This One Goes To 5? 5


98144 US   Jan 2005  

Artist Bio

Influences:   singer songwriters, indie rockers, noise makers and disturbers of the peace.

2022. I think this is FAWM #15 for me. Which is kind of insane.

I use FAWM to write a new batch of songs each year. I've written a few songs in recent years outside of FAWM, but most of my songs happen during this magic month of February. I don't shoot for 14 anymore. I've found that 4-5 is ideal for me. But you never know.

No rules, no agenda. I bought a new acoustic recently, so I'd imagine a lot of the songs will be back to basics guitar/voice demos.

I put out an EP last year that's not just guitar/voice. It's on all of the streaming sites.

Lonesome After Dark- Lost Mix Tape

Looking forward to seeing what people can do. Happy FAWM everyone!!


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  • @tspoon  Mar 2022

    Hey Todd, Thanks again for all the kind words on my songs this year. I still enjoy the yearly exercise. Though i spend a lot less time on it than I used to. its always great to catch up with old friends virtually via this creative outlet. I enjoyed your music this year as well. let me know if you ever get back to Mpls! I'd love to get together in person with you and Joe some day...

  • @joefahey  Feb 2022

    Hey Todd! Thanks for the notes on Bartleby, etc. I don't even know where that line about the clutch-slip on the hemisphere came from or even the idea for the song but that's the fun of FAWM when you're trying to rhyme words. Sorry about that link to Björning not working but it's back on. Dumbly I took Moonbeams off because it was a 2021 FAWM song with mostly mumbled lyrics but I was using this FAWM to finish the words, then I wasn't sure if it belonged but I should throw that back in the mix.

  • @joefahey  Feb 2022

    Todd, thanks for your notes on my songs, your words were pure awesomeness. I had to laugh out loud at your very good question on which direction two left feet would pull you. That would really change up any hints of political leanings if that’s what was going on there, time for a slight rewrite before sending to the pressing plant.

  • @joefahey  Feb 2022

    Hey Todd! Congrats on FAWM #15 ! I'll be looking forward to hearing your new 2022 tunes, and to hear the new acoustic guitar too!

  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    Hey Todd! Great to see you back again! I'm looking forward to see what you come up with this year! :)

    Have a great FAWM!

    (And yeah, we should do a PNW meet up at some point!)

  • @tspoon  Feb 2022

    15 FAWMS? wow. you're kind of like the Tom Brady of FAWM. Wait does that make me the Gronkowski of FAWM? anyway, look forward to hearing more Todd songs as always. let me know where u are @