Tuneslayer 32


Shoreline WA US   Feb 2018

Artist Bio

Influences:   Lots: Gilbert and Sullivan. Tin Pan Alley. Pete Seeger and folk music in general. "Old-timey," mountain music. Top 40 Radio, especially of the 1960s and 1970s. Stan Freberg, Homer and Jethro, Tom Lehrer, Allan Sherman Weird Al Yankovic and other artists you'd be likely to hear on Dr. Demento. Country and/or western. Classical from Renaissance to early modern. Filk. The blues. Jazz. Or, as I tell people in workshops and the like, if it goes in here (points to his ears), sooner or later it's likely to come out here (points to his mouth, then wiggles his fingers). Oh yeah, and special mention to Arlo Guthrie, especially "Alice's Restaurant," for reasons I'll happily explain if we ever meet in person.

Been reading music almost as long as I've been reading English. Grew up playing the recorder, took up the banjo in adulthood and progressed into filk (science fiction folk) music. Won the song writing contest 2 1/2 times at Conflikt (a Seattle-area filk convention); that and $6 will get you a latte at Starbucks.

I especially like taking familiar words or phrases and looking at them from a different angle. Example: using the phrase "Freedom isn't free" in the context of a breakup song instead of a political mantra.

Why Tuneslayer? Legendary weapons often had names. Sigurd had Glam. Arthur had Excalibur. Bilbo had Orcrist. I figured that if a banjo had such a legendary name, it would have to be Tuneslayer, So Tuneslayer is the banjo, and Creede Lambard is the human behind it..

Pronouns: he/him. Alignment: chaotic silly. Call sign: WA7KPK

Songs (32)

#1 The Longest Month Of The Year 9
Feb 2022
#2 Too Much Baggage 20
Feb 2022
#3 She's Got The Nicest 8
Feb 2022
#4 Journey to Nairobi 5
Feb 2022
#5 Sympathy For The Symphony 12
Feb 2022
#6 If You're Undead And You Know It 7
Feb 2022
#7 We're Total Opposites 14
Feb 2022
#8 Why Sloths Don't Rule The World 8
Feb 2022
#9 Secret Message 7
Feb 2022
#10 The Blues Travel With Me Everywhere I Go 4
Feb 2022
#11 They're Hanging Me Tomorrow 7
Feb 2022
#12 Slip Of A Colleen 11
Feb 2022
#13 When The Seventh Rolls @cphaurckker  6
Feb 2022
#14 Waltz Of The Xenarthrans 5
Feb 2022
#15 Crossing The Bar 6
Feb 2022
#16 Four Chords And A Cloud Of Dust 3
Feb 2022
#17 GNU Terry Pratchett 6
Feb 2022
#18 The Humors of Shoreline 7
Feb 2022
#19 Pills 9
Feb 2022
#20 But I Lost It 7
Feb 2022
#21 I Have A Little Cowbell 10
Feb 2022
#22 Dancing In The Snow (chiptune version) 9
Feb 2022
#23 Deep In The Heart Of You And Me @nancycunning  10
Feb 2022
#24 Get Ready To Crawl Back Home @nancycunning  7
Feb 2022
#25 Move On @cphaurckker  2
Feb 2022
#26 Placeholder 3 ZONG
Feb 2022
#27 Placeholder 4 ZONG
Feb 2022
#28 Placeholder 5 ZONG
Feb 2022
#29 Placeholder 6 ZONG
Feb 2022
#30 Placeholder 7 ZONG
Feb 2022
#31 Placeholder 8 ZONG
Feb 2022
#32 Same Time Next Year 3
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    No need to apologize!

