unici 4


Bonn DE   Feb 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Life :-D; my favorite animals: Ohrwürmer (German for earworms which means catchy tunes)

This is my first fawm and I jumped in a little late. I think I didn't write for years and without fawm I still would not write. So I am very greatful for this opportunity and kick in the ass.
Besides that I was always to shy to join fawm. Now I don't care anymore about hiding. So here I am. :-)


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  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    You made my day with your comment on Ghost of a Chance. Thank you! We all want to create songs that stay in the listener's mind, and I'm really glad this song had that effect on you. I also appreciate your comment because it introduced me to your lovely vocals. On "?!", you asked, as a non-native speaker, if there were mistakes in your English, and I say NO. You sounded perfect to me. If you hadn't mentioned it, it wouldn't have occurred to me, so that is not a worry. You did a wonderful job on the vocals.

  • @cloudcolor Feb 2022

    I’m so happy to hear you like “Crying in Public Places”! It’s my favorite song I’ve done for FAWM so far. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I would like to rework it for release after FAWM. :)

  • @stephubik  Feb 2022

    Many thanks for the warm welcome, and one big hug for singing on "Me Without You" :*

  • @unici Feb 2022

    @greengrassgirl - thank you for your kind comment. Acutally "?!" is the title of the song. :-)

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Vielen Dank für Deinen netten und konstruktiven Kommentar hinsichtlich "Magdalena". Du hast recht, die letzte Strophe ist ein wenig "holprig", das Hauptproblem ist aber, dass, wenn ich sie etwas straffen sollte, sich auch die Silbenzahl ändert, und sie daher nicht mehr zu den übrigen Strophen passen würde. Hast Du evtl. eine Idee, was man hier machen könnte? Auf jedem Fall, vielen Dank, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast, diesen Songtext zu lesen und Deine Gedanken geteilt hast.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    I like your sensitive vocal on the untitled song. Soft and sincere.

  • @shallowcarrot Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my song, "Your Brain is Running out of Storage." I appreciate it :)