Wolf Kier 33


Mt Hekla IS   Feb 2011


Artist Bio

Influences:   Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, Spanish Telenovelas

2022. Year 12! Missed all my friends here and looking forward to another happy FabFeb.
Still working on my WK100 project (100 of my best from 16 years of songwriting - reworked, remixed, remastered) . I began work on it at the end of FAWM 2021 and it looks like it will take most of the rest of this year to complete. *God, help me*. I have about 26 from the collection I haven't poked at yet and from that group I'll choose a few to work on and share my results for feedback during this month. Thanks in advance for any input! I'm here to get better, and I'm better for having had this wonderful oportunity for the past decade plus!
I've become engrossed, not just knee deep but way over my head, in production/mixing/mastering, so I'll be on the look out for a few really great songs from this FAWM and asking really nicely if people would let me mix, remix, develop and/or master them, either for during this fawm or in time for 5090 2022. :) There's one on the burner from 5090 2021 so far hat should be ready early Feb, and I'd love to find a few more gems to work on - getting soooooo sick of the sound of my own voice! I've got a feeling that my future, after WK100, will be filled with much more producing others and helping talent shine. Also, if there's a 10x10 corpse thing happening, I'm in!!!
Anyway, I'm hungry for the musical pot luck on the internet! Bring your yummiest stuff. I promise to bring mine!
Hugs, Wolf

contact me: wolfkier <<at>> gmail <<dot>> com
WK100 project tracks so far: https://wolfkier.bandcamp.com/album/wolf-kier-wk100-demos
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/wk21/sets/wk100
Bandcamp: http://wolfkier.bandcamp.com
Youtube: http://youtube.com/user/wolfkier

Songs (33)

#1 Same Name, Same Skin (Alt version) 36
Feb 2022
#2 Stink It Up (Sweet Forever) 25
Feb 2022
#3 Timeless Time @sunnymae  24
Feb 2022
#4 Take A Chance On This 24
Feb 2022
#5 TILT 23
Feb 2022
#6 Have You Seen Charlotte Lately? 23
Feb 2022
#7 Strength To Believe (Next To You) 32
Feb 2022
#8 Maybe It's the Masks - exquisite corpse edison edition @the3queens 15
Feb 2022
#9 Find Out For Yourself 16
Feb 2022
#10 Punch Drunk (Singing The Praises of...) 14
Feb 2022
#11 The Big Trapeze (Let It Go) 15
Feb 2022
#12 Be Free 14
Feb 2022
#13 Dotted Line 16
Feb 2022
#14 Next Stop? Nobody Knows - GIMME15alpha corpse (all star cast) 10
Feb 2022
#15 Lover Come Quick 11
Feb 2022
#16 Love That Much 12
Feb 2022
#17 Where The Cool Kids Go 16
Feb 2022
#18 Rest Now 10
Feb 2022
#19 Light It Up, Tear it Down 11
Feb 2022
#20 Let Me Make Believe (That This Is Love) 8
Feb 2022
#21 1 more night (with Sonya Heller and Kate Stanton) @kahlo2013  23
Feb 2022
#22 She Brings Me 13
Feb 2022
#23 Down By The Ferry Dock 11
Feb 2022
#24 GIMME15hank (to be shared 5090) ZONG
Feb 2022
#25 GIMME15bertha "60SKULLS" all star cast! 12
Feb 2022
#26 GIMME15requiem - LAZY AGITATOR "RIP Johnny @popgun Doe" 11
Feb 2022
#27 GIMME15tit4tat - WTFT-FM (international) - ALL STAR corpsy morphy skirmishy thingy 17
Feb 2022
#28 Dr Wolf-enstein's Collection of Stitched Corpse Parts Traveling Show (placeholder) ZONG
Feb 2022
#29 Hold You Like A Miracle 11
Feb 2022
#30 Something That Is 13
Feb 2022
#31 Miss You More 19
Feb 2022
#32 Mrs. Wilson 17
Feb 2022
#33 Summer Number One 29
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    What a vision you have! It’s epic!!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    My friend speaks both, but she will count in Mandarin. She's in class all day, so I'll call her this evening :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    That last monster was quite ridiculous... It has gotten better on every subsequent listen :D

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    You got me, I'm in. :D

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Wolf, my friend, March will be he he Mah-ha-gic Again--not only December -- because of the Corpse Fun!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I think I said yes yesterday!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    I am in!

