Becky Warren 16


37206 US   Feb 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   John Prine, John Moreland, Kathleen Edwards, Brian Wilson, Lucinda Williams, Springsteen

Trying to remind myself what's fun about music

Songs (16)

#1 Old Man in the Window 10
Feb 2022
#2 She Liked Being Alone 17
Feb 2022
#3 The Cruelty of Children 11
Feb 2022
#4 Burn Mark 14
Feb 2022
#5 My Mother's Daughter (cowrite with non-FAWMer) ZONG
Feb 2022
#6 So Many Worries 9
Feb 2022
#7 Every Seven Years or So 10
Feb 2022
#8 Chain Mail 6
Feb 2022
#9 Life Somewhere 7
Feb 2022
#10 Valentine (Invasive Species) 6
Feb 2022
#11 Subtext 6
Feb 2022
#12 Spacewalk 16
Feb 2022
#13 Run it Down 18
Feb 2022
#14 The Mess 7
Feb 2022
#15 Love Like Mine 18
Feb 2022
#16 Windows 24
Feb 2022


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  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Congrats on reaching the finishing line! Looking forward to listening to more of your songs this month!

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for listening to My American Hero. I'm sorry you've had to go through some tough stuff. I hope you have a good year. Look forward to seeing you at FAWM '23 and listening to your stuff in the mean time.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    I really love the songs of yours I've heard so far, and I'm looking forward to listening to the rest. I love how you're able to shine a light on a particular person and their world. It was fun skirmishing with you yesterday, and I thought of you again today. I told @greengrassgirl that I thought the song The American Hero (Dream Him Home) could resonate for a lot of people the way it does for me if the right singer sang it. She said we could ask someone here, and I thought of you right away. Here's my placeholder recording, in case you have time to listen:

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Yes indeed, the moms meeting was at an IRL Jess Klein show at Fogartyville in Sarasota!

  • @kristi  Feb 2022

    Yes. That was a bridge in my "silly love song" skirmish lyric! Thanks for the heads up! I appreciate that and your comments!

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Oh man, don't compare me to Uncle Tupelo, I don't think my ego could handle the compliment :D

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Figured that you would appreciate the dissonance each time the C chord appears.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving my "Cosmic Dance" a listen and for your positive comments on it. Yes, I love rhyme. It is my skeleton for most of my writing. I admire those who can do without it and still sound like a song, but I just can't do that.

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    On your marks.....Get set.....Watch out, here it comes!

    Have a fantastic FAWM my friend.

  • @mariekevinkmusic  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to your songs again this year.
    Btw, your avatar reminds me of one of those robot vacuum cleaners. It makes me smile!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Becky, I sure hope that you have time to share some of your amazing writing with us this year.