VSA Red Fish Studio 0

Artist Bio

Influences:   Mariah Carey, Madonna, Johnny Cash, Whitney Houston, VSA staff

VSA Red Fish Studios came out of a 6-year musical collaboration between @robynmackenzie and the artists at the North 4th Art Center in Albuquerque, NM. As of 2019, the group is no longer active, but you can still listen to past songs at http://soundcloud.com/vsa-red-fish-studios.
FROM OUR ARTISTS: We are an outgoing bunch of people who like to joke around, go to parties, and dance. At VSA North Fourth Art Center, we do painting, karaoke, drawing, music and theater. We like listening to other people’s ideas for making music. What Robyn (@robynmackenzie) will do is to play different kinds of music to get us used to it, we get ideas. We get exposed. We get used to other forms of music.

We are artists.
We are creating our own style.
We are working together to do our own vision.
We’re like a team, we’re like creative geniuses
It’s like a puzzle, we’re putting things together.

FROM OUR WEBSITE: North Fourth Art Center is a contemporary art center with a social mission. Our independent nonprofit name is VSA arts of New Mexico (VSA NM), affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Our center is dedicated to full accessibility in the arts for people of all abilities, ages, cultures and income levels. Since 1981, we have focused on providing arts education and exhibition opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
