t-spoon 6


85331 US   Jan 2006

Artist Bio

Influences:   Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Prine, Jason Isbell, Buddy Holly, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Johnny Cash, Wilco, Old 97s, Tom Petty, Billy Bragg, DBTs

This will be my 17th year. Class of 2006.
I have another full winter in the Southwest. So, I plan to try both kinds of music: Country AND Western. probably leaning toward Western. with an occasional dip into Folky punk- or as I call it Funky Western .. or as my friends call it "crappy"


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  • @joefahey  Feb 2022

    Hey, yes, tspoon, a few days late but here again for my 12th FAWM, nice to see you and the gang here, wishing you a happy and productive FAWM!

  • @toddnorem  Feb 2022

    Hey…I’m still in Seattle. So FAWM #2 for me here. Feels much more conducive to woodshedding songs than the nice Bay Area weather did. Yeah, any other “sport” and we’d be put out to pasture at this point.

  • @toddnorem  Jan 2022

    Hey t-spoon. It's looking like you're ready to bang out another set of stellar songs. Nice that they choose album artwork for us this year, huh?

  • @ericdistad  Jan 2022

    SPOON! Good to see you back! (and sorry I've been slow on the reply!)

    The west is... ok. I miss seeing folks in MN - but I do not in any way miss the snow and cold. :)

    I'm looking forward to new tunes from you! :)