Vom Vorton 25


Matlock UK   Jan 2007


Artist Bio

Influences:   2021 faves: lily konigsberg, lucy dacus, illuminati hotties, origami angel, quivers - all-timers: grandaddy, jens lekman, radio dept, magnetic fields, hefner

15th year for me. haven't been too inspired lately but hopefully FAWM will get me back in the groove.

Vowl Sounds album with @owl:

*please feel free to sample, cover, borrow, remix my songs in any way you see fit*

pronouns: he/his

Songs (25)

#1 Pizza Playlist 59
Feb 2022
#2 Idle Hands 37
Feb 2022
#3 RoseWater @paulh1237  25
Feb 2022
#4 Strike Me Down 37
Feb 2022
#5 Round Robin @frenchcricket  31
Feb 2022
#6 We're Sorry (Exquisite Corpse Baltimore) @corpsecorps 16
Feb 2022
#7 Russian Doll @paulh1237  27
Feb 2022
#8 Otex Tear @thelowestbitter 24
Feb 2022
#9 Exercise Bike 28
Feb 2022
#10 Where You Belong @chriddof 18
Feb 2022
#11 Air of Mystery (4-track tape 8; US to UK) @fourtracktape 27
Feb 2022
#12 You Can’t Make Empty Threats on an Empty Stomach @hamiltonpoolhall  14
Feb 2022
#13 Suspended in the Fearful Dark - (4-track tape 12) @wobbiewobbit  1
Feb 2022
#14 Internet Friends @loveonamixtape  18
Feb 2022
#15 Nunavut Gold Rush (@kanttila megasong) 1
Feb 2022
#16 My Whole Life (Waiting) - Four-Track Tape #11 3
Feb 2022
#17 Heart of the City @paulh1237  10
Feb 2022
#18 The Importance Of Being Absurdist (4-track tape 6) @sorby69  1
Feb 2022
#19 Born in Flames @owl  23
Feb 2022
#20 One Square (video challenge) 1
Feb 2022
#21 Tectonic Plates @zecoop  18
Feb 2022
#22 The Last AI @sailingmagpie  19
Feb 2022
#23 I Am A Nightingale (4-Track Tape 14) @wobbiewobbit  1
Feb 2022
#24 Bas Jam (WIP) 5
Mar 2022
#25 Life and Death (WIP) 5
Mar 2022


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  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your kind words on the Disco Blues! We are already working on the final version :D

  • @taracraig  Mar 2022

    Thanks for giving “grasping at straws a listen”. Yes, it was just unlocked yesterday as @bithprod was waiting for me to finish the demo, which took much longer than I’d anticipated. Post FAWM busyness in full swing. Thanks again for breaking the zong!

  • @wobbiewobbit  Mar 2022

    hi sorry i just realised tags don't work in songs... is it ok with you if i include this on a spoken word album i am doing please?

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Trying to do a bit of catch-up on commenting this morning, and I've heard so many great collaborations you've been a part of. I'd love to give a collab with you a shot next year, or even in the interim. I have some technical limitations that might prove challenging to overcome, but it would be nice to give it a go if you're interested!

  • @rayboneor  Mar 2022

    Sweet! I've been playing with those stems, a first for me. It's a lot of fun. I feel that I could puke up melody for days, so I imagine I'll write at least a couple of songs based on those ideas. Or maybe I'll just watch a bunch of TV. Thanks for letting me mess around with those, and thanks for making fawm a better place in myriad ways

  • @rayboneor  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the offer to switch stuff around for Johnny Paycheck at the fair. My first impulse was just to shove 100 pounds of words into a 10 pound box, but I think I have some good ideas, so maybe I will try to redesign the box. For starters, I'm going to try to play around with the arrangement before I prevail upon you to change anything. What's the tempo? I need to figure out how to sync things up in my DAW so I can cut and paste and play to a click, etc. Anyway, I'm inspired by your track. I'll probably end up writing a few songs that just oscillate between Dm and Am now :)

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Good to hear the Peter Buck love runs deep in you too! if I had to choose, him, Johnny Marr and Bernard Butler are probably my favourites; but on another day, who knows? (Bernard Butler effectively ended my ambition to be a professional musician, which I got to tell him a couple of years ago, and it didn't go well. I thought it was a compliment to his awesome-ness, he looked terrified that I was going to take revenge..).

