Wata 3


Tokyo JP   Dec 2020


Artist Bio

Influences:   Cole Porter, Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Monkees, Yellow Magic Orchestra, They Might Be Giants, Weezer

Hi all! I'm a 20-year-old beginner music creator from Japan who have been making music since October 2019. I take inspirations from vintage American pop music and pre-war era Japanese children's songs to make homemade & ear-catching little pop music!

I'd like to give shoutouts to my friends @spiffyflinger, @beatlesyoshi, @doyoulikeveggies, @yashenka, @silvermediapro, @stickyfingers, @roadreg, @fmicale, @ekul, @jasp3r, and @oganesson !


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  • @ekul Jan 2022

    wata wata

  • @wata Jan 2022

    @stickyfingers blur we should listen to the wata escape by great

  • @stickyfingers Jan 2022

    wata we should listen to the great escape by blur

  • @wata Jan 2022

    @silvermediapro I agree fawm user silvermediapro (silvermediapro, the fawm user)

  • @wata Jan 2022

    @roadreg my dad has indeed been talking a lot about that nice 'n' easy radio program :watawizard:

  • @roadreg Jan 2022

    has your dad been talking a lot about that nice n' easy radio program?

  • @silvermediapro  Jan 2022

    wata! we should listen to the great escape by blur!

  • @doyoulikeveggies Jan 2022

    my dad has been talking a lot about that nice n' easy radio program