  • @wacha  Mar 2022

    I would do another GIMME15.

  • @n24  Mar 2022

    It sounds like amazing fun dude, but I may have to sit out GIMME15 till next year :) I have a lot of stuff going on right now but i really appreciate the invite

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    On second thought, sign me up for more than just vocals.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Well I may be able to do that much. My email should be behind the button on my page.

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    I think I’m done for now! Need to spend some time commenting before it’s too late!

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Quelle tentation... Ok avec plaisir !

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Oh man, I'm flattered, but I'm not gonna be able to make it as I'm gonna be super busy at work and super tired at home for the next week and a half. But y'all will do great and I'm looking forward to the finished product!

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I have tapped into the writing talents of @jayjay for my Requiem Corpse:) we will be collaborating for poor Johnny's soul send off 15-20 seconds. In the next 24-48 hours I will email you. :)

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    I’m in. Thank you.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Yes, I'm in :) Let's see what we're going to hear!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Uhhhh let me think about that for a nano second …. YES!!!!!’

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Yes, me too, but there is a difference…if I‘m in the flow I could do music for hours until the birds start singing, but if I’m mentally in bedtime mode and have to create something fast then it’s a bit stressful. Nevertheless it was good. Time restriction is fine.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    I’d love to!

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    <blink blink>
    Oh excuse me, there was something in my eye.
    Yes, deal me in for another GIMME.

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    I'd do some voiceovers or something.
    Keep it minimal.

    I've been to some weird funerals, but nothing that got out of hand.
    A spoken word thing during 50/90 might be in order for that...
    Thanks for the idea.

    I was at a wedding once where the fifteen year old niece of the bride got so drunk that she accidentally set her hair on fire from a candle when she passed out on the table. A guy had to repeatedly smack her in the head to put it out. It was the 80's, so with all the flammable hairspray it was pretty grim. Then she passed out on the dance floor; we look over to see her dance partner trying to hold her up as she slowly collapsed to the ground.
    But no, no crazy funerals.

  • @berty38  Mar 2022

    I'm in for another GIMME15

  • @n24  Mar 2022

    I’m afraid I don’t know what a GIMME15 is :p first timer colours showing

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I can contribute a 15-second song! Sign me up.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Now I know what is involved, I would indeed like to join in the next one.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Only if I‘m assured that I won’t have to do stuff at arse o clock in the morning. Like, a meditative gimme15. If there will be stressing about a few hours of finishing, I’m out :D just so you know :)

  • @fuzzy  Mar 2022

    I might be in to some kind of minimal involvement....

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Yeah, unsuccessfully :D It turned into slothcore before I knew what that glorious genre was LOL.

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Haha. No, sadly not. It's very very complicated from what I can gather!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Sure would!

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Ummm. Sure. Why the hell not? I'm away this weekend, but could do stuff around that, if that's ok...

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Hi there,

    You Wrote:
    "if there was just one more GIMME15 would you play again? asking for a friend."

    What is GIMME15? I don't think I took part in it, did I?

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    A sudden great silence resounds on my soundboard.....

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022


  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    I happen to make the best chopped liver on the planet, so not a bad way to go. No worries!!!! You probably haven't slept in a week. xoxos

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Hey there! No worries. Stylistic differences for sure. The minute something feels like it's becoming too familiar I like to throw curveballs with different instrumentation or an unexpected chord change. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it keeps things interesting . . . for me at least. As a listener I like surprises. That and story telling/word play are probably the things I admire most, everything else is table stakes. I don't expect the experiments to work for everybody. Given that these are all pretty quick fawm mixes, I do appreciate feedback on mixing in particular that I can go back and fix. Sometimes all I'm able to do is lay down a placeholder for an approach to try and improve later (like the failed pedal steel attempt on Burning Embers). If you hear an experiment that, even you don't agree with, might be salvageable with better mixing let me know. If there are some that you find particularly clever or interesting let me know that too. I didn't quite make it to the end of what I wanted to say in this project but I'm also curious if you get the sense of a whole starting to emerge that is greater than the sum of its parts. No pressure though, whatever you feel to share is appreciated. With gratitude!