    I think my liner notes for that last song may have painted a glummer picture than perhaps I will reflect on with a bit of time/space. It was positive experience over all and I got a lot from it, it's just the musical bits always seem so disappointing when I listen back. I like the creating part, but the results never quite match the sounds I wanted. It's part of the reason why I never go back to stuff to tweak it - it is a moment captured, and there never seems enough of worth to bother doing anything with it. I have no intention to formally release these in any sense, so there seems little point in revisiting things. Maybe I should do that - see whether I can polish them and maybe that will assist the creative process too by understanding which bits need more work...

    I'm mostly just thinking aloud on your Soundboard - sorry!

  • @w1n  Mar 2022

    Stems/files and such would be great :) Want to keep the creative ball rolling beyond FAWN this year.

  • @rayboneor  Mar 2022

    Thanks...I got the F and the Am but couldn't get around to the Dm

  • @rayboneor  Mar 2022

    Operator error, I believe. If you would indulge me, what are the chords? You'd think I'd be able to figure it out, but...

  • @balancelost  Mar 2022

    Just about to get round to some serious listening, and you've got TWENTY FIVE songs, you monster.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey Vom! We’ve been together on a few collaboration challenges this year and they have turned out so well! I just love it. You are so versatile and add exactly what is needed, as well as the unexpected. So good!

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    Legend. Ta.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Ha! I saw your comment on the "what we do for FAWM" thread; I was delighted to collaborate on that song and now even more so knowing it was written at work!

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Enjoy being.
    I’ll hear you next year.
    Greets from Vienna.

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Ah that's kind of you man - my guitar part's a bit wonkier than I remembered - but I guess it's a case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts eh? :)

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks Vom - my bad. I only noticed after I'd posted it that it appeared twice in my song list - so I've deleted it :)

    What a great track eh it?! Well done for your part.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the collab on the 4-track tape 11. Was an honour and a privilege! Loved it :-)

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    The super collab is up! Thanks for taking part, you saved the day for the song honestly!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Type I tape for the basement rock band song... defo gonna hear that hiss! :)

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    ah, cool! Thanks for the chance to do a fun collab.

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    It's posted! Hope it dimly resembles what you had in mind :-)

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    I'm just tweaking words a bit to get them to sit right. I can send for your approval before I record/post?

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    I might have an angle on your country song if you haven't gotten another taker yet for "Empty Threats"...

  • @frenchcricket  Feb 2022

    lol that you praised the guitars when I literally forgot to EQ them at all

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    Specifically this comment, yes, but also several historic tapes. There was one called Let's Go Have Some Fun that I don't think I have a copy of any more.

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    I always end up singing good things over your four track backing tracks. Well, at least I think I do.

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thx for listening and writing.
    There‘s no way for me to finish the month without at east one house track, even when my goal this year was way out of this genre…
    and a slothcore track still has to be done here as well…
    how am I gonna sell that?
    No babe, no no, I’s no lazy… am just sooooo sloooowww…

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Ah, yes, this is an absolute cracker, thanks. Messing with genre boundaries, and appropriating techniques and tech from other genres is the only way new stuff happens I suppose. For no particular reason (apart from the treated nature of the vocals) it is reminding me of the closing song of the computer game Portal - have you ever heard that? It brings me pleasure ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI . I suppose it makes sense when you get an opera singer to portray an evil computer supervillian...

  • @plushbaby  Feb 2022

    Hi Vom, we covered Favorite T for that project, a sped up, pop version. It sounds a bit ropey now... there was some talk of trying to do a full LH covers album but I'm not sure anymore... anyway thanks for listening as ever!

  • @thedutchwidows  Feb 2022

    I'm foiled - you've spotted the "man remembers he loves a tremolo pedal" thread to those songs. Maybe it's the tremolo that's causing my blockage...

