Joseph Brennan 2


Syracuse US   Jan 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   The Protomen, Jonathan Coulton, Radiohead, Air, David Bowie, Steven Wilson, I Monster, Local 58, The Walten Files, and The Mandela Catalogue.

Joseph Brennan is a 23-year-old amateur songwriter from Upstate New York. FAWM will be his first ever album creating experience, and is extremely excited (and nervous) to have a community willing to listen to the ridiculous garbage they put out. Joe failed with FAWM last year, only releasing one track. This year, Joe hopes to release at least two more.

The album that he will be creating for FAWM is called "We Were Never Alone", an analog horror radio play that is heavily influenced from online media such as Local 58, The Walten Files, and The Mandela Catalogue.


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  • @tretopcarter  Feb 2022

    @altum Hey Altum, I had a pretty busy week so unfortunately I fell a bit behind. I should have the next track out soon! I would definitely be interested in a collab, what do you have in mind? :)

  • @altum Feb 2022

    Came back to check for the next installment! I was going to ask you about a potential collab too! Let me know ^_^

  • @trebled  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • @fourzeroes Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback. I love Air

  • @estebanlartigue Feb 2022

    thank you for your feedback !!!! on Skeletons Dance Collab! obviously lyrics from khalo are great, I will need to spend some time to up the performance :D

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022