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    Thanks for coming by and leaving the feedback on Getaway Pigeons; I aspire to be a chameleon haha. I love working in many different genres and trying different things. Jason's track rocks. I had so much fun doing all the vocal layers.

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Hey Wolf! i know my tit4tat limit was 3 but for you I'm willing to go full tilt! I really gained a much deeper appreciation for your art and what you're going for. You've carved out a unique sound from the vocal performance and production, the arrangements and instrumentation, the tighter than tight rhythm section, the effects used. It creates a whole vibe and atmosphere that's all yours. That's an acheivement you should be proud of! It also not something that comes from just listening to a song or two here or there. I'm curious to hear what you think of my attempt at a concept album. I don't think it's complete as a concept album but I think it's coheseive as an album despite the different genres. I'd appreciate your constructive criticism on both the songs but the collection as a whole as I have a lot of respect for your body of work. With gratitude!

  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    Cheers! And thanks for organizing the tit4tat. I found some brilliant stuff I'd missed before (such is FAWM, right?).

    Everything's fine. I've just got to switch heads from musician to writer because I have a new book coming out in a few weeks and there's lots to do!
    50/90...maybe? I usually drop in but I don't have the dedicated time that I do during FAWM, but if not definitely next Feb.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Hi Wolf, Just checking your email you sent to me. [email protected]? Maybe you could send me an email first so I also have yours. I am at [email protected] :)

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Yeah well, what @headfirstonly said. You're keeping me out of bed.

  • @headfirstonly  Mar 2022

    Play nice, Wolf. Being a mod is tedious enough as it is.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Querying "popgun"....???

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Point of No Return"! Now I urge you to revisit "Ascension" since these two are part of the same narrative and "Ascension" is the next chapter after "Point of No Return", see if alters your perception.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    You should have an e-mail. I’m happy to receive ideas and examples as well, if you can think of something

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Oh I made you curious, I like that. So, I was thinking about a duet thing, because I think our voices could fit like bread and butter. Of course it wouldn’t be a classical easy-listening duet thing. In my mind it is dark and rough around the edges with some lovely electric guitars. But I’m really open for anything ;)

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Hiya, if sooner means this weekend then yes. My gear is ready and so is my muse, who is just waiting to create something again. The last time I wrote something seems ages ago, but it was just last week lol. You can count on me, my friend :)

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    OKOK!!!! You're like a dog with a bone, mister!!!! I'm in the thingythingy thing. :0))))))

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    PS: looking forward to a collab in 50/90 with you sir!

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    1) I still won’t stop smiling!
    3) Thank you for motivating me to join! I tend to pressure myself to accomplish stuff when it’s just about fun and friendship. So I’ll join.
    4) Ohh I like secrets and they must be kept :) and thank you again

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    Many thanks for the listens and comments! I started this space project a few Fawms ago. My long term plan is to make videos for all of these pieces and I have a Youtube playlist of all those completed with videos so far if you have interest. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpPqV9e7QbmCFhJFkzdn0lDT_6t2mfhOo

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    1) ;P
    2) I’ll do that
    3) hopefully I will but I don’t know yet, as I’ll have less time than in February probably. On the other hand, I know I wouldn‘t have to write a song every day as with FAWM. And it‘s not like the 50/90 police will arrest me if I don’t hit 50 songs
    4) where are you from by the way? And wow, 12 years of fawming…I hope I can say that one day

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Oh my god thank you so much for your compliments and also recommending my song. I’m just speechless :D I’m in Fawm Heaven again! Can’t wait to listen to the rest of your songs!

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    David has. Thank ypu, my friend. Enjoy upur day!

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Thanks once again for asking, my friend. Let's play! (again!)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Perfect! I've got a feeling this one is going to be excellent!

