whispermouse 20


US   Jan 2018

Artist Bio

Influences:   Shh.


I think I'm whispermouse this year. 2022 will be my 8th FAWM under various names.

I always like to give myself some limits to help channel my creativity. This year, I've become interested in 4-track cassette recording, which makes my randomly assigned avatar quite auspicious.

I recently bought a Tascam Porta 02, which lead to a very used Tascam Portastudio 414 which I've been spending time repairing. My hope is that I'll be able to do most of my FAWM with these machines this year. I'm used to DAW studio magic so this should be quite a change.

My goals this year are:
* 14 songs (always)
* Write some complete songs, take it past just one verse and chorus
* Record everything on the 4-track (we'll see if this survives my first skirmish)
* Treat the computer as an "outboard processor" - don't do any editing in the box

I'm planning to spruce up and re-record a few of this year's FAWM songs on 4-track cassette after February.

I DO want to hear criticism of my work, so feel free to say what you feel.

I am interested in all collaborations: I can write lyrics, sing, play guitar (all kinds), banjo, mandolin, uke, bass, keys (badly), harmonica (sorta OK), sequence drums, loops, etc.

All my work is protected by copyright and may not be used without my specific permission. Thanks!

Songs (20)

#1 Past Paris 31
Feb 2022
#2 Feburary Again 11
Feb 2022
#3 No Cheaters 15
Feb 2022
#4 Pretty Close 27
Feb 2022
#5 Lessons Learned 21
Feb 2022
#6 Valentine, Nebraska 17
Feb 2022
#7 Rose Colored Glasses 6
Feb 2022
#8 Clear As Crystal 17
Feb 2022
#9 The Rainmaker 9
Feb 2022
#10 Eleven Clouds Lost Whispers (4-track tape collab #17) @lstlvs 2
Feb 2022
#11 Remember The Rain 7
Feb 2022
#12 Spy vs Spy 22
Feb 2022
#13 Calling Out Your Name 9
Feb 2022
#14 Life's a Ghost 18
Feb 2022
#15 Streetlights 2
Feb 2022
#16 Bloodline @zecoop  1
Feb 2022
#17 Window 17
Feb 2022
#18 Call Your Name 4
Feb 2022
#19 AM/FM 12
Feb 2022
#20 The Secret Agent 11
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    How about Licking the Light or Buckets of Wisdom? Your choice:) thank you in advance! Hope you’ve had a nice FAWM!!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I like your Whispermouse art. Did you create that? :)

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey there... Just so you know, I took the raw tracks and did a complete re-mix of Bloodline. Fixed some timing issues between the tracks, took out some buzzing, and did a re-mix from the ground up. Nice work! That just oozes 60's out of its pores. :)

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Oh boy! Looking forward to seeing you at 50/90!!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Hahah, I started balding quite young! Although I liked having long hair, I actually don't mind going with completely shaved head either.

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    As a doubler it sounds like there is some of the kind of comb filtering that comes with a chorus! :) Anyway, totally an effective thing to do to set the chorus off from the verses. Loved it.

  • @cloudboy  Feb 2022

    You slayed the mix and Orba drums. It's really an experience. I really thought my beatron pad experiment would flop or prevent y'all from adding to it. But it is a lovely song. Thanks for taking on the mixing/mastering!

  • @bachelorb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the intel on the Orba. It’s small size would make it easy to carry in the RV. I will check out the videos though.

  • @midwayfair  Feb 2022

    The engineer who I work with for the "real" albums told me shortly after I started learning them that learning drums was one of the best things you could do as a songwriter. He was right, it made me an immensely more thoughtful musician, and the ability to create something by feel rather than trying to program soul in midi has been extremely freeing.

    It's taken me a while to get there and there's still plenty of stuff I can't do, but I also can just write better parts (even if I can't play them yet) in a way that I never got to even with meticulous programming.

    > I think maybe we all live in fear of the day when we find that G chord a bit harder to make than it used to be.

    I'm really worried I might be developing arthritis in my right thumb. I hope it's just the amount of use it's getting right now from playing drums and guitar so constantly but I am definitely fearful. Actually my favorite song from 2020 (and the title track for the album that's getting mastered right now) was inspired by the fear of damaging my hands.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Thanks! Awesome job on that tape!!

  • @celineellis  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my latest song and for dropping it in the recommendation thread :) much appreciated!

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    I never would have suspected that "Tabs or Spaces" would be the subject of my most commented upload. Thanks for the comment.

  • @chickenjail Feb 2022

    Yeah, the ambiguity works!

  • @liz561  Feb 2022

    Ah-I see. More reverb it is!!!

  • @quork  Feb 2022

    I see you post your signal chain, which as a basement recording geek I fully appreciate. I have one valuable mic, a newish AKG C414 XLS, which I use for pretty much everything. But I want to try stereo recording of my guitar (with two mismatched mic’s). Ever do that?if so any words of wisdom? PS have you -layer around with Lumbeat?

  • @porrectus  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listens and the mention on the recommendation thread.

  • @quork  Feb 2022

    My first recorder was a Tascam Portastudio. I didn’t get too far into it (don’t think I ever bounced tracks because at the time 3 was plenty). But kudos to you. Very cool

  • @lstlvs Feb 2022

    @whispermouse Hey there!!! can you send me your address to send for Monday? My email is [email protected]

  • @dasbinky  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! :)
    If you decide to give Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers a shot, I recommend "Live at Billy Bob's Texas". It's a live album so it serves as a good Best Of album for their earlier stuff and captures their live energy pretty well.

    Rock on with your bad self!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment on 10 x 10!

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your generous comments on “Shadows and Signs” and for adding it to the recommendation thread!

  • @chickenjail Feb 2022

    Not your fault the groundhog has a bad attitude.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on my Groundhog Day song!

  • @tan482  Feb 2022

    Thanks for stopping by to listen to and comment on "Tidal Wave" :-)

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    The movie I referenced is Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets. It's a very bad but high budget sci fi movie and the first 10 minutes or so are gorgeous.

  • @liz561  Feb 2022

    @whispermouse -one of my favorite Dar Williams songs is "The Beauty of the Rain". Someday I'll have to try to rip it off somehow!!!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Yep, "bang to rights" - Chuck Berry was in the back of my mind when it came to writing my skirmish song. Glad you liked it.

  • @popmythology  Jan 2022

    Wait, what were your previous FAWM user names?

  • @driftwood1  Jan 2022

    Ha, I'll have to try plugging something in this year. Yours seems a bit more apt considering your goals.

  • @sjbatavia  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to collaborating on some hot bluegrass with you. We can email if that works better for you.

  • @liz561  Jan 2022

    Great name! Looking forward to hearing what you can do!

  • @standup  Jan 2022

    Consider joining the 4-track collaboration effort: https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12033/

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Glad you are here! (In your latest form…)