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments on Birthright. I don't add tags exclusively, but inclusively, which is to say I use them to help communities find things. Knowing that there's a queer community here, I added the tag queer so they could find it. It's not there to exclude other people. :)

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Try now for Death Ray

  • @dudachris Feb 2022

    Ya, and banjos and violins and xylophones!!! It has a recording studio in there too! So great, I learned logic (the DAW) there and it has been treating me VERY well for this FAWM. I'm probably going to purchase it and it will be worth it for me, but I never would've if the library didn't give me the chance to try stuff out.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Love it. Post it. Awesome. Thank you.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Hey, @tuneslayer take it away. I love the idea of doing a skirmish where I post a lyric and you do music - even more if we don't have to agree ahead of time which one it is.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Hey, @tuneslayer Fantastic and thank you, I'll plan to mean to try putting them together, though it may be Monday before I do, because these skirmishes are pretty addicting. Definitely help yourself to any lyrics you find, and if you want something else, I've got stacks of the stuff. You can say "Like this one but in fuschia" or something John Prine and Ani di Franco might have co-written or "something about penguins" and I'll go find you one or write you a new one....And happy to start with some music and the ouija board and see what the spirits have to say.

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    Every time I look up your in there on a skirmish. You’re slaying it this year Props!

  • @pearlmanhattan  Feb 2022

    Hey Friend! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and support this year - I'm still kinda a noob on the VST's and stuff but I have learned quite a bit so I'm here to help - I primarily use my stock effects too - but for midi instruments using the midi keyboard in the DAW (and you're right, with BIAB - who needs anything else for what we do) I use mostly free VSTs - People like the big expensive libraries because they do things in the Industry that require those certain sounds (kontact libraries, etc) a few things I do use that helps with mastering though are Ozone Elements 8 and Nectar Elements. I got them each for less than 10 bucks on - Ozone Elements is a mastering program that has a wizard that does EQ and gain magic on the master track. Nectar Elements is for your vocal line and does all the vocally things like a sibilance filter, auto-gain, reverb, auto-tune (you don't have to sound like TPain!) eq, etc - they're nice little finishing touches. Maybe someday - (when time and energy isn't already allocated to just staying alive) we can do a zoom call or something, and I can show you more stuff - Also, I'll start focusing on VSTs and plug ins on my Monday night show in March - more tutorials - if that would be helpful. Take care and see ya round the interwebs.

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    Thank you!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Hello neighbor! I was born and raised in Kenmore with ties to the Meridian district, (Tangletown) but now call North City home!

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Off ye go into the north of Africa.

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Thank (long pause)



    See You In The Shadows...

  • @vainhirvain  Feb 2022

    Aaa ok, now I can follow Slip of a Colleen! Thanks for the light!

  • @pearlmanhattan  Feb 2022
    Ireland is musicified now.

  • @cphaurckker  Feb 2022

    Glad you dig "When The Seventh Rolls..."! You are *more* than welcome to take a shot at at tune - I look forward to hearing what you come up with!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    LOL!!!! Thanks for the great comment.

  • @ductapeguy  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on Numbers Station. Sooo, should we collab on a song about the phenomenon of numbers stations?

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Haha... no worries. I am decidedly old-school in most ways, the Casio is a relic from the 80's (which I remember fondly). I can't really do any of the fancy MIDI stuff so many here do. I just play one thing at a time and pile them all on each other, haha. I twiddle knobs on guitar pedals until it sounds good to me. FAWM sure is fun. I love all the variety here! Looking forward to listening to more from you, as always. :)

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen! One should never count out a seemingly cheesy or less deserving instrument, in my book… you just need to do unexpected things with them. :) I initially had thought I was going to mix in my real drums on top in some sections. I might still, but ran out of time.

  • @robheron1  Feb 2022

    Hey ... speaking of random, did you ever meet Freddie Brown from Toronto? Called himself Downtown Freddie Brown. He was a filk player. Entertaining. Used to get paid to go to conventions around the USA. I just thought the filk world could be small enough you might know him.

  • @dudachris Feb 2022

    I'm looking forward to the zombie effects for sure! I'd even offer to do zombie parts for layers of undead frenzy :D

  • @rbmarty000 Feb 2022

    Hey bud.. If you want to collab on some songs this year again.. t would be great. I think you are a genius.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hey, thanks for responding to my call for radio guests. Unfortunately due to the large response, I already have enough participants and don't think I have time to add in any more this time around, sorry. It's sad, I would have loved to chat with everyone who responded. If some of the interviews fall through or the time I have available increases I will get in touch though!
    Cheers, and Happy FAWM - I hope you have a great one,

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM to you!