torniojaws 14


Espoo FI   Jan 2015  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Fear Factory, Front Line Assembly, Emperor, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Arcana, Dead Can Dance, sci-fi and futuristic movies

A musician and software developer from Finnish Lapland, living in Southern Finland. Been playing guitar since 1997 and writing music since 2000.

I released an 8th full length album, this time comprising of mostly material I wrote between FAWM 2015 - 2018. You can check it out at:

For FAWM 2022, hopefully some more interesting genre combos again, and of course some good ol' traditional headbanging stuff.

All my FAWM songs (2015 - 2022) are available on Youtube with a simple video for each:

I have been fortunate enough to never have run into a writer's block, which is quite nice for this kind of a thing :) For my main band, I have written 100+ published songs and about 20 more that are unpublished outtakes. Songwriting has always been my passion and it's always just as exciting to surprise even oneself!


2015 - My first year in FAWM, where I created 14 songs of crazy genre combinations and some songs in genres I've never tried before. I've been lucky to have 965 plays of the songs to date! Thanks all!

2016 - A bit more traditional and many of the songs ended up on the 8th full length Vortech album (still unreleased as of Feb 2018, but next in schedule!). There were also some different styles of songs here and there. 319 views on Youtube, where they were added a month after that FAWM ended. I guess the real count is around 1000.

2017 - I did a special themed FAWM where each song was written as a dystopian scifi "series" where each song followed the previous one in the theme and was very much a concept album. So far, a cool 1049 views!

2018 - Already my fourth time around - cool! Got my win and did mostly straightforward industrial metal, with the aim for the songs to be included in my future Vortech album. Also did a bunch of experimental things, like a futuristic film noir piece and some ambient/electronic stuff.

2019 - A bit more electronic-themed metal, along with a bunch of experimental dark ambient inspired by Cthulhu and the vast space.

2020 - I had a clear vision of machine-powered teeth-disturbing industrial metal with themes from grindcore to ambient. Which I mostly managed to do :D

2021 - Tried some interesting concepts again, but ended up doing mysterious sounds. Deep space moods. Stuff about aliens, with speed.


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  • @torniojaws Feb 2022

    Another 4 songs kind of ready, waiting to have some time to record the guitars :P

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Dorian Gray! We will re record the song with real instruments. Let's see if we can approach that super djenty bass tone! Or I send my virtual amp settings. I'm glad you enjoyed!

    Norwegian Winds... is it a band? I never heard.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Hailssista for all the comments! Mukavaa, että jaksoit kahlata läpi :)

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Hello my countryman.

    I listened to your previous years stuff, and it's damn good!

    If you want to collab, I am very up to it, especially when it comes to vocals!

  • @torniojaws Feb 2022

    7 songs now... gotta break out the guitar already.

  • @torniojaws Feb 2022

    Make that 5 :D
    Broke out my old MIDI keyboard after a long time, and seems like new ideas come up in 10 seconds using it.

  • @torniojaws Feb 2022

    Going to start this year like last year, by working on 3 songs at once and then posting them later :)

  • @jackdawfactories  Jan 2022

    Sorry, got my This Is Me posters mixed up - that's what happens when you have too many tabs open! Looking forward to your FAWM :)