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Thanks @wolfkier - who’s after me so I can get their details?

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Awesome, thanks man! Look forward to it!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    My spirit bank: dismissed from Jury Duty yesterday (credit!) snow in Ohio today (debit) Owed more in taxes than I calculated (debit) Wolf's Corpse invite (extra credit!!!) Back in business. Thank you friend :)

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Ascension"! You were explaining yourself indeed and it was indeed my intention to not have the vocals the focal point in the piece, which also works in the overarching narrative's context, where the narrator sheds their corporeal form and becomes a formless entity.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks, but I didn't enjoy that corpse thing and I'm out of energy right now. Have fun :)

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    I did not reach my max! Most of my comments were pre-t4t, and frankly I don't have a "max" with you. Consider me a legit, FAWM-or-otherwise, fan of your music. The only reason I don't follow your soundcloud is that I don't have a soundcloud, something subject to change.

    I'll certainly be back to check out more of your tracks. And FYI, since I know you're probably pretty close to finished with my tracklist, regardless of who is tagged as a collab, anything on the @lavishdude account is truly a collaborative effort between myself and @deadhead. Consider any Lavish Dude track to fulfill the T4T spirit!

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    ha, oh no! Yes I think so, I was making my way through the list anyway....slowly

  • @sherrylynnlee Mar 2022

    Thank you for the wonderful comments! Bosch is a detective show on Amazon prime. The main character listens to a lot of old jazz, and the theme music is a mix of jazz and hip hop influences.

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Merci pour ton commentaire sur "la machinerie". Je reviendrai écouter et commenter dans peu de temps.
    Peter Greenaway est aussi un de mes réalisateurs préférés. Mais je n'ai pas vu ZOO.
    Pour Bertolucci c'est plus étrange : j'ai vu plusieurs film de son frère Guiseppe (et je les ai bien aimé), mais rien de Bernardo ! Ça donne un étrange sentiment proche du "I'm big in Japan" de Tom Waits.
    Eh bien, grâce à toi je sais par quel film commencer !

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Thanks for the response! i had to ask as the wolf is somewhat mythical creature :) in all my days of gigging I have never met a musician who also writes their stuff who would have been easy to work with, I guess when you care you tend to be uncompromising. That´s completely fine, a industry stantard one might say :) Nice to have seen behind the veil a little bit.

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Cloaked in the Fairest Melody"! Haha, the first quantum jump in volume I kinda botched with automation making it so that the "mastering" compressor doesn't kick in until all the instruments come in, which causes the first transient to get sort of swallowed. But I did intend there to be quieter bits aggressively transitioning to a crushing mass. I have a fair amount of effects (eq, compression, saturation, reverb, delay) and layering on the vocals there, but the core of the sound does come from my throat, the result of more than 20 years of practice. I was a bit afraid I might not be able to perform the growls to my fullest capabilities after going through covid around new year's which left me getting short of breath very easily, but luckily I've still got the hang of it. And this was probably the vocal performance I'm most proud of this year.

  • @heliosonorous Mar 2022

    I have not done surround sound mixing so far, I have had the idea of trying to experiment with it some day, but just have not yet had the time or right track to give it an attempt.

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind words about my piece "A Doomed Love", and thanks for sharing your story of getting kicked out of Juliet's house. Ha ha. :)

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Lol!!! :)

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Le petit nuage (cloud 9)". Bull's eye ! You hit one of my absolute favorite movie ! I didn't think of it while writing and composing, but I'm glad my song made you think ok it !

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the welcome back to the #tit4tat I'm going to go down the list and do one each for now but If they for example leave fulltit or 5x #tit4tat's I'll do that back at them!! I'll be sure to check out your suggestion as well ~

  • @cindyrella  Mar 2022

    Thanks Wolf

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thank you :) :)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Aah, I understand now. No one has offered music yet, so I will keep in my folder for now. I'll do some more work on it, and when 50/90 comes around I can seek out a collaborator. Thanks for the sincere and helpful advice!

