my iPad).

2015: Fourth year of FAWM and completed seven songs this year (all on my own - no collaborations materialized) so if I double my productivity (or halve my sleep time) I should be able to get 14 done next year, no sweat!

2016: My first year of completing 14 songs by myself (including one awesome collaboration). It was a very productive month and I realized I could get in the zone and be working on several concepts at once. I actually "worked" at songwriting this year and the output shows the value of that. I utilized lots of different instruments and tools and created a varied musical landscape.

2017: Only completed three songs this year due to a massive relocation. After more than 30 years in Southern California I moved back up north to Washington state in February 2017 to be nearer my family. I was happy to get done what I did and I was able to develop a great portable recording setup that is light and nimble.

2018: Completed 14 songs with my new songwriting partner/fiancee. We got married during FAWM and even wrote a song on our honeymoon. My wife had never written songs before so it was fun watching her find her voice (both lyrically and literally).

2019: 14 songs again and a whole lotta fun! My wife and I saw our songwriting process mature and my wife's lyrics became more integral to our songs (she is a much better lyricist than I). After a slow start (first song took 9 days!) we caught up quickly. As hoped, the performance and production process improved and we were able to go from concept to demo fairly quickly once we got on track.

2020: Didn't quite get to 14 due to severe illness that knocked us out for 10 days or so. I'm not convinced it wasn't COVID-19, although none of us could have known what was to come at that time. The illness impacted my wife (and writing partner) more significantly than I and she unfortunately was not able to participate as fully as we both would have liked. We still made some great music and had a whole bunch of fun!

2021: We were able to get 10 done (one more than the year before) so we are trending in the right direction. We got some good songs and had a lot of fun, as always.

Songs (6)


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  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    I CANNOT believe that I didn’t listen to all of yours! Well that will be fixed immediately.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Done! :)

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    So, when you make the song for Lost (pointing to the actual link), make it a collab with @swampjaw. @drivelmonk made his song a collab with me. That way all four of us are covered.

    Here is the one that Drivel made - you can basically just copy this one and make swampjaw a collaborator.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Hahaha.... well..... When I was at Rob's this past weekend we went to bed at 4:30am (Thurs), 12:30am (Fri), 2:30am (Sat) and 4:30am (Sun). ;) This is my first FAWM as a retired person... and I am using it to my advantage. But I always have a lot going on. The 4-track thing has been so much fun since I started it years ago. I can't believe how many people are in this year! :)

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Happy to Zoom or whatever to discuss if you want and have a second, but basically, you just post a song and instead of an MP3 link, you use the link to the actual song page. They key is then making it abundantly clear to leave comments on the actual song page at fourtracktape so everyone sees them.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Yeah, FAWM makes it difficult... Use the one at the bottom as an example. You post a song and put the link for "Lost" in the URL spot (https://fawm.org/songs/134990/). then put the comment in to leave comments at that link. Put the link in the liner notes as well and then make the first comment with the same link, so that people know to go to the real song page to comment.

    Here's an example for another 4-track song that I put on my page that shows what I mean. You can collaborate with one of the other participants and the last two can do the same as you - everyone linking to the song's actual page.

    Let me know if this confuses you more, haha. It is so complicated.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Just search for 4-track in the forum search, but here it is:

  • @radlee Feb 2022

    Ok, thank you! That really helps. I was thinking if I had to go by the weekly topics it would be extremely hard. Can't wait to hear what you're working on!

  • @radlee Feb 2022

    Question for you, do we have to follow the weekly topics when writing songs?

  • @radlee Feb 2022

    Happy FAWM!!!

  • @emkaydeebee  Feb 2022

    Thank you! Back atcha!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Oh and Tapes Dot com has type II as well. More traditional chrome tapes than National’s (which are very good) and less expensive. Link in the 4-track thread

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    I assigned the first set of tapes and now you can let us know what you’d like. Take a look at the tapes and comment in the thread which tape/track you would like. :)

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Here’s the site and you can just call them…

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Oh yes I do! National Audio has come out with new type II tapes!! tapes.com also makes them, but have been out for a few weeks. Probably will have them again this week

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Hey there! It’s nice to hear from you. We have to team up on a cassette! So, I’m cruising along with the license endorsement program and start practicum and internship this summer. I find that I am completely invested in the classes and enjoy it….as in it’s not a terrible chore. I would love to check back in with you sometime….probably not in February though!! But maybe if it isn’t too crazy. We will be chatting I’m sure!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Good to hear! Jump into the forum and let us know what tape/tapes you would like to join, or if you are starting one. :)

    (also e-mail me your name/address to zecoop at yahoo dot com)

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Hello hello!! I hope that you and your wife are well! Looking forward to having another February to hang out with you! The 4 track challenge this year? Fantastic! We’ll be talking and I’ll be listening for sure.

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Hey there! Checking in from last year's posts. I hope you have a great FAWM! Any interest in 4-tracking? We have a good amount of people this year both US and UK and we'd love to have you take part. Let me know or check into the thread. Tags are not working this year so I am checking in here... :)