websheldon 1


Barcelona ES   Jan 2012


Artist Bio

Influences:   Joni Mitchell, Prince, Biig Piig, ABBA, Björk, 80's/90's Hip Hop & dance.

9th FAWM!

2022 - Last year most of the songs were about a guy I was in love with - between some of those, and songs I wrote before and after, I'm about to release a concept album about unrequited love.. (well... about him hahaha) it's called "Fucking Love".

I'm still in Barcelona, I'm in a relationship (its always about boys hahaha) but we've nearly broken up a few times recently so probably that will come up in the lyrics. I don't have any plans for styles, just gonna see what comes out...


2021 - 14 songs and some amazing collabs!
"I had some life changes over the last year finishing with a long term boyfriend and moving from London to Barcelona, losing my job and taking quality time for music, rediscovering myself, getting in shape again and starting exploring polyamory."

2020 - I finished about a handful of songs (nowhere near 14 lol) and did my first collabs on here.

2019 - I did about 10 songs this year.

2018 - I went well crazy with the first song, put so much energy into it... but it was worth it. It was like a dark electronic heavy beats, big synths kind of thing. I did another 2 or 3 songs, kind of weird heavy beats electronic Bjork style and an ambient one. I had a another 5 or so songs that never came to anything until after FAWM had finished but I'm v happy with them now.

2017 - I was working away home again at this point - but nothing as exciting as Barcelona, it was Newbury (UK). Which was nice enough but I had a terrible house there and the job was challenging. I only wrote one song called "Be Good Cos You're A Good Human Being". It's my only rap song ever and looking back the mix is terrible but I still love it.

2016 - The first (and only so far) proud year that I completed FAWM but the last few songs were pretty terrible... I think I finished off 5 projects from the month in one day. Got some great songs from the rest of the month though that went on to be on my first album which I was lucky to have released on a record label the following year.

2013 - I had just moved down to London to a beautiful apartment but I lived sooo far from work! I managed one song called 'Glow' - it was a love song for my boyfriend who I live with today.

2012 - About 10 songs, recorded on an iPhone 4S in a fourth floor flat in Istanbul, whilst I was having a break from work and just eating kebabs and doing FAWM! I had my birthday there and it was snowing one of the nights - the prayers used to ring out in the street throughout the day - it was so enchanting and different.

Thanks in advance for any comments! I love the love, but I also love the critique too as I always want to be a better producer.


Songs (1)