    Cannot recommend Emily's Drumstems highly enough. They're superb quality and pretty varied in terms of tempo, style etc. You can download a mixed stem, or individual stems, and I think the most recent one I download had a video of her playing it too! Plus she's a lovely person!

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    I didn't originally notice the dial-up noise similarity, but I hear it now you pointed it out.

    BTW - are you up for a collab? If you're game, than I have the following idea: I can send some lyrics to you, you do a basic backing and vocals, and then you can send the multitracks back to me so I can further add to them.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Awesome! I'll send you an email shortly.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Hey, I've been working on a super collab (a big track with multiple singers) that I'd like to have done by the end of this FAWM and I was wondering if you'd like to sing on part of the song. It has an insane story and everything, I can tell you all the details if you're interested!

  • @balancelost  Feb 2022

    I just made that track up as I went along and tried to spend as little time thinking about it as possible.

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thanks for the latest comments! Some of the synth stabs on "Media Barrage" technically are power chords, as I'm using a method to emulate them on a keyboard (or DAW piano roll) - if you play two white keys on a keyboard with three other white keys between them, or alternatively two black keys with two other black keys between those, you get the equivalent of a power chord. It's all about perfect fifths, if I'm using the right music theory term. That knowledge comes in handy when you're working with a guitar VST.

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    I must admit I felt a bit awkward to sing so many expletives in one song, not my usual fare. But satisfied how it turned out, especially the contrast between the lyrics and the mellow music.

  • @miltz  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Vom Vorton.

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    I've written about poop before, although not dog poop specifically. Thanks so much for your comment!

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks @vom - glad you enjoyed our corpse. Definitely want to try a few more of them.

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on Square One. I really have not had any work done! Except for my teeth- a few have been resurfaced.

  • @circle  Feb 2022

    I've not heard that before, but it rules. my next song will sound like it. maybe

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hi Vom - thanks for your warm welcome & kind words about my first FAWM song! The vibrato you mention was just some well-timed neck bends in time with the beat - so glad you noticed! :) Have a great FAWM - I'm already a fan of yours from hearing Pizza Playlist - and am about to give Idle Hands another listen - it's brilliant!

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Hey, thank you, v much appreciate the Lucy Dacus comparison! She's a local Richmond gal, in fact, and I actually got to see her open for Bernie Sanders in Feb 2020....*single tear*

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thx for the words.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    I had never even HEARD of GY!BE let alone know what they sound like. I'll have to check that out sometime. Thanks!! :)

  • @musuko Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I feel like unusual is my bread and butter haha.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    We could use some more songs about people stuck inside whales. How's this for a concept: A guy is swallowed by a whale and finds that he really likes it in there--so he decorates and turns the whale's belly into a sort of Tiny House. Those things are all the rage here in Portland

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Hey, I've done a little song that draws heavily on the lyrical structure of that Furnace song from the dim mists of antiquity. I also took a few lines wholesale. I've turned it into a dark song of psychosis, self-mutilation, and possible murder. Should I tag you in some way, or just in the notes? Maybe you want to rock it up?

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Look, I don't make the rules, you'll have to take it up with The Great Groundhog Authority. As for an Ingrid vs Agnès perfection-off, I, personally wouldn't want to have to judge that one!

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    I googled it and an alternate tunings page was basically like "same but two up", "same but one down", "same but the G isn't re-entrant", "same but five down". Maybe there's a better one but I didn't find it. That tuning really made my brain work, but (I think) I ended up playing in C major anyway.

  • @captainvulpine  Feb 2022

    VOM! I don't think we know each other at all, but I've been a huge fan of yours the entire time I've been hangin' around this ol' whooseewhatsit.
    I'd love to work with you at some point if you're remotely interested. As one completely uninspired individual to another; at your leisure if indeed at all.
    [email protected]

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    I mean, if it's an Agnès vs Ingrid throwdown, even I acknowledge that'd be a tough one!

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    That just reminds me of when I worked in a restaurant that basically did microwave meals, and a customer find a bit of cardboard in the MIDDLE OF THEIR LASAGNE.

