tsunamidaily 8


Middle Of Now Here US   Jan 2014


Artist Bio

Influences:   all or none

ok, i should explain my madcap strategy toward collaboration. i love it. i am trying to demo all of my songs as i hear them, eventually. so, if you hear a song that you want to realize, just ask me. i will chart it if it hasn't been already, and get my first impressions, and then leave you to your own interpretation-- i just want to chart it out in my own head before i hear your version. . music is meant to be viral. i just ask that you hit me up if you see something, before you do it. if it's identified as a favorite, chords are written and maybe rough mp3 field recordings made. so maybe that makes it even easier because i already have my impressions together. i might put up a version later in the month on a favorite, but i am still open to collaboration. i will never demo all of the lyrics i usually generate....

7th FAWM


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  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    No worries

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    No problems, saw the place holder. No rush

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I am going to do an album of my collabs in April so hope we can do big city as I am 1 short.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    No need to worry. When you finish add me and post them. I have been called away and wont get back until a couple of days after 28th but will add music as soon as i get home! Sorry i cant get them before!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Well i have to go the big city tomorrow and do the catch up with all the family! Poetic license on that if you like.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    So we are up for round 4 collabs! If you want to send some lyrics best send to [email protected]

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Ah. It's working now.

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Hello, I've uploaded the track. You're on my watch list but your name isn't appearing in the drop down menu when I try to add you as a collaborator. Not sure if I'm missing something, or I've done something wrong. As you will see I didn't end up doing electronica or a hymnal....

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the collab and the very nice comments on your posts. I really did enjoy working with you.

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Hello, I've had a bit of a play with your lyrics and have emailed them to you.

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    P.S. I've already done one Casio based song this Fawm, but don't worry, I won't put together such an unhinged backing for your lyrics :)

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Yes, I did, thanks. Been thinking about it.... It's a strong theme. I think it would be appropriate to use an automated backing (I have a cheap Casiotone thing that doesn't always work as it should, which, in itself, is an apt metaphor :) Look forward to seeing the rest when you've finished. Just an advance warning, that the lyrics might change a bit when they hit the air - I hope you won't mind if I need to edit and re-arrange a bit as I go? Cheers, Richard

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Oops, should be "the first un-necessary man in space"

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    Hello there, hope you're well. Here are some concepts/ideas/ titles to choose from....

    After the androids
    Where will automation end?
    The world's first un-ne essay man in space.

    If none of these ideas appeal, let me know and I'll ping you some more

  • @mandolinda  Feb 2022

    Well last night I watched aProfessor Brian Cox talk about space exploration, asking the question, "How far can we explore'". I was amazed at some of the technology currently , how we are now planning to put people on Mars, for real. And looking at photos from the spacecraft showing Earth as a small pixel of blue light from outer space. We are small potatoes in the universe.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Random collab- hey there that list was a call for all those who did round 1 but hadn't responded - you already had asked to do round 2 so you will be in

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hope you have a great FAWM!!

  • @quork  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing!