trebled 14

Artist Bio

Influences:   Every song I ever heard - especially in the 1980s!

Mainly keyboards/synth player - dabble with one or two other instruments.

Must admit that my songwriting to date has been mainly from the heart - I never really subscribed to the idea of writing to a schedule like this. But hey - don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! So here I am. I hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised by the experience. And at the moment I’m in desperate need of the distraction.


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  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    I totally enjoyed your songs with Liz. Thanks for your comments on Shangri-L. Liz is fabulous. Her vocals are simply stunning.

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the nice words on Feeling My Way. Appreciate it.

  • @jtsteam  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments! I thought I didn't have much to say but now it turns out I'm having a million and one ideas and loads of fun! My day job is taking a bit of a hit but it'll recover soon I'm sure :).

  • @jtsteam  Feb 2022

    Yes I've figured it out :). I didn't actually realise - somehow - when I listened to the song but then I got a really big clue elsewhere on the internet!

  • @tretopcarter  Jan 2022

    Welcome to FAWM!

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Welcome to FAWM!