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Ahhh i see. The reason i spending a lot of time in Matlock is a need to update or actually get a new Imac, ideally a laptop so i can travel, in order that i can install more software for logic. At the mo if i attempted to install any packages, the screen would metaphrically laugh at me then self implode ;-)

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    Eye test challenge: find an eye test chart. First line of the first section has one word beginning with whatever the top letter is. Second has two, etc. Find another eye test chart and repeat.

  • @skylermf  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on This is Literally 1984! Happy FAWMing!

  • @loveonamixtape  Jan 2022

    Yesssss, hooray for more vomonamixtape! And haha, thanks -- I should probably work that -- "trashy synth dreams" -- into a song title, now.

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Duuuuuuuuuuude!! great to see ya. And am spending rather a lot of time in the town of heights of abraham these days. sometimes for yoga other times for bloody freezing new bath hotel freeeeezing swim (when dragged by my mate) and getting computer fixed at the little computer shop. So i'll be channelling plenty of Vom matlock vibes. Bout time we collabed i reckon. Have a wicked Fawm matey

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    I showed my wife your two pretend cat album covers. We both really liked them!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    I have a feeling you would love glowfriends who were my favorite band here in town (and had a vibraphone as a featured instrument as part of their sound. They host an international shoegaze/dreampop festival here called Kalamashoegazer. I put a link earlier in that thread about Vibraphone. :)

  • @circle  Jan 2022

    2022, it's 2022. thank the lord for 2022

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Hoping the world treats you better.

  • @terroratspacecamp  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM! I hope you find your groove.

  • @paulh1237  Jan 2022

    Please hurry up and post some songs so that I can spend the entirety.of FAWM posting a Vom Vorton remix album. My secret DJ/producer life is about to be unveiled.

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Howdy. Hoping things are going well for you. Here's to Fawmspiration. (Remember you can't wait for it, you have to go after it with a club.)

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    *waves from o’er the A61*

  • @rayboneor  Jan 2022

    I just remembered that I also wrote music for "If I found a furnace." That was a great, and very dark, lyric. So many songs down the memory hole--especially after my wife spilled water on my old computer. The world's loss, I guess :)

  • @downburst  Jan 2022

    Hi Tom (it's obviously a tom).

  • @rayboneor  Jan 2022

    No one takes you up on your offer?! That's a strong statement. I mean, who could forget Here Come the Wolves? (Actually, I've pretty much forgotten...except for that cool synth motif.)

  • @spirulence Jan 2022

    Hey Vom! Great to see you here this year. I was recently listening to some of our collabs from years past - those were fun and evocative for me and I hope there are more in the bag.

  • @doeeyes  Jan 2022

    *Marked safe from my first Howard/how would pun in 20 years*

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    Vomit Vortonit! Looking forward to another great year of fuzzy synthy vommyness

  • @mosley  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM! Looking forward to hearing your tunes again this year!

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    You're right; looking at our avatar I think it's a tom.
    Gosh, I might have to remix one of your tunes this FAWM, since you're inviting that.

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Hello to a fellow snare drum avatar haver! (is "haver" even a real word??)

  • @loveonamixtape  Jan 2022

    Hey VV! Thank you for the cable help. May all of my trashy synth dreams now become a reality! Looking forward to hearing your stuff as always and hopefully I can peer pressure you into a collab or two again. ;)

  • @doeeyes  Jan 2022

    *raises dark glasses* Hey it's me Howard

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Hi, enjoy being. Rock‘n‘Rule.

  • @shortdan  Jan 2022

    I like that idea!

  • @sailingmagpie  Jan 2022

    Don't I know you from somewhere?

  • @shortdan  Jan 2022

    A fellow drum man! :-)

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    here he is, look

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to some more of that va-va-vom!

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    Hi T
    Hope you’ll have a great FAWM, looking forward to hearing new tunes from you.

  • @balancelost  Jan 2022

    Yo Vomit! looking forward to your hums, drums and puns

  • @rayboneor  Jan 2022

    I will borrow, reverse-bowdlerize, and desecrate as I see fit. Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to your customary excellence