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Wolf, for all your very positive and encouraging comments. They mean a lot to me!! When you say 'add a tag' do you mean under the title, requesting a collab?

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    :o))))) thank you..

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Wolf!! For everything :) You're the best.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you so much Wolf, I appreciate your meaningful support and kindness. I hope everything will be wonderful for you. Wishing you a very beautiful and productive Spring.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    So glad you listened to Death's Kiss - it is one of my least heard songs from this FAWM and I was pleased with it because it was born from a word cloud prompt and the resulting song made use of all the words in the cloud without any of them feeling too forced within the lyric.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your very kind words on The Window to Your Soul. I did participate in my first 50/90 last year, and absolutely plan to be there again this year! I'll plan to see you there :)

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Wolf for your moving comment and support. Kate is truly amazing. She brough so much emotion and true feel in every word. Thank you again. I'll be back soon.

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Hey wolf! Thx for the comments! Sorry for the radio silence. Work jumped up and bit me just as fawm was ending. I look fwd to diving into your stuff in the coming days!

  • @edwardsmusic Mar 2022

    Yeah, I'll be returning comments soon (perhaps later sometime today)! Hang in there...

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    nownow Wolfie, not too many chortles on the centurions page please! (needed to be said! as you know, I'm im-purist too!)

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for stopping by my page. I truly appreciate all your thoughtful comments, and your support in my first FAWM :)

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Yup and 1 for you https://youtu.be/QrmQqEg4isU

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    We must be champions :-)

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    Ha ha this is one of my causes for others! Personally i am so thick skinned you cant pierce me with a spear :-);

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind words in the forums!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Wolf!! They're playing your song on FAWMtalk right now :)!! One More Night <3

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    The mess I call life
    But I'm all fine, just liked to have more time to make music.
    It always keeps me happy, so I just need to take more time for that in the future.

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Will definitely keep going! Want to hear more of yours too! Thank you for all your lovely comments so far :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    No, no, my recordings are not clipped :D I have a vivid imagine of you yelling at a neighour your don't like. Maybe this is how the first metal band has been formed. It took me years to understand what people are singing and some pro's sound like dying pigs. Still can't listen to a whole album of death metal about occultism and mythology, but I enjoy fry vocals in combination with singing or on songs about serious topics.
    Still don't know about 50/90. Even if I use it to upload my works, there will be 3-4 songs and no collabs, cause I just can't start new stuff when I have 20 projects ahead. See you <3

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your listens and comments! I haven't counted, I rougly heard about 10 songs, and I don't care if you listen to 3 or all. Your comment about versatility is well-appreciated.

    I'm sure that "Fit right in", "Dorian Gray", "Dust" and "Diplomacy" will turn into real gemstones with these great musicians who volunteered as collabs.

    This year I was full of frustration and anger, so most songs I wrote were heavy, dark or fueled up with dark humour. "Rendez-Vous" is based on a chord progression from last year I did not finish and the "Nadine Blues" is not my composition (but based on a melody I wrote). So yes, my FAWM was full of heaviness and sarcasm.

    On my heavy vocals: It's my voice and not a plugin. Recording "Dorian Grey" I figured out how to close my vocal cords and perform a kind of whispery fry scream without hurting my throat. When I recorded "Inner Demon" my level of frustration was around 200% so I had to scream the f**k out and felt so much better afterwards. The tension of my muscles has been a bit too hard, so I was not able to sing for two days (not sore or hurting, more sort of powerless). There is only a tiny bit of saturizer modeling a tube microphone that I don't own. That's all.

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Dude don't worry, you don't need to catch up with any more of my songs, it's absolutely fine!! I mainly got confused as to whether I owed you a couple of listens. But seriously, all good. See you for 50/90 :)

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Yes I had to make tribute to fawm, it's been hard in so many ways whole year and fawm was difficult too, during that I broke my hand, had a corona and workin double swifts and weekends, but still got something done :)
    My main goal was challenge myself and write lyrics and sing some, which are really not what I do, but people in here is so inspiring so I thought what the hell, just do it without thinking.
    Not to think seems to be my thing :)
    Just do and drool, like bassist normally do.